This patch adds a doc8 check of .rst files to the current pep8 check. It includes fixes to the .rst files that didn't pass the check. Change-Id: If9c6fbf51033cd420c605443dbb3049535024697
7.3 KiB
Quotas API - User Guide
Running with default settings, the barbican REST API doesn't impose an upper limit on the number of resources that are allowed to be created. barbican's backend depends on limited resources. These limited resources include database, plugin, and Hardware Security Module (HSM) storage space. This can be an issue in a multi-project or multi-user environment when one project can exhaust available resources, impacting other projects.
The answer to this, on a per-project basis, is project quotas.
This user guide will show you how a user can lookup his current effective quotas and how a service admin can create, update, read, and delete project quota configuration for all projects in his cloud.
This guide will assume you will be using a local running development environment of barbican. If you need assistance with getting set up, please reference the development guide.
Project Quotas Overview
All users authenticated with barbican are able to read the effective quota values that apply to their project. Barbican can derive the project that a user belongs to by reading the project scope from the authentication token.
Service administrators can read, set, and delete quota configurations for each project known to barbican. The service administrator is recognized by his authenticated role. The service administrator's role is defined in barbican's policy.json file. The default role for a service admin is "key-manager:service-admin".
Quotas can be enforced for the following barbican resources: secrets, containers, orders, consumers, and CAs. The configured quota value can be None (use the default), -1 (unlimited), 0 (disabled), or a positive integer defining the maximum number allowed for a project.
Default Quotas
When no project quotas have been set for a project, the default project quotas are enforced for that project. Default quotas are specified in the barbican configuration file (barbican.conf). The defaults provided in the standard configuration file are as follows.
# default number of secrets allowed per project
quota_secrets = -1
# default number of orders allowed per project
quota_orders = -1
# default number of containers allowed per project
quota_containers = -1
# default number of consumers allowed per project
quota_consumers = -1
# default number of CAs allowed per project
quota_cas = -1
The default quotas are returned via a GET on the quotas resource when no explicit project quotas have been set for the current project.
How to Read Effective Quotas
The current effective quotas for a project can be read via a GET to the quotas resource. Barbican determines the current project ID from the scope of the authentication token sent with the request.
curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" \
-H "Accept:application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
{"secrets": -1,
"orders": -1,
"containers": -1,
"consumers": -1,
"cas": -1
To get more details on the quota lookup API, you can reference the Get Quotas documentation.
How to Set or Replace Project Quotas
The quotas for a project can be modified via a PUT to the project-quotas resource. This request completely replaces existing quota settings for a project. The project ID is passed in the URI of the request.
To set or replace the quotas for the project with the ID 1234:
curl -i -X PUT -H "content-type:application/json" \
-H "X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" \
-d '{"project_quotas": {"secrets": 500,
"orders": 100, "containers": -1, "consumers": 100,
"cas": 50}}' \
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
To get more details on the project quota setting API you can reference the Set Project Quotas documentation.
How to Retrieve Configured Project Quotas
The project quota information defined for a project can be retrieved by using a GET operation on the respective project-quota resource. The project ID is passed in the URI of the request. The returned response contains project quota data.
To get project quota information for a single project:
curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" \
-H "Accept:application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
{"secrets": 500,
"orders": 100,
"containers": -1,
"consumers": 100,
"cas": 50}}
The project quota information defined for all projects can be retrieved by using a GET operation on the project-quota resource. The returned response contains a list with all project quota data.
curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" \
-H "Accept:application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
[{"project_id": "1234",
{"secrets": 500,
"orders": 100,
"containers": -1,
"consumers": 100,
"cas": 50}},
{"project_id": "5678",
{"secrets": 500,
"orders": 100,
"containers": -1,
"consumers": 100,
"cas": 50}}]}
To get more details on project quota lookup APIs you can reference the Get Project Quota and Get Project Quota List documentation.
How to Delete Configured Project Quotas
Quotas defined for a project can be deleted by using the DELETE operation on the respective project-quotas resource. The quota configuration information is deleted for a project, the default quotas will then apply to that project. There is no response content returned on successful deletion.
curl -i -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" \
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
To get more details on project quota delete APIs, you can reference the Delete Project Quotas documentation.