Deprecating cli options before removing them is a standard courtesy that allows project consumers to handle such changes according to their needs. Option is removed here: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/701274 Change-Id: Iba4a4574426315a76294269d4287fd3ea18aa99e
33 KiB
Pegleg CLI
The Pegleg CLI is used in conjunction with the script located in
pegleg/tools called pegleg.sh
The default workspace for the pegleg.sh
script is
. The examples below require that this workspace
be used.
Environment Variables
$WORKSPACE = Location of the folder that holds the repositories containing
the site definition libraries. Pegleg makes no assumptions about the root
directory. $WORKSPACE is /workspace in the container context.
Example: $WORKSPACE=/home/ubuntu/all_repos
$IMAGE = Location of pegleg docker image.
Example: $IMAGE=quay.io/airshipit/pegleg:latest-ubuntu_xenial
To run:
export WORKSPACE=<repo_location>
export IMAGE=<docker_image>
./pegleg.sh <command> <options>
For example:
cd /opt/airship-pegleg
export WORKSPACE=/opt/airship/treasuremap
./tools/pegleg.sh site -r /workspace --help
If sudo
permissions are required to execute
, then it is necessary to use the -E
flag with sudo
in order for the current environment to be
used. For example:
cd /opt/airship-pegleg
export WORKSPACE=/opt/airship/treasuremap
sudo -E ./tools/pegleg.sh site -r /workspace --help
CLI Options
-v / \-\-verbose (Optional, Default=False).
Enable debug logging.
-l / \-\-logging-level (Optional, Default=40).
Specifies the logging level, as a number, with which to run pegleg. The available levels are as follows:
- 10 (DEBUG)
- 20 (INFO)
- 30 (WARNING)
- 40 (ERROR)
The -v option will override any logging level specified in favor of DEBUG.
Repo Group
Allows you to perform repository-level operations.
-r / \-\-site-repository (Required).
Path to the root of the site repository (containing site_definition.yaml) repo.
For example: /opt/airship/treasuremap
The revision can also be specified via (for example):
-r /opt/airship/treasuremap@revision
-p / \-\-clone-path (Optional, Default=/tmp/).
The path where the repo will be cloned. By default the repo will be
cloned to the /tmp path. If this option is included and the repo already
exists, then the repo will not be cloned again and the user must specify
a new clone path or pass in the local copy of the repository as the site
repository. Suppose the repo name is treasuremap
and the
clone path is /tmp/mypath
then the following directory is
created /tmp/mypath/treasuremap
which will contain the
contents of the repo. Example of using clone path:
-p /tmp/mypath
Sanity checks for repository content (all sites in the repository).
To lint a specific site, see site-level linting <cli-site-lint>
See linting
for more
Site Group
Allows you to perform site-level operations.
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> <command> <options>
-r / \-\-site-repository (Required).
Path to the root of the site repository (containing site_definition.yaml) repo.
For example: /opt/airship/treasuremap
The revision can also be specified via (for example):
-r /opt/airship/treasuremap@revision
-e / \-\-extra-repository (Optional).
Path to the root of extra repositories used for overriding those
specified under the repositories
field in a given site-definition.yaml
These should be named per the site-definition file, e.g.:
-e global=/opt/global -e secrets=/opt/secrets
-p / \-\-clone-path (Optional, Default=/tmp/).
The path where the repo will be cloned. By default the repo will be
cloned to the /tmp path. If this option is included and the repo already
exists, then the repo will not be cloned again and the user must specify
a new clone path or pass in the local copy of the repository as the site
repository. Suppose the repo name is treasuremap
and the
clone path is /tmp/mypath
then the following directory is
created /tmp/mypath/treasuremap
which will contain the
contents of the repo. Example of using clone path:
-p /tmp/mypath
Repository Overrides
By default, the revision specified in the site-definition.yaml
for the
site will be leveraged but can be overridden <command-line-repository-overrides>
-e global=/opt/global@revision
-k / \-\-repo-key (Optional, SSH only).
The SSH public key to use when cloning remote authenticated repositories.
