This fixes a typo which incorrectly said the number of TC seats for a particular employer is limited to three; it is in fact four. The intent of this is to prevent a company from having a majority of the available seats - with nine members total, that makes the results in four seats. Change-Id: I43e11141b4f54d766f137a6ece1943e30d49a023
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Election Procedures
Elections are held using the Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS) with the Schulze/Beathpath/CSSD algorithm. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided following the Airship Governance Tie Breaking rules.
Preparing for an Election
The organizers of an election select election dates that correspond to the end of a term; however, exceptions can be made. The voting period must begin at least forty-eight hours after the conclusion of the nomination period, and the nomination period must be at least one week in duration.
Election details (i.e. timeline, cycle) should be distributed via the mailing list a week before the election begins and updated on this site at least a month before the election begins.
Orchestrating the Nomination Period
When the candidacy round begins, notify the mailing list and monitor the election repository for incoming nominations. Merge nominations that:
- Meet the candidate criteria
- Are titled correctly (i.e. the filename is the candidate's email address)
- Contain an affiliation in the commit message
When a nomination does not meet the above criteria and the nomination period has passed, reject it with a -2.
After the nomination period, tag the governance repository and begin the election process.
Orchestrating the Election Period
Begin the election by creating a Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS) poll with detailed ballot reporting and the Schulze/Beathpath/CSSD algorithm. Distribute the poll to the electorate and announce the beginning of the election on the mailing list.
At the end of the election, close the poll and choose the winners based on the results, number of available seats, and the affiliation requirements of the election. Announce the winners over the mailing list, update this repository, and update the Airship wiki page with the new member names.
Technical Committee Elections
Each August, a Technical Committee election selects nine candidates to serve on the Technical Committee for the following year, no more than four of which may be employed by the same company.
The electorate for the Technical Committee elections includes all Airship core reviewers.
Anyone who has demonstrated a commitment to Airship (community building, communications, or has had code merged to the Airship project repositories) within the last twelve months is eligible to run for the Technical Committee.
Submit Your Candidacy
Each candidate must nominate themselves for each elected position, and are encouraged to submit their own candidacy to gerrit, although where appropriate, others may submit a candidacy for those who have already self-nominated by other means.
If you are not already familiar with the Airship/OpenStack development workflow, see this more detailed documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html
Candidacies now need to be submitted as a text file to the airship/election repository. Here are the required steps:
Clone the election repository: git clone https://opendev.org/airship/election.git ; cd election
Create a new file candidates/<election_cycle>/<leadership_role>/<email_address> containing the candidate statement.
Commit the candidacy: git add candidates/<election_cycle>/<leadership_role>/<email_address>; git commit
In the text editor add a title and specify your affiliation like:
Adding <your_name> candidacy for <leadership_role> role
Affiliation: <company_name>
Save the text and exit the text editor Submit your candidacy: git review
For example Dana Developer (ddev on IRC) would compose a platform in a file named "candidates/2019/TC/dana@inconnu.org" to submit a TC candidacy for the 2019 election.
After the candidacy is submitted to gerrit, verification and approval will be performed by elections officials, followed by an update to the approved candidate list.
See the OpenStack Election Officiating Guidelines page in the wiki for details on the election process.