
45 lines
1.2 KiB

.. include:: ../../CONTRIBUTING.rst
.. NOTE(dhellmann): The title underline style just below relies on the
existing format of the file included just above.
Running the Tests
The test suite includes functional tests that use a MySQL database, so
you must configure a database user.
For MySQL you can use the following commands::
mysql -u root
mysql> CREATE USER 'openstack_citest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'openstack_citest'@'localhost';
Note that the script tools/ can be used for the step
Storyboard uses tox_ to manage its unit and functional tests. After
installing tox and downloading the storyboard source, run the tests
$ tox -e py27
or for Python 3::
$ tox -e py35
And to run the style-checker and static analysis tool::
$ tox -e pep8
On slower systems, the database migrations may take longer than the
default timeout of 60 seconds. To override the timeout, set the
``OS_TEST_TIMEOUT`` environment variable. For example, to set the
timeout to 2 minutes, run::
$ OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=120 tox -e py27
.. _tox: