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Copying over customized instackenv.json, network-environment.yaml, nic-configs


instackenv.json file is generated from a template in tripleo-quickstart: <>. A customized instackenv.json can be copied to the undercloud by overwriting the undercloud_instackenv_template variable with the path to the customized file.

Below is an explanation of, and example of, the instackenv.json file:

The JSON file describing your Overcloud baremetal nodes, is called instackenv.json. The file should contain a JSON object with the only field nodes containing list of node descriptions.

Each node description should contains required fields:

  • pm_type - driver for Ironic nodes
  • pm_addr - node BMC IP address (hypervisor address in case of virtual environment)
  • pm_user, pm_password - node BMC credentials

Some fields are optional if you're going to use introspection later:

  • mac - list of MAC addresses, optional for bare metal
  • cpu - number of CPU's in system
  • arch - CPU architecture (common values are i386 and x86_64)
  • memory - memory size in MiB
  • disk - hard driver size in GiB

It is also possible (but optional) to set Ironic node capabilities directly in the JSON file. This can be useful for assigning node profiles or setting boot options at registration time:

  • capabilities - Ironic node capabilities. For example:

    "capabilities": "profile:compute,boot_option:local"

For example:

    "nodes": [


Similarly, the network-environment.yaml file is generated from a template, <> A customized network-environment.yaml file can be copied to the undercloud by overwriting the network_environment_file variable with the path to the customized file.


By default, the virtual environment deployment uses the standard nic-configs files are there is no ready section to copy custom nic-configs files. The ansible-role-tripleo-overcloud-prep-config repo includes a task that copies the nic-configs files if they are defined, <>