
39 lines
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Generate letsencrypt certificates
This must run after the ``letsencrypt-install-acme-sh``,
``letsencrypt-request-certs`` and ``letsencrypt-install-txt-records``
roles. It will run the ```` process to create the certificates
on the host.
**Role Variables**
.. zuul:rolevar:: letsencrypt_self_sign_only
:default: False
If set to True, will locally generate self-signed certificates in
the same locations the real script would, instead of contacting
letsencrypt. This is set during gate testing as the
authentication tokens are not available.
.. zuul:rolevar:: letsencrypt_self_generate_tokens
:default: False
When set to ``True``, self-generate fake DNS-01 TXT tokens rather
than acquiring them through the ACME process with letsencrypt.
This avoids leaving "half-open" challenges during gate testing,
where we have no way to publish the DNS TXT records letsencrypt
gives us to complete the certificate issue. This should be
``True`` if ``letsencrypt_self_sign_only`` is ``True`` (unless you
wish to specifically test the ```` operation).
.. zuul:rolevar:: letsencrypt_use_staging
:default: False
If set to True will use the letsencrypt staging environment, rather
than make production requests. Useful during initial provisioning
of hosts to avoid affecting production quotas.
.. zuul:rolevar:: letsencrypt_certs
The same variable as described in ``letsencrypt-request-certs``.