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Database Tables for Vendor Registration Support

Launchpad blueprint:

Requirement document:

Data model document:

Based on the blueprint and requirement documents listed above, this spec is the first of a series of specifications that will be defined for RefStack to implement the vendor registration process. This spec will mainly focus on the data model aspect of the vendor registration implementation.

Problem description

As RefStack implements the vendor/product registration process, additional database tables are needed to store the newly added entities such as vendor, cloud provider, etc. Based on the object model described in the requirement document, this spec defines the tables and the basic methods/functions needed to manage them.

Proposed change

The following tables will be added to the RefStack database:

  • A table named "organization"

    The organization table will store the data representing entities such as Software Vendors, Cloud Operators, OpenStack Foundation, etc. The various types of entities stored in this table will be differentiated by the values stored in the "type" column. These values are pre-defined in a set of constants (enum) with descriptive names. For example: 1 = foundation, 2 = official_vendor, 3 = private_vendor, etc. There will be only one organization with the type of "foundation" in a RefStack instance. This organization will be created by the RefStack admin.

  • A table named "product"

    This table will contain the product information. Each product must be owned by a vendor. A "type" column will be used to identify the different types of products. The types of products are pre-defined constants (enum) with descriptive names as defined in the OpenStack Marketplace ( For example: 1 = distro, 2 = public_cloud, 3 = hosted_private_cloud, etc.

Details about these tables are described in the "Data model impact" section.

The following methods will be added:

  • Methods to add/remove a vendor and its associated attributes.
  • Methods to add/remove a product and its associated attributes.


Auditability is not included in the current implementation. RefStack should require at least some logging/auditing capability. While RefStack can add richer auditability features overtime incrementally, at the minimum an updated_by_user column should be added to the tables to log the last update activity made on an organization or product entity.

Open to other suggestions.

Data model impact

The following tables will be added to the RefStack database.

  • "organization" table

    Column Type
    created_at datetime
    deleted_at datetime
    deleted int(11)
    updated_at datetime
    created_by_user varchar(128) FK
    id varchar(36) PK
    name varchar(80)
    description text
    type int(11)
    group_id varchar(36) FK
  • "product" table

    Column Type
    created_at datetime
    deleted_at datetime
    deleted int(11)
    updated_at datetime
    created_by_user varchar(128) FK
    id varchar(36) PK
    name varchar(80)
    description text
    product_id varchar(36)
    type int(11)
    public tinyint(1)
    organization_id varchar(36) FK
    properties text


    The value of the product_id field is used for storing a secondary ID to provide additional information about the cloud, such as a hash of the cloud access URL. product_id can be initialized at product creation time or later.

    The values in the "public" column are boolean numbers indicating whether the products are privately or publicly visible.

    Ideally, the "deleted" column should be of type tinyint(1) (which is a boolean in SQLAlchemy). Int(11) is used here for being consistent with Oslo.

REST API impact

None at the database level.

Security impact


Notifications impact

None, for the initial implementation. In the future, RefStack may want to notify the related parties (users or organizations) when updates are made to these tables.

Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Andrey Pavlov

Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Create the tables.
  • Create the defined methods.





Documentation Impact


