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Appendix E: Certificate Lifecycle Management


The preferred way to provide your charmed OpenStack deployment with certificates for enabling transport layer security (TLS) is to add a certificate authority to your model. The charms consume the certificates through the tls-certificates relation and we do our validation using the Vault charm.


See Appendix C Vault

Enabling Vault Certificate Management

OpenStack charms providing an API service have a new 'certificates' relation. Adding this relation will trigger the OpenStack charm to request certificates and keys from vault. Once vault has provided these the charm will install them and switch to listening on https, the catalog will also be updated.

juju add-relation keystone:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation glance:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation cinder:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation neutron-api:certificates vault:certificates

Adding a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to Vault

For Vault to be able to issue certificates on your behalf you must equip it with a CA certificate.

You can either add your own intermediate CA certificate to Vault or have Vault generate a self-signed root CA certificate for you.

Generate self-signed root CA certifitcate

To have Vault generate a self-signed root CA certificate for you:

juju run-action --wait vault/leader generate-root-ca

Add your own intermediate CA certificate

Currently, the only supported workflow is for Vault to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for an intermediate CA. This CSR then needs to be signed by an external CA. The resulting signed intermediate CA certificate is then uploaded to Vault along with any certificates to support the certificate chain.

Retrieve CSR from Vault

Run the get-csr action against the lead unit of the vault application:

$ juju run-action vault/0 get-csr
Action queued with id: 0495b6ce-09d8-4e57-8d21-efa13794034a
$ juju show-action-output 0495b6ce-09d8-4e57-8d21-efa13794034a
  output: |-
status: completed
  completed: 2018-06-07 10:21:17 +0000 UTC
  enqueued: 2018-06-07 10:21:13 +0000 UTC
  started: 2018-06-07 10:21:13 +0000 UTC

Retrieve the CSR from the action output and place it in a file, removing any leading whitespace.

Sign CSR

The exact command from signing the CSR will depend on the setup of the external CA. Below is an example:

openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days 3650 \
    -notext -md sha256 -in csr_file -out /tmp/vault-charm-int.pem -batch \
    -passin pass:secretpassword

If the signing is rejected due to mismatched O or OU or C etc then rerun the get-csr actions and specify the mismatched items

Upload signed CSR and root CA cert to vault

(Where /tmp/root-ca.pem is the root ca cert)

juju run-action vault/0 upload-signed-csr \
    pem="$(cat /tmp/vault-charm-int.pem | base64)" \
    root-ca="$(cat /tmp/root-ca.pem | base64)" \


The certificates provided via the 'pem' parameter must be a PEM bundle containing the signed certificate, any intermediate CA certs external to Vault and the root CA cert. Without this information Vault cannot verify the trust chain and will reject the provided certificate - see RFC5280 for more details about certificate paths and trust.

If external intermediate CAs are in use the root-ca PEM must also be a PEM bundle including certs for all intermediate CAs and the root CA.

For more details about the format of certificate PEM bundles see RFC7468.

Vault issues certificates

Vault will now issue certificates to all clients that have requested them. This process will trigger the api charms to request endpoint updates from keystone to reflect that they are now using https. This can be a lengthy process, so monitor keystone units and wait for them to become idle.

watch -d juju status keystone


Where /tmp/root-ca.pem is the root CA cert:

source novarc # make sure you have https in OS_AUTH_URL

echo "Testing: keystone"
openstack --os-cacert /tmp/root-ca.pem catalog list
echo "Testing: nova-cloud-controller"
openstack --os-cacert /tmp/root-ca.pem server list
echo "Testing: cinder"
openstack --os-cacert /tmp/root-ca.pem volume list
echo "Testing: neutron"
openstack --os-cacert /tmp/root-ca.pem network list
echo "Testing: image"
openstack --os-cacert /tmp/root-ca.pem image list

Reissuing certificates

The vault charm has an reissue-certificates action. Running the action will cause vault to issue new certificates for all charm clients. The action must be run on the lead unit.

juju run-action vault/0 reissue-certificates