Ian H. Pittwood b29978f1fa Add issue tracking conventions
Adds documentation for issue tracking in Github Issues for Airship
projects. Documentation covers issue submission, grooming, lifecycle,
and the Gerrit-to-Github-Issues bot.

Change-Id: I9833043ff53fbc3a68021dd3347c754821ec334b
2020-06-01 14:12:42 -05:00

7.1 KiB

Issue Tracking

Issues for the Airship Project are tracked on a per-project basis using Github Issues. All feature requests and bugs should be submitted to the respective project's Github Issues board for community evaluation and action. For additional details on a project's issue tracking workflow, see its file.

Project Files:

Submitting Issues

Issues can be submitted by navigating to a project's Github Issue page and selecting "New issue".

Depending on the project, you may be prompted to select an issue type. These selections are associated with templates to aid in the issue creation process. If there are no templates associated with the project, utilize the following templates:

When submitting issues, be descriptive and concise. If the issue is complex consider breaking it down into smaller issues so it can be more easily addressed by the community.

Grooming Issues

Issues are groomed by each project's core reviewers. Depending on how active the project is and their workflow, it can take up to two weeks for issues to be groomed. Issues will be marked with the "triage" label until they have been groomed and prioritized. We encourage developers to not work on issues marked as "triage" as these issues are not guaranteed to be accepted by the project.

Each project will have a multitude of labels used to help categorize issues and improve organization. Labels will differ from project to project, but some common labels may include:

  • Process labels ("ready for review", "wip", "blocked", "triage")
  • Priority labels ("priority/low", "priority/medium", "priority/high")
  • Component labels ("component/engine", "component/cli", etc...)
  • Type labels ("feature", "bug", "epic")

As many applicable labels as possible should be applied to issues. These labels should be consistently reevaluated and updated as the issue evolves.

Issue Lifecycle

The general lifecycle for issues is as follows:

  1. The issue is created by a member of the community on Github Issues. By default, the issues should have a type label and be labeled as "triage". Neither the submitter nor any other developer should work on the issue at this time, but they may discuss it on the Github Issue board to further clarify the issue.
  2. The issue is groomed by members of the core reviewer team for the project, either on a scheduled grooming call or asynchronously on the Github Issues board. During the grooming process the core reviewer team will establish whether the issue is part of the project's scope and what the issue's priority level is. They will also apply a multitude of labels to help improve the organization of the issue board and the visibility of the issue. At the end of the process if the issue is accepted, the "triage" label will be removed and the issue will be available to be assigned and worked on. It is possible that the core reviewer team will need additional details. Please be attentive to updates on created issues to ensure they are addressed in a timely manner.
  3. The issue is assigned to a member of the community to be addressed. Only core reviewers have the ability to assign issues. If a member of the community wishes to be assigned to an issue, they should make a comment on the issue requesting to have it assigned to them. Please only start work on an issue after it is assigned to you to decrease the risk of duplicate changes. Issue assignees are encouraged to use process labels to indicate where they are in the development workflow (i.e. "wip" or "ready for review"). Consistent updates let the core reviewer team know that the issue is still active. If no measurable work has been performed on an assigned issue within two weeks, the issue may be considered "stale" and the assignee may be removed from the issue.
  4. Once a developer completes work on an issue's associated change (or research), they should indicate that work is complete and "ready for review". Include a link to the associated change along with any observations of worth in the issue's comments. Once the change is merged, the core reviewer team will mark the issue as completed.

Github Issues Bot

To help improve Gerrit and Github integration, Airship utilizes a python daemon to update Github Issues with Gerrit change details. The utility is hosted on Github under the name Gerrit-to-Github-Issues. Currently the bot only runs against the airshipctl project, but it may be implemented later into other projects.

The bot performs the following functions:

  • Comments on issues with the information of active Gerrit changes including links, review statuses, and author information.
  • Updates issue process labels with the "wip" label if "DNM" or "WIP" are present in the change's commit message and "ready for review" in all other cases.

To leverage the bot's full functionality, be sure to include a reference for the issue you are addressing from GitHub Issues inside the change commit message. There are three ways of doing this:

#. Add a statement in your commit message in the format of Relates-To: #X. This will add a link on issue "#X" to your change. #. Add a statement in your commit message in the format of Closes: #X. This will add a link on issue "#X" to your change and will close the issue when your change merges. #. Add a bracketed tag at the beginning of your commit message in the format of [#X] <begin commit message>. This will add a link on issue "#X" to your change. This method is considered a fallback in lieu of the other two methods.

Any issue references should be evaluated within 15 minutes of being uploaded.

For any questions, comments, or requests please reach out to Ian Pittwood either at ian-pittwood on the Airship IRC/Slack or at