Required for cloning repositories via SSH protocol.
-u / \-\-repo-username (Optional, unless required by repo URL).
The SSH username to use when cloning remote authenticated
repositories specified in the site-definition file. Any occurrences of
in an entry under the
field in a given site-definition.yaml
will be
replaced with this value.
Required for cloning repositories via SSH protocol. This argument
will generate an exception if no repo URL uses
Example usage:
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests/ \
-u <AUTH_USER> \
-k /opt/.ssh/git.pub \
-e global=ssh://REPO_USERNAME@<GIT URL>:29418/global-manifests.git@master \
<command> <options>
Output complete config for one site.
site_name (Required).
Name of the site.
-s / \-\-save-location (Optional).
Where to output collected documents. If omitted, the results will be
dumped to stdout
-x (Optional, validation only).
Will exclude the specified lint option. -w takes priority over -x.
-w (Optional, validation only).
Will warn of lint failures from the specified lint options.
\-\-validate (Optional, validation only, Default=False).
Perform validation of documents prior to collection. See cli-site-lint
for additional
information on document linting. It is recommended that document linting
be executed prior to document collection. However,
is False by default for backwards compatibility
./pegleg.sh <command> <options> collect <site_name> -s <save_location> \
-x P001 -w P002 --validate
Example without validation:
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests \
-e global=/opt/manifests \
collect <site_name> -s /workspace
Example with validation:
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests \
-e global=/opt/manifests \
collect <site_name> -s /workspace -x P004 --validate
List known sites.
-s / \-\-save-location (Optional, Default=stdout).
Location where the output is saved.
-o / \-\-output (Optional).
Same as -s (--save-location). Deprecated.
./pegleg <command> <options> list
./pegleg site -r /opt/site-manifests list -s /workspace
Show details for one site.
site_name (Required).
Name of site.
-s / \-\-save-location (Optional, Default=stdout).
Location where the output is saved.
-o / \-\-output (Optional).
Same as -s (--save-location). Deprecated.
./pegleg <command> <options> show site_name
./pegleg site -r /opt/site-manifests show site_name -s /workspace
Render documents via Deckhand for one site.
site_name (Required).
Name of site.
-s / \-\-save-location (Optional, Default=stdout).
Location where the output is saved.
-o / \-\-output (Optional).
Same as -s (--save-location). Deprecated.
-v / \-\-validate (Optional, Default=True).
Whether to pre-validate documents using built-in schema validation. Skips over externally registered DataSchema documents to avoid false positives.
./pegleg <command> <options> render site_name
./pegleg site -r /opt/site-manifests render site_name -s save_location
Sanity checks for repository content (for a specific site in the repository). Validations for linting are done utilizing Deckhand Validations.
To lint all sites in the repository, see repository-level linting <cli-repo-lint>
See linting
for more
Generic example:
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> \
lint <site_name> \
-f -x <lint_code> -w <lint_code>
The most basic way to lint a document set is as follows:
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> lint <site_name>
A more complex example involves excluding certain linting checks:
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests \
-e global=/opt/manifests \
lint <site_name> \
-x P001 -x P002 -w P003
Uploads documents to Shipyard.
site_name (Required).
Name of the site. The site_name
must match a
name in the site repository folder structure
\-\-os-<various> (Required).
Shipyard needs these options for authenticating with OpenStack Keystone. This option can be set as environment variables or it can be passed via the command line.
Please reference Shipyard's CLI documentation for information related to these options.
\-\-context-marker (Optional).
Specifies a UUID (8-4-4-4-12 format) that will be used to correlate logs, transactions, etc. in downstream activities triggered by this interaction.
-b / \-\-buffer-mode (Optional, Default=auto).
Set the buffer mode when uploading documents. Supported buffer modes include append, replace, auto.
append: Add the collection to the Shipyard Buffer, only if that collection does not already exist in the Shipyard buffer.
replace: Clear the Shipyard Buffer before adding the specified collection.
\-\-collection (Required, Default=<site_name>).
