
35 lines
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http_boot_folder: /var/lib/ironic/httpboot
# Default location to the ssh public key for the user operating Bifrost.
#ssh_public_key_path: "/path/to/"
deploy_url_protocol: "http"
file_url_port: "8080"
network_interface: "virbr0"
ans_network_interface: "{{ network_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
ans_hostname: "{{ groups['target'][0] if groups['target'] is defined else 'localhost' }}"
internal_ip: "{{ hostvars[ans_hostname]['ansible_' + ans_network_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
# Default interface name
# TODO(TheJulia): Remove this default.
node_default_network_interface: eth0
testing: false
use_cirros: false
# write_interfaces_file is intended for utilizing base logic to write
# a debian style interfaces file into the configuration drive file
# such that cirros will receive basic network configuration when
# performing basic testing.
write_interfaces_file: "{{ use_cirros }}"
# Basic networking defaults
ipv4_gateway: "{{ '' if testing | bool else '' }}"
# Default ISO generation utility
iso_gen_utility: "mkisofs"
# Ensure that Ansible is using python interpreter and dependencies inside the bifrost virtual environment
bifrost_venv_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'VENV') or '/opt/stack/bifrost' }}"
ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir + '/bin/python3' }}"