
946 B

Armada - Rollback


Usage: armada rollback [OPTIONS]

This command performs a rollback on the specified release.

To rollback a release, run:

    $ armada rollback --release my_release

  --release TEXT                Release to rollback.
  --tiller-host TEXT            Tiller Host IP
  --tiller-port INTEGER         Tiller Host Port
  -tn, --tiller-namespace TEXT  Tiller Namespace
  --timeout INTEGER             Tiller Host IP
  --version INTEGER             Version of release to rollback to. 0 represents the previous release
  --wait                        Version of release to rollback to. 0 represents the previous release
  --bearer-token                User bearer token
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


The rollback command will perform helm rollback on the release.