
15 KiB

Site Deployment Guide

This document is the Airship 2 site deployment guide for a standard greenfield bare metal deployment. The following sections describes how to apply the site manifests for a given site.


Before starting, ensure that you have completed system requirements and set up <site_setup_guide>, including the the BIOS and Redfish settings, hardware RAID configuration etc.


Ensure all the hosts are powered off, including ephemeral node, controller nodes and worker nodes.

Airshipctl Phases

A new concept with Airship 2 is phases<Phase>. A phase is a step to be performed in order to achieve a desired state of the managed site. Phases group sets of commands together for a particular deployment step into one phase apply command. This greatly simplifies executing deployment.

The Airship 2 deployment uses heavily the airshipctl commands, especially the airshipctl phase run commands. You may find it helpful to get familiarized with the airshipctl command reference and example usage.

To facilitate the site deployment, the Airship Treasuremap project provides a set of deployment scripts in the tools/deployment directory. These scripts are wrappers of the airshipctl commands with additional flow controls. They are numbered sequentially in the order of the deployment operations.

The instructions in this document will be based upon the Treasuremap deployment scripts.

Environment Variables

The deployment steps below use a few additional environment variables that are already configured with default values for a typical deployment or inferred from other configuration files or site manifests. In most situations, users do not need to manually set the values for these environment variables.

  • KUBECONFIG: The location of kubeconfig file. Default value: $HOME/.airship/kubeconfig.

  • KUBECONFIG_TARGET_CONTEXT: The name of the kubeconfig context for the target cluster. Default value: "target-cluster". You can find it defined in the Airshipctl configuration file.

  • KUBECONFIG_EPHEMERAL_CONTEXT: The name of the kubeconfig context for the ephemeral cluster. Default value: "ephemeral-cluster". You can find it defined in the Airshipctl configuration file.

  • TARGET_IP: The control plane endpoint IP or host name. Default value: derived from site documents for the controlplane-target phase. You can run the following command to extract the defined value:

    airshipctl phase render controlplane-target \
    -k Metal3Cluster -l \
    2> /dev/null | yq | sed 's/"//g'
  • TARGET_PORT: The control plane endpoint port number. Default value: derived from site documents for the controlplane-target phase. You can run the following command to extract the defined value:

    airshipctl phase render controlplane-target \
    -k Metal3Cluster -l 2> /dev/null | \
    yq .spec.controlPlaneEndpoint.port
  • TARGET_NODE: The host name of the first controller node. Default value: derived from site documents for the controlplane-ephemeral phase. You can run the following command to extract the defined value:

    airshipctl phase render controlplane-ephemeral \
    -k BareMetalHost -l 2> /dev/null | \
    yq | sed 's/"//g'
  • WORKER_NODE: The host name of the worker nodes. Default value: derived from site documents for the workers-target phase. You can run the following command to extract the defined value:

    airshipctl phase render workers-target -k BareMetalHost 2> /dev/null | \
    yq | sed 's/"//g'

Configuring Airshipctl

Airship requires a configuration file set that defines the intentions for the site that needs to be created. These configurations include such items as manifest repositories, ephemeral and target cluster context and bootstrap information. The operator seeds an initial configuration using the configuration initialization function.

The default location of the configuration files is $HOME/.airship/config and $HOME/.airship/kubeconfig.

When you run the init_site script in the init_site section, the .airship/config file has been already created for you.


If the Redfish api uses self-signed certificate, the user must run:

airshipctl config set-management-config default --insecure

This will inject the insecure flag to the Airship configuration file as follows:

    insecure: true
    systemActionRetries: 30
    systemRebootDelay: 30
    type: redfish

Now let's create the .airship/kubeconfig. If you plan to use an existing external kubeconfig file, run:

airshipctl config import <KUBE_CONFIG>

Otherwise, create an empty kubeconfig that will be populated later by airshipctl:

touch ~/.airship/kubeconfig

More advanced users can use the Airshipctl config commands to generate or update the configuration files.

To generate an Airshipctl config file from scratch,

airshipctl config init [flags]

To specify the location of the manifest repository,

airshipctl config set-manifest <MANIFEST_NAME> [flags]

To create or modify a context in the airshipctl config files,

airshipctl config set-context <CONTEXT_NAME> --manifest <MANIFEST_NAME> [flags]

Full details on the config command can be found here.

Generating and Encrypting Secrets

Airship site manifests contain different types of secrets, such as passwords, keys and certificates in the variable catalogues. Externally provided secrets, such as BMC credentials, are used by Airship and Kubernetes and can also be used by other systems. Secrets can also be internally generated by Airshipctl, e.g., Openstack Keystone password, that no external systems will provide or need.

To have Airshipctl generate and encrypt the secrets, run the following script from the treasuremap directory:


The generated secrets will be updated in:

  • ${PROJECT}/manifests/site/${SITE}/target/generator/results/generated/secrets.yaml
  • ${HOME}/.airship/kubeconfig.yaml

It is recommended that you save the generated results, for example, commit them to a git repository along with the rest of site manifests.

To update the secrets for an already deployed site, you can re-run this script and apply the new secret manifests by re-deploying the whole site.

For more details and trouble shooting, please refer to Secrets generation and encryption how-to-guide.

Validating Documents

After constituent YAML configurations are finalized, use the document validation tool to lint and check the new site manifests. Resolve any issues that result from the validation before proceeding.



The validate_docs tool will run validation against all sites found in the manifests/site folder. You may want to (temporarily) remove other sites that are not to be deployed to speed up the validation.

To validate a single site's manifest,

export MANIFEST_ROOT=./${PROJECT}/manifests
export SITE_ROOT=./${PROJECT}/manifests/site
cd airshipctl && ./tools/document/

Estimated runtime: 5 minutes

Building Ephemeral ISO Image

The goal for this step is to generate a custom targeted image for bootstrapping an ephemeral host with a Kubernetes cluster installed. This image may then be published to a repository to which the ephemeral host will have remote access. Alternatively, an appropriate media delivery mechanism (e.g. USB) can be used to bootstrap the ephemeral host manually.


The generate ISO image content includes:

  • Host OS Image
  • Runtime engine: Docker/containerd
  • Kubelet
  • Kubeadm
  • YAML file for KubeadmConfig

First, create an output directory for ephemeral ISO image and run the bootstrap-iso phase:

sudo mkdir /srv/images
airshipctl phase run bootstrap-iso

Or, run the provided script from the treasuremap directory:


Then, copy the generated ephemeral ISO image to the Web hosting server that will serve the ephemeral ISO image. The URL for the image should match what is defined in manifests/site/{SITE}/ephemeral/bootstrap/remote_direct_configuration.yaml.

For example, if you have installed the Apache Web server on the jump host as described in the earlier step, you can simply execute the following:

sudo cp /srv/images/ephemeral.iso /var/www/html/

Estimated runtime: 5 minutes

Deploying Ephemeral Node

In this step, we will create an ephemeral Kubernetes instance that airshipctl can communicate with for subsequent steps. This ephemeral host provides a foothold in the target environment so the standard cluster-api bootstrap flow can be executed.

First, let's deploy the ephemeral node via Redfish with the ephemeral ISO image generated in previous step:


Estimated runtime: 10 minutes


If desired or if Redfish is not available, the ISO image can be mounted through other means, e.g. out-of-band management or a USB drive.

Now the ephemeral node is established, we can deploy Calico, and cluster-api components onto the ephemeral node:


Estimated runtime: 10 minutes

To use ssh to access the ephemeral node, you will need the OAM IP from the networking catalogue, and the user name and password from the airshipctl phase render command output.

airshipctl phase render iso-cloud-init-data

Deploying Target Cluster

Now you are ready to use the ephemeral Kubernetes to provision the first target cluster node using the cluster-api bootstrap flow.

Create the target Kubernetes cluster resources:


Estimated runtime: 25 minutes

Deploy infrastructure components including Calico and


Estimated runtime: 10 minutes

Deploy cluster-api components to the target cluster:


Estimated runtime: 1-2 minutes

Then, stop the ephemeral host and move Cluster objects to target cluster:


Estimated runtime: 1-2 minutes

Lastly, complete the target cluster by provisioning the rest of the controller nodes:


Estimated runtime: 30 minutes (Depends on the number of controller nodes).


When the second controller node joins the cluster, the script may fail with the error message "etcdserver: request timed out". This is a known issue. You can just wait until all the other controller nodes join the cluster before executing the next phase. To check the list of nodes in the cluster, run:

kubectl --kubeconfig ${HOME}/.airship/kubeconfig --context target-cluster get nodes

Provisioning Worker Nodes

This step uses the target control plane Kubernetes host to provision the target cluster worker nodes and apply the necessary phases to deploy software on the worker nodes.

To deploy, classify and provision the worker nodes, run:


Estimated runtime: 20 minutes

Now the target cluster is fully operational and ready for workload deployment.

Deploying Workloads

The Treasuremap type airship-core deploys the ingress as a workload. The user can add other workload functions to the target workload phase in the airship-core type, or create their own workload phase from scratch.

Adding a workload function involves two tasks. First, the user will create the function manifest(s) in the $PROJECT/manifest/function directory. A good example can be found in the ingress function from Treasuremap. Second, the user overrides the kustomization of the target workload phase to include the new workload function in the $PROJECT/manifests/site/$SITE/target/workload/kustomization.yaml.

For more detailed reference, please go to Kustomize and airshipctl phases documentation.

To deploy the workloads, run:


Estimated runtime: Varies by the workload content.

Accessing Nodes

Operators can use ssh to access the controller and worker nodes via the OAM IP address. The ssh key can be retrieved using the airshipctl phase render command:

airshipctl phase render controlplane-ephemeral

Tearing Down Site

To tear down a deployed bare metal site, the user can simply power off all the nodes and clean up the deployment artifacts on the build node as follows:

airshipctl baremetal poweroff --name <server-name> # alternatively, use iDrac or iLO
rm -rf ~/.airship/ /srv/images/*
docker rm -f -v $(sudo docker ps --all -q | xargs -I{} sudo bash -c 'if docker inspect {} | grep -q airship; then echo {} ; fi')
docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images --all -q | xargs -I{} sudo bash -c 'if docker image inspect {} | grep -q airship; then echo {} ; fi')