Specifies the name of the compiled collection of documents that will be uploaded to Shipyard.
./pegleg.sh site <options> upload <site_name> --context-marker=<uuid> \
--buffer-mode=<buffer> \
Site Secrets Group
Subgroup of site-group
. The commands below create PeglegManagedDocument manifests <pegleg-managed-document>
in the local repository.
A sub-group of site command group, which allows you to perform secrets level operations for secrets documents of a site.
For the CLI commands encrypt
, decrypt
generate certificates
and wrap
in the
command group, which encrypt or decrypt site
secrets, two environment variables, PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE
, and
, are used to capture the master passphrase, and
the salt needed for encryption and decryption of the site secrets. The
are not generated by Pegleg, but are created externally, and set by
deployment engineers or tooling.
A minimum length of 24 for master passphrases will be checked by all
CLI commands, which use the PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE
. All other criteria around master passphrase
strength are assumed to be enforced elsewhere.
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> secrets <command> <options>
Generate PKI (deprecated)
Generate certificates and keys according to all PKICatalog documents
in the site using the pki
module. The default behavior is to generate all
certificates that are not yet present. For example, the first time
generate PKI is run or when new entries are added to the PKICatalogue,
only those new entries will be generated on subsequent runs.
Pegleg also supports a full regeneration of all certificates at any time, by using the --regenerate-all flag.
Pegleg places generated document files in
, or
as appropriate:
- The generated filenames for passphrases will follow the pattern
. - The generated filenames for certificate authorities will follow the
. - The generated filenames for certificates will follow the pattern
. - The generated filenames for certificate keys will follow the pattern
. - The generated filenames for keypairs will follow the pattern
Dashes in the document names will be converted to underscores for consistency.
site_name (Required).
Name of site.
-a / \-\-author (Optional).
Identifying name of the author generating new certificates. Used for tracking provenance information in the PeglegManagedDocuments. An attempt is made to automatically determine this value, but should be provided.
-d / \-\-days (Optional, Default=365).
Duration (in days) certificates should be valid. Minimum=0, no maximum. Values less than 0 will raise an exception.
NOTE: A generated certificate where days = 0 should only be used for testing. A certificate generated in such a way will be valid for 0 seconds.
\-\-regenerate-all (Optional, Default=False).
Force Pegleg to regenerate all PKI items.
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> \
secrets generate-pki \
<site_name> \
-a <author> \
-d <days> \
Check PKI Certs
Determine if any PKI certificates from a site are expired, or will be
expired within days
days. If any are found, print the cert
names and expiration dates to stdout
-d / \-\-days (Optional, Default=60).
Duration (in days) to check certificate validity from today. Minimum=0, no maximum. Values less than 0 will raise an exception.
NOTE: Checking PKI certs where days = 0 will check for certs that are expired at the time the command is run.
site_name (Required).
Name of the site
. The site_name
must match
a site
name in the site repository folder structure.
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> \
secrets check-pki-certs <site_name> <options>
Example without days specified:
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> secrets check-pki-certs <site_name>
Example with days specified:
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> secrets check-pki-certs <site_name> -d <days>
A sub-group of site command group, which allows you to perform secrets level operations for secrets documents of a site.
For the CLI commands encrypt
and decrypt
the secrets
command group, which encrypt or decrypt site
secrets, two environment variables, PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE
, and
, are used to capture the master passphrase, and
the salt needed for encryption and decryption of the site secrets. The
are not generated by Pegleg, but are created externally, and set by a
deployment engineers or tooling.
A minimum length of 24 for master passphrases will be checked by all
CLI commands, which use the PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE
. All other
criteria around master passphrase strength are assumed to be enforced
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> secrets <command> <options>
Encrypt one site's secrets documents, which have the
set to encrypted, and wrap them in
Managed Documents
The encrypt command is idempotent. If the command is executed more than once for a given site, it will skip the files, which are already encrypted and wrapped in a pegleg managed document, and will only encrypt the documents not encrypted before.
site_name (Required).
Name of the site
. The site_name
must match
a site
name in the site repository folder structure. The
command looks up the site-name
in the
site repository, and searches recursively the site_name
folder structure for secrets files (i.e. files with documents, whose
is set to encrypted
), and
encrypts the documents in those files.
-p / \-\-path (Optional).
The file or directory path to encrypt. If a path is not provided, all
applicable files discovered in the user specified repositories for
will be encrypted.
-a / \-\-author (Required).
Author is the identifier for the program or the person, who is
encrypting the secrets documents. Author is intended to document the
entity or the individual, who encrypts the site secrets documents,
mostly for tracking purposes, and is expected to be leveraged in an
operator-specific manner. For instance the author
can be
the "userid" of the person running the command, or the "application-id"
of the application executing the command.
-s / \-\-save-location (Optional).
Where to output the encrypted and wrapped documents.
If the save-location
parameter is not provided, the
encrypted result documents will overwrite the original
documents for the site. The reason for this
default behavior, is to ensure that site secrets are only stored on disk
or in any version control system as encrypted.
If the user for any reason wants to avoid overwriting the original
cleartext files, the save-location
parameter will provide
the option to override this default behavior, and forces the encrypt
command to write the encrypted documents in a different location than
the original unencrypted files.
./pegleg.sh site <options> secrets encrypt <site_name> -a <author_id> -s <save_location>
Example with optional save location:
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests \
-e global=/opt/manifests \
-e secrets=/opt/security-manifests \
secrets encrypt <site_name> -a <author_id> -s /workspace
Example without optional save location:
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests \
-e global=/opt/manifests \
-e secrets=/opt/security-manifests \
secrets encrypt <site_name> -a <author_id>
Unwrap one or more encrypted secrets document from Pegleg Managed Documents, decrypt the encrypted secrets, and dump the cleartext to stdout or a specified location.
site_name (Required).
Name of the site
. The site_name
must match
a site
name in the site repository folder structure. This
is used to ensure the correct revision of the site and global
repositories are used, as specified in the site's site-definition.yaml
\-\-path (Required). Multiple entries allowed.
Path to pegleg managed encrypted secrets file or directory of files.
-s / \-\-save-location (Optional).
The desired output path for the decrypted file. If not specified, decrypted data will output to stdout.
-o / \-\-overwrite (Optional). False by default.
When set, encrypted file(s) at the specified path will be overwritten
with the decrypted data. Overrides --save-location
./pegleg.sh site <options> secrets decrypt <site_name> --path <path>
[-s <output_path>]
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests \
-e global=/opt/manifests \
-e secrets=/opt/security-manifests \
secrets decrypt site1 \
--path /opt/security-manifests/site/site1/passwords/password1.yaml \
--path /opt/security-manifests/site/site1/passwords/password2.yaml \
--path /opt/security-manifests/site/site1/passwords/passwordN.yaml \
--path /opt/security-manifests/site/site1/certificates
Wrap bare files (e.g. pem or crt) in a PeglegManagedDocument and optionally encrypt them.
site_name (Required).
Name of site.
-a / \-\-author
Identifying name of the author generating new certificates. Used for tracking provenance information in the PeglegManagedDocuments. An attempt is made to automatically determine this value, but should be provided.
The relative path to the file to be wrapped.
The output path where the wrapped file is saved. (default: input path with the extension replaced with .yaml)
-o / \-\-output-path
Same as --save-location. Deprecated.
-s / \-\-schema
The schema for the document to be wrapped, e.g. deckhand/Certificate/v1
-n / \-\-name
The name for the document to be wrapped, e.g. new-cert.
-l / \-\-layer
The layer for the document to be wrapped, e.g. site.
\-\-encrypt / \-\-no-encrypt (Default=True).
A flag specifying whether to encrypt the output file.
./pegleg.sh site -r /home/myuser/myrepo \
secrets wrap -a myuser --filename secrets/certificates/new_cert.crt \
--save-location secrets/certificates/new_cert.yaml \
-s "deckhand/Certificate/v1" -n "new-cert" -l site mysite
Constructs genesis bundle based on a site configuration.
