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Heterogeneous-Accelerator Migration Sub-group
Project Facts Project Creation Date: 2023/08/08 Primary Contact: Lei Huang & huangleiyjy@chinamobile.com Project Lead: Lei Huang & huangleiyjy@chinamobile.com Committers:? Lei Huang & huangleiyjy@chinamobile.com Mailing List:https://computing-force-network@lists.opendev.org Meetings: Same as CFN bi-weekly meeting Repository: https://opendev.org/cfn/computing-native StoryBoard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/computing-force-network
The intelligent computing ecology is mainly composed of middleware/framework + tool chain + hardware. Each vendors build corresponding tool chain around its own hardware, and generates branch version matching different AI framework.
The ecosystem is becoming diverse, cross-architecture and cross-stack migration of upper-layer applications is extremely complex, which brings development challenges to application developers, computing force service providers and chip vendors.
In order to facing ecological challenges, we proposed a technology named Heterogeneous-Accelerator Migration Technology , the goal of which is to break the existing compile-link-execute tightly coupled tool chain ecology, establish a new collaboration mechanism.Shield the underlying hardware differences, and realize cross-architecture non-sensing migration and execution of applications. Build traction model of the intelligent computing industry chain with software as the core, and prosper the ecology of intelligent computing industry.
The Heterogeneous-Accelerator Migration Technology architecture mainly consists of two layers: the heterogeneous-accelerator migration abstraction layer and the computing force pooling layer. Among them, the heterogeneous-accelerator migration abstraction layer mainly includes native interfaces based on a unified programming model and converters, as well as a hardware-native stack formed by a cross-architecture comprehensive compiler and runtime, generating a unified executable program format. The computing force pooling layer mainly consists of components for heterogeneous computing power registration management, scheduling, and pooling, achieving unified management and pooled execution of heterogeneous computing power resources.
Fig. Initial Architecture of Heterogeneous-Accelerator Migration Technology
- Release Planning & Release Notes 1. Heterogeneous-Accelerator Migration Technology Solution Introduction of Heterogeneous-Accelerator Migration Technology solution, including user guide, architecture description, etc. 2.Key component image of Heterogeneous-Accelerator Migration Platform The model calculation graph and program code for user input will be compiled and run across architectures, and key tool components will be provided.