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Using Python-Jenkins

The python-jenkins library allows management of a Jenkins server through the Jenkins REST endpoints. Below are examples to get you started using the library. If you need further help take a look at the api docs for more details.

Example 1: Get version of Jenkins

This is an example showing how to connect to a Jenkins instance and retrieve the Jenkins server version.

import jenkins

server = jenkins.Jenkins('http://localhost:8080', username='myuser', password='mypassword')
version = server.get_version()
print version

The above code prints the version of the Jenkins master running on 'localhost:8080'

From Jenkins vesion 1.426 onward you can specify an API token instead of your real password while authenticating the user against the Jenkins instance. Refer to the Jenkins Authentication wiki for details about how you can generate an API token. Once you have an API token you can pass the API token instead of a real password while creating a Jenkins instance.

Example 2: Logging into Jenkins using kerberos

Kerberos support is only enabled if you have "kerberos" python package installed. You can install the "kerberos" package from PyPI using the obvious pip command.

pip install kerberos


This might require python header files as well as kerberos header files.

If you have "kerberos" python package installed, python-jenkins tries to authenticate using kerberos automatically when the Jenkins server replies "401 Unauthorized" and indicates it supports kerberos. That is, kerberos authentication should work automagically. For a quick test, just try the following.

import jenkins

server = jenkins.Jenkins('http://localhost:8080')
print server.jobs_count()


Jenkins as such does not support kerberos, it needs to be supported by the Servlet container or a reverse proxy sitting in front of Jenkins.

Example 3: Working with Jenkins Jobs

This is an example showing how to create, configure and delete Jenkins jobs.

server.create_job('empty', jenkins.EMPTY_CONFIG_XML)
jobs = server.get_jobs()
print jobs
server.copy_job('empty', 'empty_copy')
server.reconfig_job('empty_copy', jenkins.RECONFIG_XML)


# build a parameterized job
# requires creating and configuring the api-test job to accept 'param1' & 'param2'
server.build_job('api-test', {'param1': 'test value 1', 'param2': 'test value 2'})
last_build_number = server.get_job_info('api-test')['lastCompletedBuild']['number']
build_info = server.get_job_info('api-test', last_build_number)
print build_info

# get all jobs from the specific view
jobs = server.get_jobs(view_name='View Name')
print jobs

Example 4: Working with Jenkins Views

This is an example showing how to create, configure and delete Jenkins views.

server.create_view('EMPTY', jenkins.EMPTY_VIEW_CONFIG_XML)
view_config = server.get_view_config('EMPTY')
views = server.get_views()
print views

Example 5: Working with Jenkins Plugins

This is an example showing how to retrieve Jenkins plugins information.

plugins = server.get_plugins_info()
print plugins

The above example will print a dictionary containing all the plugins that are installed on the Jenkins server. An example of what you can expect from the get_plugins_info method is documented in the api doc.

Example 6: Working with Jenkins Nodes

This is an example showing how to add, configure, enable and delete Jenkins nodes.

nodes = get_nodes()
print nodes
node_config = server.get_node_info('slave1')
print node_config

# create node with parameters
params = {
    'port': '22',
    'username': 'juser',
    'credentialsId': '10f3a3c8-be35-327e-b60b-a3e5edb0e45f',
    'host': 'my.jenkins.slave1'
    nodeDescription='my test slave',

Example 7: Working with Jenkins Build Queue

This is an example showing how to retrieve information on the Jenkins queue.

queue_info = server.get_queue_info()
id = queue_info[0].get('id')

Example 8: Working with Jenkins Cloudbees Folders

Requires the Cloudbees Folders Plugin for Jenkins.

This is an example showing how to create, configure and delete Jenkins folders.

server.create_job('folder', jenkins.EMPTY_FOLDER_XML)
server.create_job('folder/empty', jenkins.EMPTY_FOLDER_XML)
server.copy_job('folder/empty', 'folder/empty_copy')

Example 9: Updating Next Build Number

Requires the Next Build Number Plugin for Jenkins.

This is an example showing how to update the next build number for a Jenkins job.

next_bn = server.get_job_info('job_name')['nextBuildNumber']
server.set_next_build_number('job_name', next_bn + 50)

Example 9: Working with Build Promotions

Requires the Promoted Builds Plugin for Jenkins.

This is an example showing how to create, configure and delete a promotion process for an existing job.

The job in this example is named prom_job and it needs to have this config xml snippet before creating the promotion:


<hudson.plugins.promoted__builds.JobPropertyImpl> <activeProcessNames> <string>prom_name</string> </activeProcessNames> </hudson.plugins.promoted__builds.JobPropertyImpl>


where prom_name is the name of the promotion that will get added to the job.


server.create_promotion('prom_name', 'prom_job', jenkins.EMPTY_PROMO_CONFIG_XML) server.promotion_exists('prom_name', 'prom_job') print server.get_promotions('prom_job')

server.reconfig_promotion('prom_name', 'prom_job', jenkins.PROMO_RECONFIG_XML) print server.get_promotion_config('prom_name', 'prom_job')

server.delete_promotion('prom_name', 'prom_job')