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Enabling in DevStack

  • Not yet supported

Manual Installation

Begin by cloning the Horizon and Blazar dashboard repositories:

git clone
git clone

Create a virtual environment and install Horizon dependencies:

cd horizon
tox -e runserver --notest

Set up your file:

cp openstack_dashboard/local/ openstack_dashboard/local/

Open up the copied file in your preferred text editor. You will want to customize several settings:

  • OPENSTACK_HOST should be configured with the hostname of your OpenStack server. Verify that the OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL and OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE settings are correct for your environment. (They should be correct unless you modified your OpenStack server to change them.)

Install Blazar dashboard with all dependencies in your virtual environment:

.tox/runserver/bin/pip install -e ../blazar-dashboard/

And enable it in Horizon:

ln -s ../blazar-dashboard/blazar_dashboard/enabled/ openstack_dashboard/local/enabled
ln -s ../blazar-dashboard/blazar_dashboard/enabled/ openstack_dashboard/local/enabled

Start horizon and it runs with the newly enabled Blazar dashboard.

Or to test the plugin run:

tox -e runserver --

to have the application start on port 8080 and the horizon dashboard will be available in your browser at http://localhost:8080/