This patchset adds developer overview documentation for providing a high-level introduction to Deckhand, including its architecture, modules, test utilities, Helm utilities, and other errata. This work is based off this Drydock patchset: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/571298/ Change-Id: Ic3382d4e04edf02a65184651d272fe9cd1db56a4
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Developer Overview of Deckhand
The core objective of Deckhand is to provide storage, rendering, validation and version control for declarative YAML documents. Deckhand ingests raw, Airship-formatted documents and outputs fully rendered documents to other Airship components.
From a high-level perspective, Deckhand consists of a RESTful API, a document rendering engine, and a PostgreSQL relational database for document storage. Deckhand ingests Airship-formatted documents, validates them, and stores them in its database for future processing. On demand, Deckhand will fully render the documents, after which they can be consumed by the other Airship components.
Deckhand uses Barbican to securely storage sensitive document data.
Pegleg in effect provides Deckhand with a CLI, which facilitates communication with Deckhand.
The control
module is simply the RESTful API. It is
based on the Falcon Framework
and utilizes oslo.policy
for RBAC enforcement of the API endpoints. The normal deployment of
Deckhand uses uWSGI and
PasteDeploy to build a pipeline that includes Keystone Middleware for
authentication and role decoration of the request.
The control
module is also responsible for communicating
with Barbican,
which it uses to store and retrieve document secrets <encryption>
which it passes to the engine
module for rendering
The engine
module is the interface responsible for all
. Rendering
consists of applying a series of algorithms to the documents, including:
topological sorting, layering
, substitution
, and replacement
The db
module is responsible for implementing the
database tables needed to store all Airship documents. The module also
realizes version control and revision-diffing
The API client library provides an interface for other services to communicate with Deckhand's API. Requires Keystone authentication to use.
Developer Workflow
Because Airship is a container-centric platform, the developer workflow heavily utilizes containers for testing and publishing. It also requires Deckhand to produce multiple artifacts that are related, but separate: the Python package, the Docker image and the Helm chart. The code is published via the Docker image artifact.
Deckhand strives to conform to the Airship coding conventions.
The Deckhand code base lives under /deckhand
. Deckhand
supports py27 and py35 interpreters. Once OpenStack deprecates usage of
py27, Deckhand will as well.
See coding-guide
more information on contribution guidelines.
The Deckhand Dockerfile is located in /images/deckhand
along with any artifacts built specifically to enable the container
image. Make targets are used for generating and testing the
make images
- Build the Deckhand Docker image.
The Deckhand Helm chart is located in /charts/deckhand
Local testing currently only supports linting and previewing the
rendered artifacts. Richer functional chart testing is a TODO.
make charts
- Pull down dependencies for the Deckhand charts and package everything into a.tgz
file.make helm_lint
- Lint the Helm charts.make dry-run
- Render the chart and output the Kubernetes manifest YAML documents.
All Deckhand tests are nested under /deckhand/tests
Deckhand comes equipped with a number of tox targets for running
unit and functional tests. See development-utilities
for a list of commands.
See testing
for more
information on testing guidelines.