
71 lines
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{% extends "help/layout.html" %}
{% block help_body %}
<h3>{% trans %}Scripts and Editor Integration{% endtrans %}</h3>
<p>{% trans %}
For some popular editors lodgeit integration scripts/plugins exist.
Additionally there is also a small script that allows pasting from the
command line.{% endtrans %}
<h3>{% trans %}Command Line Script{% endtrans %}</h3>
{% trans %}The usage is pretty simple, to paste a file use the following command{% endtrans %}
<pre class="sample">{% trans %}lodgeit.py /path/to/file{% endtrans %}</pre>
<p>{% trans %}
This will use various guessing methods to get the correct language of
the file. If all guessing fails it falls back to a normal text paste.
You can also provide the language yourself.{% endtrans %}
<pre class="sample">{% trans %}lodgeit.py -l LANGUAGE /path/to/file{% endtrans %}</pre>
{% trans %}For a list of supported languages use the following command:{% endtrans %}
<pre class="sample">{% trans %}lodgeit.py --languages{% endtrans %}</pre>
<p>{% trans %}If no file is given it will read from the standard input stream.{% endtrans %}</p>
<p>{% trans %}If multiple files are given, they will be put into one paste using the
"multi-file" formatter.{% endtrans %}</p>
<strong>{% trans %}Download:{% endtrans %}</strong>
<a href="http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/lodgeit/tree/scripts/lodgeit.py">lodgeit.py</a>
<h3>{% trans %}Vim Support{% endtrans %}</h3>
<p>{% trans %}
If Vim is your editor you can paste and download pastes directly from
within Vim.{% endtrans %}
<p>{% trans %}
All you have to do to paste the current range or whole buffer to lodgeit
is executing <tt>:Lodgeit</tt>. If you want you can map this command to
a mapping like ctrl+p by adding this to your vimrc:{% endtrans %}
<pre class="sample">map ^P :Lodgeit&lt;CR&gt;</pre>
<p>{% trans %}(^P is entered using ctrl + v, ctrl + in vim){% endtrans %}</p>
<p>{% trans %}
If you want to reply to a paste from within Vim you can call
<tt>:Lodgeit PASTE_URL</tt> or <tt>:Lodgeit #PASTE_ID</tt> and load the
paste into a new tab. After modifing it you can push the new version to
the server using <tt>:Lodgeit</tt>.{% endtrans %}
<strong>{% trans %}Download:{% endtrans %}</strong>
<a href="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1965">lodgeit.vim</a>
<h3>{% trans %}Emacs Support{% endtrans %}</h3>
<p>{% trans %}
You need a working installation of <a href="http://pymacs.progiciels-bpi.ca/">Pymacs</a>.
For Linux users, many distributions already include a package; otherwise, refer to the
<a href="http://pymacs.progiciels-bpi.ca/manual/Installation.html#Installation">Pymacs documentation</a>
for help. If Pymacs is working, you just need to put <tt>paste.py</tt> into a directory where
Pymacs can find it (see the variable <tt>pymacs-load-path</tt>), and add the line
<tt>(pymacs-load "paste")</tt> to your <tt>.emacs</tt> file. If you want a Pastebin menu in
your menu bar, you also need to add the line <tt>(paste-menu)</tt>.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Detailed usage instructions are located at <a href="http://lunaryorn.de/projects/paste/">on the project page{% endtrans %}</a>.
<strong>{% trans %}Download:{% endtrans %}</strong>
<a href="http://lunaryorn.de/projects/paste/">paste.py</a>
{% endblock %}