Kendall Nelson 55dfa602c6 Add documentation for private stories
Include basic information about how to create a story that has security

Change-Id: I379a076f66f9794dac2add98f44c5347f55de9fd
2019-03-02 01:25:49 +00:00

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Tasks, Stories, & Tags

This manual is a guide for StoryBoard users to navigate the usage of tasks, stories, and tags in the webclient.

The OpenStack StoryBoard webclient can be accessed here:

StoryBoard is a task tracking application. It encourages anyone to sign in and create a story.

What is a Story?

A story is a description of something you want. Typically it is a new feature or a bug fix.

The story describes what behavior is desired. Implementation details are generally not inluded.

Create a Story

To create a story in StoryBoard:

  1. Ensure you are logged in.
  2. Find the + Create new... button. Where this button is, varies a bit on the layout selected for your device (i.e. mobile or desktop).
  3. Click the + Create new... button and select Story from the drop down menu.
  4. A pop-up window entitled New Story will appear, should you change your mind you can close the New Story window at any time by clicking the X in the top right-hand corner of the New Story window.
  5. Enter a title in the Title: text box.
  6. Enter a description in the Description text box.
  7. Enter a project in the text box with the Select a Project prompt and the magnifying glass icon.
  8. These three fields are the minimum required fields for creating a story, once there is acceptable content in all three the Save Changes button will transition from greyed out to full brightness.
  9. Click the Save Changes button.
  10. You will see your newly created story with a default task automatically generated to have the same name as the story.

Private Stories

They are created the same way that regular stories are with additional steps.

  1. After you've taken the first few steps to create the story- entered a title and description- there is a checkbox labeled 'Private or Security Vulnerability' that should be checked.
  2. After checking the box, click the Add Team or User button to search for and add members of the vulnerability management team or core security groups. Whoever you add will be able to view the story. You will be able to view the story by default.

What is a Task?

A task is a piece of work to be performed, typically sized to be a single reviewable commit. Each story requires at least one task. You cannot create a task without associating it to a story. A task is what gets associated with a project.

Tasks also can have notes. Generally this is discussion about progress or asking for more information or direction.

Create a Task

Add a Task to an Existing Story

  1. Ensure you are logged in.
  2. View an existing story.
  3. Find the section in the story view entitled "Tasks", it is found below the story description.
  4. Below the current tasks, there is a button + Add Task affecting this project, button or a + Affects other project. Depending on what task you are creating, click the appropriate button.
  5. The + Add Task affecting this project button will transition to show a Enter Task Name field and a Assign user to task field. You are required to at least fill in the task name field, but can fill in both. In most cases, a user isn't assinged at creation unless you are assigning it to yourself. Click save when finished. If you clicked the button + Affects other project you will be prompted and required to add a project name and task name.
  6. Click the Save button at the right-hand end of the row for the task.
  7. Click the - Add Task button to close any empty task prompts.

Add a Task While Creating a Story

By default, the first task added to a newly created story is the title of the story. To change this to describe the work rather than the goal, or add tasks at story creation time follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are logged in.
  2. Find the + Create new... button. Where this button is, varies a bit on wheher you are viewing the webclient on mobile or from a desktop.
  3. Click the + Create new... button and select Story from the drop down menu.
  4. A pop-up window entitled New Story will appear, should you change your mind you can close the New Story window at any time by clicking the X in the top right-hand corner of the New Story window.
  5. Enter a Story title in the Title: text box.
  6. Enter a Story description in the Description text box.
  7. As previously stated, a task will be auto generated with the same name as the story. Should you want the first task to be named something other than the title of the new story, edit this text box until it contains your first task for the new story. You will also need to select a project using the Select a Project text box.
  8. If you want to add additional tasks to this new story, click the + Add Another Task button in the lower left of the New Story window.
  9. Ensure there is content in the text box with the Task Title prompt and the Select a Project prompt for each task.
  10. Click the Save Changes button.
  11. You will see your newly created story complete with tasks.

Add notes to a Task

  1. Ensure you are logged in.
  2. While viewing the Story with the associated task you wish to add notes to, find the arrow in front of the task number, click to expand. The task will expand to show a number of options.
  3. Click the Add notes button and type the desired notes in the Enter task notes here text box and click the Save button.

What is a Tag?

Tags are an easily searchable and filterable one or two word description that help with auto populated worklists.

Adding a Tag to a Story

  1. Ensure you are logged in.
  2. View an existing story.
  3. Find the section in the story view entitled "Tags", it is the middle of the story view.
  4. Below the "Tags" heading you will see a button marked Add +, click this button.
  5. You will see a row on the page comprised of a text box with an Add button and a Cancel button.
  6. Add text in the text box consistent with the tag you want to use. Then click the Add button to include the tag on the story or click the Cancel button to close the add tag text box.