This command requires the environment variable PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE to be set and at least 24 characters long, to be used for encrypting genesis bundle data. PEGLEG_SALT must be set as well. There are no constraints on its length, but at least 24 characters is recommended.
-b / \-\-build-dir (Required).
Destination directory for the genesis bundle.
\-\-include-validators (Optional, Default=False).
A flag to request build genesis validation scripts as well.
- ::
./pegleg.sh site <options> genesis_bundle <site_name> -b <build_locaton> -k <encryption_passphrase/key> --include-validators
./pegleg.sh site -r ./site-manifests \
genesis_bundle site1 \
-b ../../site1_build \
-k yourEncryptionPassphrase \
A sub-group of secrets command group, which allows you to auto-generate secrets documents of a site.
The types of documents that pegleg cli generates are passphrases,
certificate authorities, certificates and keys. Passphrases are declared
in a new pegleg/PassphraseCatalog/v1
document, while CAs,
certificates, and keys are declared in the
The pegleg/PKICatalog/v1
schema is identical with the
existing promenade/PKICatalog/v1
, promenade currently uses
to generate the site CAs, certificates, and keys.
The pegleg/PassphraseCatalog/v1
schema is specified in
Passphrase Catalog
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> secrets generate <command> <options>
Generate certificates and keys according to all PKICatalog documents
in the site using the pki
module. The default behavior is to generate all
certificates that are not yet present. For example, the first time
generate PKI is run or when new entries are added to the PKICatalogue,
only those new entries will be generated on subsequent runs.
Pegleg also supports a full regeneration of all certificates at any time, by using the \-\-regenerate-all flag.
Pegleg places generated document files in
, or
as appropriate:
- The generated filenames for passphrases will follow the pattern
. - The generated filenames for certificate authorities will follow the
. - The generated filenames for certificates will follow the pattern
. - The generated filenames for certificate keys will follow the pattern
. - The generated filenames for keypairs will follow the pattern
Dashes in the document names will be converted to underscores for consistency.
site_name (Required).
Name of site.
-a / \-\-author (Optional).
Identifying name of the author generating new certificates. Used for tracking provenance information in the PeglegManagedDocuments. An attempt is made to automatically determine this value, but should be provided.
-d / \-\-days (Optional, Default=365).
Duration (in days) certificates should be valid. Minimum=0, no maximum. Values less than 0 will raise an exception.
NOTE: A generated certificate where days = 0 should only be used for testing. A certificate generated in such a way will be valid for 0 seconds.
-s / \-\-save-location
Directory to store the generated site certificates in. It will be created automatically, if it does not already exist. The generated, wrapped, and encrypted passphrases files will be saved in: <save_location>/site/<site_name>/secrets/certificates/ directory. Defaults to site repository path if no value given.'
\-\-regenerate-all (Optional, Default=False).
Force Pegleg to regenerate all PKI items.
./pegleg.sh site -r <site_repo> -e <extra_repo> \
secrets generate certificates \
<site_name> \
-a <author> \
-d <days> \
-s <save_location>
Generates, wraps and encrypts passphrase documents specified in the
document for a site. The site
name, and the directory to store the generated documents are provided by
the site_name
, and the save_location
line parameters respectively. The generated passphrases are stored
The schema for the generated passphrases is defined in Pegleg Managed Documents
site_name (Required).
Name of the site
. The site_name
must match
a site
name in the site repository folder structure. The
command looks up the site-name
, and
searches recursively the site_name
folder structure in the
site repository for pegleg/PassphraseCatalog/v1
Then it parses the passphrase catalog documents it found, and generates
one passphrase document for each passphrase document_name
declared in the site passphrase catalog.
-a / \-\-author (Required)
is intended to document the application or the
individual, who generates the site passphrase documents, mostly for
tracking purposes. It is expected to be leveraged in an
operator-specific manner. For instance the author
can be
the "userid" of the person running the command, or the "application-id"
of the application executing the command.
-s / \-\-save-location (Required).
