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DEX-APIServer kustomizations

The "dex-apiserver" folder provides the manifests and patches to configure the API server with "oidc" flags and CA certificate (Secret). Refer to the JSON patch file oidc-apiserver-flags.json. This patch file adds OIDC flags configuration to the API server in the KubeadmControlPlane CR, which is used to create the Target cluster's ControlPlane node and deploy the API server during the execution of airshipctl phase run controlplane-ephemeral command.

IMPORTANT: The JSON patch is tailored for baremetal provider. If deploying target cluster on a different provider (e.g., Azure, GCP, Openstack), you will need to update this patch, accordingly.

In order to ensure synchronization with the "dex-aio" service, the CA certificate (Secret) in the Ephemeral cluster SHALL be copied to the Target cluster. This is achieved by adding the label "true" to the CA Secret. This label idenfies this Secret as candidate to the CAPI move command executed by airshipctl phase run clusterctl-move command.

Once this CA Secret has been moved to the Target cluster, it will be used during dex-aio deployment to sign Certificates to be used by Dex.

NOTES on oidc-apiserver-flags.json:

  • The (Dex) FQDN for the attribute oidc-issuer-url will have to be added to the list under certSANs
  • The patches for "/spec/kubeadmConfigSpec/preKubeadmCommands/-" are needed if your (Dex) FQDN cannot be resolved by the DNS used by the controlplane node.
  • The oidc-issuer-url FQDN and port number MUST match dex-aio HelmRelease values for values.params.endpoints.hostname and values.params.endpoints.port.https. Example below:

Snippet of oidc-apiserver-flags.json

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/spec/kubeadmConfigSpec/clusterConfiguration/apiServer",
    "value": {
        "oidc-issuer-url": "https://dex.function.local:32556/dex",

Snippet of treasuremap/manifests/function/dex-aio/dex-helmrelease.yaml

        hostname: dex.function.local
          https: 32556

Also, in case your dex-aio FQDN (e.g., dex.function.local) cannot be resolved by the DNS configured in the control plane node, your JSON patch will also have to include this FQDN to the nodes /etc/hosts so that the API server can reach dex-aio microservice.

Snippet of oidc-apiserver-flags.json

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/spec/kubeadmConfigSpec/preKubeadmCommands/-",
    "value": "echo ' dex.function.local' | tee -a /etc/hosts"

NOTES on dex-ca-cert-secret.yaml:

  • This Secret contains a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate manually generated.
  • The CA certificate was not signed by a known authority


  • CA certificate shall be auto generated
  • The CA certificate shall be signed by a known authority
  • The generated CA certificate shall be secured, e.g., encrypted using SOPS