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Virtual Environment

Quickstart can be used in a virtual environment using virtual machines instead of actual baremetal. However, one baremetal machine ( VIRTHOST ) is still needed to act as the host for the virtual machines.

Minimum System Requirements

By default, this setup creates 3 virtual machines:

  • 1 Undercloud
  • 1 Overcloud Controller
  • 1 Overcloud Compute


Each virtual machine must consist of at least 4 GB of memory and 40 GB of disk space. The virtual machine disk files are thinly provisioned and will not take up the full 40GB initially.

You will need a baremetal host machine (referred to as $VIRTHOST) with at least 16G of RAM, preferably 32G, and you must be able to ssh to the virthost machine as root without a password from the machine running ansible. Currently the virthost machine must be running a recent Red Hat-based Linux distribution (CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Fedora 22 - only CentOS 7 is currently tested), but we hope to add support for non-Red Hat distributions too.

Quickstart currently supports the following operating systems:

  • CentOS 7 x86_64

TripleO Quickstart

TripleO Quickstart is a fast and easy way to setup and configure your virtual environment for TripleO. Further documentation can be found at

A quick way to test that your virthost machine is ready to rock is:

ssh root@$VIRTHOST uname -a

Getting the script

You can download the script with `wget`:


Install the dependencies

You need some software available on your local system before you can run You can install the necessary dependencies by running:

bash --install-deps

Setup your virtual environment

Deploy with the most basic default options virtual environment by running:


There are many configuration options available in tripleo-quickstart/config/general_config/ and also in tripleo-quickstart-extras/config/general_config/ In the examples below the ha.yml config is located in the tripleo-quickstart repository and the containers_minimal.yml is located in the tripleo-quickstart-extras repository. All the configuration files will be installed to your working_directory.

This does require the user to know what the working directory is set to. The variable OPT_WORKDIR by default is ~/.quickstart but can be overriden with -w or --working_dir

Please review these options and use the appropriate configuration for your deployment.

Below are some examples.:

bash --config=~/.quickstart/config/general_config/ha.yml $VIRTHOST
bash --config=~/.quickstart/config/general_config/containers_minimal.yml $VIRTHOST