
45 lines
969 B

init_template: upstart_template.j2
init_dest_dir: /etc/init/
init_ext: .conf
ipxe_dir: /usr/lib/ipxe/
ipxe_full_binary: ipxe.pxe
ironic_rootwrap_dir: /usr/local/bin/
nginx_user: www-data
mysql_service_name: mysql
tftp_service_name: tftpd-hpa
- mysql-server
- python-dev
- python-mysqldb
- python-configparser
- libffi-dev
- libxslt1-dev
- libssl-dev
- libxml2-dev
- ipxe
- tftpd-hpa
- tftp-hpa
- xinetd
- parted
- ipmitool
- psmisc
- nginx
- wget
- genisoimage
- kpartx
- qemu-utils
- python-openwsman
- debootstrap
- uuid-runtime
- curl
- socat
- python-pip
- gcc
- dnsmasq
# NOTE(TheJulia): The above entry for dnsmasq must be the last entry in the
# package list as the installation causes name resolution changes that can
# temporarily block packages following it while the system is being
# reconfigured. See:
iscsi_client_package: "open-iscsi"