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Refstack Quickstart

####Install dependencies (on ubuntu 14.x)..

  • sudo apt-get install git python-dev libssl-dev python-setuptools

  • sudo apt-get install mysql-server python-mysqldb

  • sudo easy_install -U pip

  • sudo easy_install -U virtualenv

####Setup the refstack database

  • Log into MySQL: mysql -u root -p

  • After authentication, create the database:

    CREATE DATABASE refstack;

  • Create a refstack user:

    CREATE USER 'refstack'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<your password>';

    or using hash value for your password

    CREATE USER 'refstack'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '<hash value of your password';

  • Grant privileges:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON refstack . * TO 'refstack'@'localhost';

  • Reload privileges:


  • Exit MySQL: quit

####Git you clonin'

  • git clone

  • cd refstack

  • Creare virtual environment: virtualenv .venv --system-site-package

  • Source to virtual environment: source .venv/bin/activate

####Install Refstack application (on ubuntu 14.x)..

  • python install

####Configuration file preparation

  • Make a copy of the sample config and update it with the correct information of your environment. Example of config file with default values available in etc directory.

  • At the minimum the value of the connection field in the [database] section should be updated. For example, if the backend database is MySQL then update: #connection = <None> to connection = mysql://refstack:<your password>@x.x.x.x/refstack

####Database sync

  • Check current revision:

    refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf version

    The response will show the current database revision. If the revision is None (indicating a clear database), the following command should be performed to upgrade the database to the latest revision:

  • Upgrade database to latest revision:

    refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf upgrade --revision head

  • Check current revision:

    refstack-manage --config-file /path/to/refstack.conf version

    Now it should be 42278d6179b9.

####Start Refstack

For the most basic setup that you can try right now, just kick off gunicorn:

  • refstack-api --env REFSTACK_OSLO_CONFIG=/path/to/refstack.conf

Now available http://localhost:8000/ with JSON response {'Root': 'OK'} and http://localhost:8000/v1/results/ with JSON response {'Results': 'OK'}.