Facundo Ciccioli c585492a81 Changing 'deployement time' by 'deploy time'
In addition to deployement being a typo, drawing from 'compile time' and
'runtime' expressions I think 'deploy time' is more appropriate than
'deployment time'.

Change-Id: I09308d982978640064c013b8ae0336e4639547f3
2020-04-10 16:26:19 +02:00

14 KiB


Cloud topology example


The information on this page is associated with the topic of Managing Power Events <managing_power_events>. See that page for background information.

This page contains the analysis of cloud machines. The ideal is to do this for every machine in a cloud in order to determine the cloud topology. Six machines are features here. They represent a good cross-section of an Ubuntu OpenStack cloud. See Reference cloud <reference_cloud> for the cloud upon which this exercise is based.

Generally speaking, the cloud nodes are hyperconverged and this is the case for three of the chosen machines, numbered 17, 18, and 20. Yet this analysis also looks at a trio of nodes dedicated to the Landscape project: machines 3, 11, and 12, each of which are not hyperconverged.


Juju applications can be given custom names at deploy time (see Application groups in the Juju documentation). This document will call out these named applications wherever they occur.

machine 17

This is what's on machine 17:

Unit                              Workload     Agent  Machine
nova-compute-kvm/2                active       idle   17
  canonical-livepatch/18          active       idle
  ceilometer-agent/5              active       idle
  filebeat/26                     active       idle
  lldpd/5                         active       idle
  neutron-openvswitch/5           active       idle
  nrpe-host/24                    active       idle
  ntp/20                          active       idle
  telegraf/26                     active       idle
ceph-osd/2                        active       idle   17
  bcache-tuning/4                 active       idle
  nrpe-host/23                    active       idle
ceph-mon/2                        active       idle   17/lxd/0
  filebeat/71                     active       idle
  nrpe-container/48               active       idle
  telegraf/71                     active       idle
ceph-radosgw/2                    active       idle   17/lxd/1
  filebeat/21                     active       idle
  hacluster-radosgw/1             active       idle
  nrpe-container/3                active       idle
  telegraf/21                     active       idle
cinder/2                          active       idle   17/lxd/2
  cinder-ceph/1                   active       idle
  filebeat/42                     active       idle
  hacluster-cinder/1              active       idle
  nrpe-container/21               active       idle
  telegraf/42                     active       idle
designate-bind/1                  active       idle   17/lxd/3
  filebeat/40                     active       idle
  nrpe-container/20               active       idle
  telegraf/40                     active       idle
glance/2*                         active       idle   17/lxd/4
  filebeat/37                     active       idle
  hacluster-glance/1              active       idle
  nrpe-container/17               active       idle
  telegraf/37                     active       idle
heat/2                            active       idle   17/lxd/5
  filebeat/43                     active       idle
  hacluster-heat/1                active       idle
  nrpe-container/22               active       idle
  telegraf/43                     active       idle
keystone/2                        active       idle   17/lxd/6
  filebeat/48                     active       idle
  hacluster-keystone/1            active       idle
  keystone-ldap/1                 active       idle
  nrpe-container/26               active       idle
  telegraf/48                     active       idle
mysql/2                           active       idle   17/lxd/7
  filebeat/50                     active       idle
  hacluster-mysql/2               active       idle
  nrpe-container/27               active       idle
  telegraf/50                     active       idle
prometheus-openstack-exporter/0*  active       idle   17/lxd/8
  filebeat/39                     active       idle
  nrpe-container/19               active       idle
  telegraf/39                     active       idle


In this example, mysql and nova-compute-kvm are named applications. The rest of this section will use their real names of percona-cluster and nova-compute, respectively.

The main applications (principle charms) for this machine are listed below along with their HA status and machine type:

  • nova-compute (metal)
  • ceph-osd (natively HA; metal)
  • ceph-mon (natively HA; lxd)
  • ceph-radosgw (natively HA; lxd)
  • cinder (HA; lxd)
  • designate-bind (HA; lxd)
  • glance (HA; lxd)
  • heat (HA; lxd)
  • keystone (HA; lxd)
  • percona-cluster (HA; lxd)
  • prometheus-openstack-exporter (lxd)

machine 18

This is what's on machine 18:

Unit                              Workload     Agent  Machine
nova-compute-kvm/3                active       idle   18
  canonical-livepatch/19          active       idle
  ceilometer-agent/6              active       idle
  filebeat/41                     active       idle
  lldpd/6                         active       idle
  neutron-openvswitch/6           active       idle
  nrpe-host/26                    active       idle
  ntp/21                          active       idle
  telegraf/41                     active       idle
ceph-osd/3                        active       idle   18
  bcache-tuning/5                 active       idle
  nrpe-host/25                    active       idle
aodh/0*                           active       idle   18/lxd/0
  filebeat/46                     active       idle
  hacluster-aodh/0*               active       idle
  nrpe-container/24               active       idle
  telegraf/46                     active       idle
ceilometer/0                      blocked      idle   18/lxd/1
  filebeat/51                     active       idle
  hacluster-ceilometer/1          active       idle
  nrpe-container/28               active       idle
  telegraf/51                     active       idle
designate/0*                      active       idle   18/lxd/2
  filebeat/57                     active       idle
  hacluster-designate/0*          active       idle
  nrpe-container/34               active       idle
  telegraf/57                     active       idle
gnocchi/0                         active       idle   18/lxd/3
  filebeat/24                     active       idle
  hacluster-gnocchi/0*            active       idle
  nrpe-container/5                active       idle
  telegraf/24                     active       idle
neutron-api/0                     active       idle   18/lxd/4
  filebeat/53                     active       idle
  hacluster-neutron/0*            active       idle
  nrpe-container/30               active       idle
  telegraf/53                     active       idle
nova-cloud-controller/0           active       idle   18/lxd/5
  filebeat/54                     active       idle
  hacluster-nova/1                active       idle
  nrpe-container/31               active       idle
  telegraf/54                     active       idle
openstack-dashboard/0*            active       idle   18/lxd/6
  filebeat/30                     active       idle
  hacluster-horizon/0*            active       idle
  nrpe-container/10               active       idle
  telegraf/30                     active       idle
rabbitmq-server/0                 active       idle   18/lxd/7
  filebeat/62                     active       idle
  nrpe-container/39               active       idle
  telegraf/62                     active       idle


In this example, nova-compute-kvm is a named application The rest of this section will use its real name of nova-compute.

The main applications (principle charms) for this machine are listed below along with their HA status and machine type:

  • nova-compute (metal)
  • ceph-osd (natively HA; metal)
  • aodh (HA; lxd)
  • ceilometer (HA; lxd)
  • designate (HA; lxd)
  • gnocchi (HA; lxd)
  • neutron-api (HA; lxd)
  • nova-cloud-controller (HA; lxd)
  • openstack-dashboard (HA; lxd)
  • rabbitmq-server (natively HA; lxd)

machine 20

This is what's on machine 20:

Unit                              Workload     Agent  Machine
neutron-gateway/0                 active       idle   20
  canonical-livepatch/21          active       idle
  filebeat/49                     active       idle
  lldpd/8                         active       idle
  nrpe-host/31                    active       idle
  ntp/23                          active       idle
  telegraf/49                     active       idle
ceph-osd/5                        active       idle   20
  bcache-tuning/6                 active       idle
  nrpe-host/27                    active       idle
aodh/1                            active       idle   20/lxd/0
  filebeat/61                     active       idle
  hacluster-aodh/1                active       idle
  nrpe-container/38               active       idle
  telegraf/61                     active       idle
ceilometer/1                      blocked      idle   20/lxd/1
  filebeat/70                     active       idle
  hacluster-ceilometer/2          active       idle
  nrpe-container/47               active       idle
  telegraf/70                     active       idle
designate/1                       active       idle   20/lxd/2
  filebeat/63                     active       idle
  hacluster-designate/1           active       idle
  nrpe-container/40               active       idle
  telegraf/63                     active       idle
gnocchi/1                         active       idle   20/lxd/3
  filebeat/55                     active       idle
  hacluster-gnocchi/2             active       idle
  nrpe-container/32               active       idle
  telegraf/55                     active       idle
neutron-api/1                     active       idle   20/lxd/4
  filebeat/58                     active       idle
  hacluster-neutron/1             active       idle
  nrpe-container/35               active       idle
  telegraf/58                     active       idle
nova-cloud-controller/1           active       idle   20/lxd/5
  filebeat/68                     active       idle
  hacluster-nova/2                active       idle
  nrpe-container/45               active       idle
  telegraf/68                     active       idle
openstack-dashboard/1             active       idle   20/lxd/6
  filebeat/73                     active       idle
  hacluster-horizon/2             active       idle
  nrpe-container/50               active       idle
  telegraf/73                     active       idle
rabbitmq-server/1*                active       idle   20/lxd/7
  filebeat/32                     active       idle
  nrpe-container/12               active       idle
  telegraf/32                     active       idle

The main applications (principle charms) for this machine are listed below along with their HA status and machine type:

  • neutron-gateway (natively HA; metal)
  • ceph-osd (natively HA; metal)
  • aodh (HA; lxd)
  • ceilometer (HA; lxd)
  • designate (HA; lxd)
  • gnocchi (HA; lxd)
  • neutron-api (HA; lxd)
  • nova-cloud-controller (HA; lxd)
  • openstack-dashboard (HA; lxd)
  • rabbitmq-server (natively HA; lxd)

machine 3

This is what's on machine 3:

Unit                              Workload     Agent  Machine
landscape-postgresql/0*           maintenance  idle   3
  canonical-livepatch/9           active       idle
  filebeat/10                     active       idle
  nrpe-host/9                     active       idle
  ntp/10                          active       idle
  telegraf/10                     active       idle


In this example, landscape-postgresql is a named application The rest of this section will use its real name of postgresql.

The main application (principle charm) for this machine is listed below along along with their HA status and machine type:

  • postgresql (natively HA; metal)

machine 11

This is what's on machine 11:

Unit                              Workload     Agent  Machine
landscape-server/1                active       idle   11
  canonical-livepatch/5           active       idle
  filebeat/6                      active       idle
  nrpe-host/5                     active       idle
  ntp/6                           active       idle
  telegraf/6                      active       idle

The main application (principle charm) for this machine is listed below along along with their HA status and machine type:

  • landscape-server (natively HA; metal)

machine 12

This is what's on machine 12:

Unit                              Workload     Agent  Machine
landscape-rabbitmq-server/2       active       idle   12
  canonical-livepatch/7           active       idle
  filebeat/8                      active       idle
  nrpe-host/7                     active       idle
  ntp/8                           active       idle
  telegraf/8                      active       idle


In this example, landscape-rabbitmq-server is a named application. The rest of this section will use its real name of rabbitmq-server.

The main application (principle charm) for this machine is listed below along along with their HA status and machine type:

  • rabbitmq-server (natively HA; metal)