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Use Ansible playbook to set up a local refstack instance

These steps are meant for RefStack developers to help them with setting up a local refstack instance.

In production RefStack server is managed by a set of playbooks and Ansible roles defined in system-config repository. Below instructions use these Ansible capabilities.

The RefStack server runs on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in the production.

You can find an Ansible playbook in playbooks directory which semi-automates the process of running refstack server in a container.

Execute the playbook by:

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/run-refstack-in-container.yaml

In order to avoid setting certificates and https protocol (it's simpler and more than enough for a testing instance), edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf like following:

  • remove VirtualHost section for the port 80 and change the port of VirtualHost from 443 to 80
  • Turn off the SSLEngine (SSLEngine on -> SSLEngine off)
  • Remove SSLCertificate lines

and then restart the apache service so that it loads the new configuration:

$ systemctl restart apache2

How to edit refstack files within the container

List the running container by:

$ docker container list

You can enter the container by:

$ sudo docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash
If you wanna install new packages like f.e. vim, do the following::

$ apt update $ apt install vim

Edit what's needed, backend is installed under /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/refstack/ and frontend source files can be found at /refstack-ui

After you made the changes, make pecan to reload the files served:

$ apt install procps  # to install pkill command
$ pkill pecan

Killing pecan will kick you out of the container, however, pecan serves the edited files now and you may re-enter the container.

Installing refstack with changes put for a review

In order to do this, you will need to rebuild the refstack image built by the playbook.

Go to the location where the playbook downloaded system-config, default in /tmp/refstack-docker and edit the refstack's Dockerfile:

$ cd /tmp/refstack-docker
$ vim ./refstack-docker-files/Dockerfile


$ RUN git clone /tmp/src


$ RUN git clone /tmp/src \
  && cd /tmp/src && git fetch "" \
  refs/changes/37/<change id/<patchset number> && git checkout -b \
  change-<change id>-<patchset number> FETCH_HEAD

Then rebuild the image:

$ docker image build -f Dockerfile -t <name:tag> .

Edit the docker-compose.yaml stored (by default) in /etc/refstack-docker/docker-compose.yaml and change the the image (under refstack-api) to your image name and tag you set in the previous step.

After then spin a new container using the new image:

$ cd /etc/refstack-docker
$ docker-compose down  # if refstack container is already running
$ docker-compose up -d

To see the server's logs use the following command:

$ docker container logs -f <container name>