Roman Gorshunov ec17405606 Fix: various documentation and URL fixes
1) UCP -> Airship
2) readthedocs.org -> readthedocs.io (there is redirect)
3) http -> https
4) attcomdev -> airshipit (repo on quay.io)
5) att-comdev -> openstack/airship-* (repo on github/openstack git)
6) many URLs have been verified and adjusted to be current
7) no need for 'en/latest/' path in URL of the RTD
8) added more info to some setup.cfg and setup.py files
9) ucp-integration docs are now in airship-in-a-bottle
10) various other minor fixes

Change-Id: I64fb508a3ff72258d82c795193e918f2945deb29
2018-09-26 08:21:14 +00:00

2.6 KiB

Installing Drydock in a Dev Environment

Bootstrap Kubernetes

You can bootstrap your Helm-enabled Kubernetes cluster via the Openstack-Helm AIO or the Promenade tools.

Deploy Drydock and Dependencies

Drydock is most easily deployed using Armada to deploy the Drydock container into a Kubernetes cluster via Helm charts. The Drydock chart is in the charts/drydock directory. It depends on the deployments of the MaaS chart and the Keystone chart.

A integrated deployment of these charts can be accomplished using the Armada tool. An example integration chart can be found in the Airship in a Bottle repo in the ./manifests/dev_single_node directory.

Load Site

To use Drydock for site configuration, you must craft and load a site topology YAML. An example of this is in ./test/yaml_samples/deckhand_fullsite.yaml.

Documentation on building your topology document is at topology_label.

Drydock requires that the YAML topology be hosted somewhere, either the preferred method of using Deckhand or through a simple HTTP server like Nginx or Apache.

Use the CLI to create tasks to deploy your site

# drydock task create -d <design_url> -a verify_site
# drydock task create -d <design_url> -a prepare_site
# drydock task create -d <design_url> -a prepare_nodes
# drydock task create -d <design_url> -a deploy_nodes

A demo of this process is available at https://asciinema.org/a/133906