Where to output generated passphrase documents. The passphrase
documents are placed in the following folder structure under
-c / \-\-passphrase-catalog (Optional).
Specifies a path for a passphrase catalog file to use instead of the catalogs found in the repositories specified by the user. The specified catalog will be used when this option is specified and all other discovered catalogs will be disregarded. This can be used to specify a subset of passphrases to generate instead of the whole catalog or for testing new passphrases before merging them into production.
-i / \-\-interactive (Optional). False by default.
Enables input prompts for "prompt: true" passphrases. Input prompts are otherwise disabled by default and prompted passphrases will be skipped.
\-\-force-cleartext (Optional). False by default.
Force cleartext generation of passphrases. This is not recommended.
./pegleg.sh site <options> secrets generate passphrases <site_name> -a
<author_id> -s <save_location>
./pegleg.sh site -r /opt/site-manifests \
-e global=/opt/manifests \
-e secrets=/opt/security-manifests \
secrets generate passphrases <site_name> -a <author_id> -s /workspace
CLI Repository Overrides
Repository overrides should only be used for entries included
underneath the repositories
field for a given site-definition.yaml
Overrides are specified via the -e
flag for all site-group
commands. They
have the following format:
REPO_NAME is one of:
.REPO_PATH_OR_URL is one of:
- path (relative or absolute) - /opt/global or ../global though absolute is recommended
- url (fully qualified) - must have following formats:
- http|https - <PROTOCOL>://<GIT URL>/<REPO_NAME>.git
- <PROTOCOL> must be a valid authentication protocol: ssh, https, or http
- <REPO_USERNAME> must be a user with access rights to the repository. This value will replace the literal string REPO_USERNAME in the corresponding entry under the
field in the relevantsite-definition.yaml
CLI flag- <GIT_URL> must be a valid Git URL
- <PORT> must be a valid authentication port for SSH
- <REVISION> must be a valid
- <REPO_NAME> must be a valid Git repository name, e.g. site-manifests
Self-Contained Repository
For self-contained repositories, specification of extra repositories
is unnecessary. The following command can be used to deploy the
manifests in the example repository
for the currently checked out
pegleg site -r /opt/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files <command> <options>
To specify a specific revision at run time, execute:
pegleg site -r /opt/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files@<REVISION> \
<command> <options>
must be a valid git-reference
Git Reference
Valid Git references for checking out repositories include:
- 47676764d3935e4934624bf9593e9115984fe668 (commit ID)
- refs/changes/79/47079/12 (ref)
- master (branch name)
-f / \-\-fail-on-missing-sub-src (Optional, Default=True).
Raise Deckhand exception on missing substitution sources.
-x (Optional).
Will exclude the specified lint option. -w takes priority over -x.
-w (Optional).
Will warn of lint failures from the specified lint options.
If you expect certain lint failures, then those lint options can be excluded or you can choose to be warned about those failures using the codes below.
P001 - Document has storagePolicy cleartext (expected is encrypted) yet its schema is a mandatory encrypted type.
Where mandatory encrypted schema type is one of:
- deckhand/CertificateAuthorityKey/v1
- deckhand/CertificateKey/v1
- deckhand/Passphrase/v1
- deckhand/PrivateKey/v1
P002 - Deckhand rendering is expected to complete without errors. P003 - All repos contain expected directories.
Allows you to perform generate operations.
Generate a passphrase and print to stdout
-l / \-\-length (Optional, Default=24).
Length of passphrase to generate. Minimum length is 24. Lengths less than minimum will default to 24. No maximum length.
./pegleg.sh generate passphrase -l <length>
Example without length specified:
./pegleg.sh generate passphrase
Example with length specified:
./pegleg.sh generate passphrase -l <length>
Generate a salt and print to stdout
-l / \-\-length (Optional, Default=24).
Length of salt to generate. Minimum length is 24. Lengths less than minimum will default to 24. No maximum length.
./pegleg.sh generate salt -l <length>
Example without length specified:
./pegleg.sh generate salt
Example with length specified:
./pegleg.sh generate salt -l <length>