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This test is in all ways identical to blacklist_imports. However, it is designed to catch modules that have been imported using Python's special builtin import function, __import__(). For example, running a test on the following code for module.evil would warn as shown:

__import__('module')                    # no warning
__import__('module.evil')               # warning

Please see the documentation for blacklist_imports for more details.

Available Since

  • Bandit v0.9.0

Config Options

This test shares the configuration provided for the standard blacklist_imports test.

Sample Output

>> Issue: Using xml.sax to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.sax with the equivalent defusedxml

   Severity: Low   Confidence: High
   Location: ./examples/
1 import xml.sax
2 from xml import sax

>> Issue: Using xml.sax.parseString to parse untrusted XML data is known to
be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace xml.sax.parseString with its
defusedxml equivalent function.

   Severity: Medium   Confidence: High
   Location: ./examples/
20  # bad
21  xml.sax.parseString(xmlString, ExampleContentHandler())
22  xml.sax.parse('notaxmlfilethatexists.xml', ExampleContentHandler())
