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A security linter from OpenStack Security
Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code. To do
this Bandit processes each file, builds an AST from it, and runs appropriate
plugins against the AST nodes. Once Bandit has finished scanning all the files
it generates a report.
Bandit is distributed on PyPI. The best way to install it is with pip:
***Create a virtual environment (optional):***
virtualenv bandit-env
***Install Bandit:***
pip install bandit
***Run Bandit:***
bandit -r path/to/your/code
Bandit can also be installed from source. To do so, download the source
tarball from PyPI, then install it:
python install
Example usage across a code tree:
bandit -r ~/openstack-repo/keystone
Example usage across the examples/ directory, showing three lines of context
and only reporting on the high-severity issues:
bandit examples/*.py -n 3 -lll
Bandit can be run with profiles. To run Bandit against the examples directory
using only the plugins listed in the ShellInjection profile:
bandit examples/*.py -p ShellInjection
bandit -h
usage: bandit [-h] [-a AGG_TYPE] [-n CONTEXT_LINES] [-c CONFIG_FILE]
[-p PROFILE] [-l] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-d]
file [file ...]
Bandit - a Python source code analyzer.
positional arguments:
file source file/s or directory to be tested
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --recursive process files in subdirectories
-a AGG_TYPE, --aggregate AGG_TYPE
group results by (vuln)erability type or (file) it
occurs in
number of context lines to print
-c CONFIG_FILE, --configfile CONFIG_FILE
test config file (default: bandit.yaml)
-p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
test set profile in config to use (defaults to all
-l, --level results level filter
-f {txt,json}, --format {txt,json}
output format for STDOUT or file
write report to filename
-d, --debug turn on debug mode
The Bandit config file is used to set several things, including:
- profiles - defines group of tests which should or shouldn't be run
- exclude_dirs - sections of the path, that if matched, will be excluded from
- plugin configs - used to tune plugins, for example: by tuning
blacklist_imports, you can set which imports should be flagged
- other - plugins directory, included file types, shell display
colors, etc.
Bandit requires a config file. Bandit will use bandit.yaml in the following
preference order:
- Bandit config file specified with -c command line option
- bandit.yaml file from current working directory
- bandit.yaml file from ~/.config/bandit/
- bandit.yaml file in config/ directory of the Bandit package
In the event that a line of code triggers a Bandit issue, but that the line
has been reviewed and the issue is a false positive or acceptable for some
other reason, the line can be marked with a '# nosec' and any results
associated with it will not be reported.
For example, although this line may cause Bandit to report a potential
security issue, it will not be reported::
self.process = subprocess.Popen('/bin/echo', shell=True) # nosec
Vulnerability Tests
Vulnerability tests or 'plugins' are defined in files in the plugins directory.
Tests are written in Python and are autodiscovered from the plugins directory.
Each test can examine one or more type of Python statements. Tests are marked
with the types of Python statements they examine (for example: function call,
string, import, etc).
Tests are executed by the BanditNodeVisitor object as it visits each node in
the AST.
Test results are maintained in the BanditResultStore and aggregated for output
at the completion of a test run.
Writing Tests
To write a test:
- Identify a vulnerability to build a test for, and create a new file in
examples/ that contains one or more cases of that vulnerability.
- Consider the vulnerability you're testing for, mark the function with one
or more of the appropriate decorators:
- @checks('Call')
- @checks('Import', 'ImportFrom')
- @checks('Str')
- Create a new Python source file to contain your test, you can reference
existing tests for examples.
- The function that you create should take a parameter "context" which is
an instance of the context class you can query for information about the
current element being examined. You can also get the raw AST node for
more advanced use cases. Please see the file for more.
- Extend your Bandit configuration file as needed to support your new test.
- Execute Bandit against the test file you defined in examples/ and ensure
that it detects the vulnerability. Consider variations on how this
vulnerability might present itself and extend the example file and the test
function accordingly.
Contributions to Bandit are always welcome! We can be found on #openstack-security
on Freenode IRC.
The best way to get started with Bandit is to grab the source:
git clone
You can test any changes with tox:
pip install tox
tox -e pep8
tox -e py27
tox -e cover
Bandit wiki:
Python AST module documentation:
Green Tree Snakes - the missing Python AST docs:
Documentation of the various types of AST nodes that Bandit currently covers
or could be extended to cover: