- Added a new query param 'layers=x' to /tasks/{task_id} where x is a number. This param allows the API to drill down to all the subtasks. If x is -1 it will reeturn all subtasks, otherwise it will return x layers of subtasks. - Added a new query param 'subtaskerrors=true' to /tasks/{task_id}. If true then any errors from subtasks will be included in the subtask_errors element in the response. - Added a POST to /nodes that requires node_filter and site_design in the body. Then uses those parameters to return a list of nodes. Change-Id: I9b4c06dd1c9de2b0500092aa4b4bfacac08eac54
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.. _task:
Tasks are requests for Drydock to perform an action asynchronously. Depending on the
action being requested, tasks could take seconds to hours to complete. When a task is
created, a identifier is generated and returned. That identifier can be used to poll
the task API for task status and results.
Task Document Schema
This document can be posted to the Drydock :ref:`tasks-api` to create a new task.::
"action": "validate_design|verify_site|prepare_site|verify_node|prepare_node|deploy_node|destroy_node",
"design_ref": "http_uri|deckhand_uri|file_uri",
"node_filter": {
"filter_set_type": "intersection|union",
"filter_set": [
"filter_type": "intersection|union",
"node_names": [],
"node_tags": [],
"node_labels": {},
"rack_names": [],
"rack_labels": {},
The filter is computed by taking the set of all defined nodes. Each filter in the filter set is applied
by either finding the union or intersection of filtering the full set of nodes by the attribute values
specified. The result set of each filter is then combined as either an intersection or union with that result
being the final set the task is executed against.
Assuming you have a node inventory of::
"name": "a",
"labels": {
"type": "physical",
"color": "blue"
"name": "b",
"labels": {
"type": "virtual",
"color": "yellow"
"name": "c",
"labels": {
"type": "physical",
"color": "yellow"
"filter_set": [
"filter_type": "intersection",
"node_labels": {
"color": "yellow",
"type": "physical"
"filter_type": "intersection",
"node_names": ["a"]
"filter_set_type": "union"
The above filter set results in a set ``a`` and ``c``.
Task Status Schema
When querying the state of an existing task, the below document will be returned::
"Kind": "Task",
"apiVersion": "v1.0",
"task_id": "uuid",
"action": "validate_design|verify_site|prepare_site|verify_node|prepare_node|deploy_node|destroy_node",
"design_ref": "http_uri|deckhand_uri|file_uri",
"parent_task_id": "uuid",
"subtask_id_list": ["uuid","uuid",...],
"status": "requested|queued|running|terminating|complete|terminated",
"node_filter": {
"filter_set_type": "intersection|union",
"filter_set": [
"filter_type": "intersection|union",
"node_names": [],
"node_tags": [],
"node_labels": {},
"rack_names": [],
"rack_labels": {},
"created": iso8601 UTC timestamp,
"created_by": "user",
"updated": iso8601 UTC timestamp,
"terminated": iso8601 UTC timestamp,
"terminated_by": "user",
"result": Status object
The Status object is based on the UCP standardized response format::
"Kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"message": "Drydock Task ...",
"reason": "Failure reason",
"status": "failure|success|partial_success|incomplete",
"details": {
"errorCount": 0,
"messageList": [
The StatusMessage object will change based on the context of the message, but will at a minimum
consist of the below::
"message": "Textual description",
"error": true|false,
"context_type": "site|network|node",
"context": "site_name|network_name|node_name",
"ts": iso8601 UTC timestamp,
Task Build Data
When querying the detail state of an existing task, adding the parameter ``builddata=true``
in the query string will add one additional field with a list of build data elements
collected by this task.::
"Kind": "Task",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"build_data": [
"node_name": "foo",
"task_id": "uuid",
"collected_data": iso8601 UTC timestamp,
"generator": "lshw",
"data_format": "application/json",
"data_element": "{ \"id\": \"foo\", \"class\": \"system\" ...}"
Adding the parameter ``subtaskerrors=true`` in the query string will add one additional field
with an object of subtask errors keyed by task_id.
Adding the parameter ``layers=x`` where x is -1 for all or a positive number to limit the number
of layers. Will convert the response into an object of tasks and all subtasks keyed by task_id.
It will also include the field init_task_id with the top task_id.