Chandan Kumar e950efdc73 Switch to refstack-client binary and some cleanup
* Use latest pbr >= 2.0.0
* Removed gitpython as it is not used within the code
* switched to refstack-client binary in README.rst
* Removed unwanted stuff from as those are already in setup.cfg
* use pip install -e . to auto install dependencies from requirements.txt
  as well as package.

Change-Id: Ia0b1b0a598c48200dc91cc08af9bd78d5685091e
2017-07-27 14:35:23 +05:30

5.9 KiB

RefStack Client

RefStack-client team and repository tags



refstack-client is a command line utility that allows you to execute Tempest test runs based on configurations you specify. When finished running Tempest it can send the passed test data to a RefStack API server.

Environment setup

We've created an "easy button" for Ubuntu, Centos, RHEL and openSuSe.

  1. Make sure you have git installed

  2. Get the refstack client: git clone

  3. Go into the refstack-client directory: cd refstack-client

  4. Run the "easy button" setup: ./setup_env


    a. -c option allows to specify SHA of commit or branch in Tempest repository which will be installed.

    b. -t option allows to specify tag in Tempest repository which will be installed. For example: execute ./setup_env -t tags/3 to install Tempest tag-3.

    c. By default, Tempest will be installed from commit 8f98c4b60bf06a8c15e8c054848d2440c46077d0 (February 17, 2017 tags 15.0.0).


  1. Prepare a tempest configuration file that is customized to your cloud environment.

    Note: Use Tempest Pre-Provisioned credentials to provide user test accounts. :

  2. Go into the refstack-client directory:

    cd ~/refstack-client
  3. Source to use the correct Python environment:

    source .venv/bin/activate
  4. Validate your setup by running a short test:

    refstack-client test -c <Path of the tempest configuration file to use> -v -- --regex tempest.api.identity.v3.test_tokens.TokensV3Test.test_create_token
  5. Run tests.

    To run the entire API test set:

    refstack-client test -c <Path of the tempest configuration file to use> -v

    To run only those tests specified in an OpenStack Powered (TM) Guideline:

    refstack-client test -c <Path of the tempest configuration file to use> -v --test-list <Path or URL of test list>

    For example:

    refstack-client test -c ~/tempest.conf -v --test-list \

    This will run only the test cases required by the 2017.01 guidelines that have not been flagged.


    1. Adding the -v option will show the Tempest test result output.
    2. Adding the --upload option will have your test results be uploaded to the default RefStack API server or the server specified by --url.
    3. Adding the --test-list option will allow you to specify the file path or URL of a test list text file. This test list should contain specific test cases that should be tested. Tests lists passed in using this argument will be normalized with the current Tempest environment to eliminate any attribute mismatches.
    4. Adding the --url option will allow you to change where test results should be uploaded.
    5. Adding the -r option with a string will prefix the JSON result file with the given string (e.g. -r my-test will yield a result file like 'my-test-0.json').
    6. Adding -- enables you to pass arbitrary arguments to the ostestr runner. After the first --, all other subsequent arguments will be passed to the ostestr runner as is. This is mainly used for quick verification of the target test cases. (e.g. -- --regex tempest.api.identity.v2.test_token)

    Use refstack-client test --help for the full list of arguments.

  6. Upload your results.

    If you previously ran a test with refstack-client without the --upload option, you can later upload your results to a RefStack API server anonymously or with your digital signature. By default, results uploaded with signature are private and you can decide to share or delete the results later. Uploading results with signature is the recommended option.

    Following is the command to upload your result anonymously:

    refstack-client upload <Path of results file>

    The results file is a JSON file generated by refstack-client when a test has completed. This is saved in .tempest/.testrepository. When you use the upload command, you can also override the RefStack API server uploaded to with the --url option.

    Alternatively, you can use the upload-subunit command to upload results using an existing subunit file. This requires that you pass in the Keystone endpoint URL for the cloud that was tested to generate the subunit data:

    refstack-client upload-subunit --keystone-endpoint http://some.url:5000/v3 <Path of subunit file>

    Result can also be uploaded with signature by adding -i <path-to-private-key> option. Intructions for uploading data with signature can be found at

  7. List uploaded test set.

    You can list previously uploaded data from a RefStack API server by using the following command:

    refstack-client list --url <URL of the RefStack API server>

Tempest hacking

By default, refstack-client installs Tempest into the .tempest directory. If you're interested in working with Tempest directly for debugging or configuration, you can activate a working Tempest environment by switching to that directory and using the installed dependencies.

  1. cd .tempest
  2. source ./.venv/bin/activate and run tests manually with ostestr.

This will make the entire Tempest environment available for you to run, including the ostestr and testr commands.