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How to Contribute

python-tempestconf source code is publicly available. You can contribute code to individual projects, documentation, report bugs and vulnerabilities and request features.

Reporting Bugs

We have a storyboard project created to track any change required for python-tempestconf. If you have found any bug, please, report it there.

Important information to mention:

  • System on which the problem occurred (e.g. CentOS, Ubuntu, ...)
  • The source of python-tempestconf you have used. The package version number in case of RPM or the branch used in case of installation from git.
  • The exact command with all arguments you have used.
  • It's always better to include the console output as well.

Requesting Features

Create a story with a task for our project containing all the relevant information, mainly:

  • description of the feature
  • inputs (new CLI option, ...) and outputs (desired configuration in tempest.conf) of the feature
  • the reason why it should be implemented

Fixing bugs

  1. If you have found a bug and you know how to fix it, please, check our storyboard project for any stories which may relate to the issue. If you haven't find any related story, please, create one. Check Reporting Bugs.
  2. Follow Contributing Code and submit a code review in

Contributing Code

Like any other project part of OpenStack, the development of python-tempestconf follows the OpenStack guidelines for contribution.

Learn how to contribute into OpenStack.

If you have made any changes in the source code, run tests locally before posting a review. You can do so by running tox.

If you've made any changes in the documentation (under doc/) run:

$ tox -edocs

If you've made any changes in the source code run unit tests as follows:

$ tox -epy27

and pep8 check like following:

$ tox -epep8

If you've written also a releasenote, make sure the syntax is correct by running:

$ tox -ereleasenotes

If you've made any changes which are related to a task in a story in our storyboard project, please, include a story and task number in the commit message.