Peter Matulis cc4c527c0e Add Compute section
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2020-12-15 14:24:49 -05:00

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Nova Cells


As of the 18.11 charm release, with OpenStack Rocky and later, multiple nova cells can be created when deploying a cloud or an existing deployment can be extended to add additional cells.

Prior to Rocky, and since Pike, all OpenStack charm deployments have two cells: cell0 which is used to store instances which failed to get scheduled and cell1 which is an active compute cell. Additional cells are not supported by the charms prior to Rocky.

Nova Cells v2 Topology

Nova cells v2 is entirely distinct from Nova cells v1. V1 has been deprecated and special care should be taken when reading nova documentation to ensure that it is v2 specific.


This is a Nova cell, other services such as Neutron, Glance etc are not cell aware.

The Super Conductor

For a deployment with multiple cells a dedicated conductor must be run for the API-level services. This conductor will have access to the API database and a dedicated message queue. This is called the super conductor to distinguish its place and purpose from the per-cell conductor nodes (See Cells Layout.). The existing nova-cloud-controller charm already performs the role of the super conductor for the whole cloud and, in addition, acts as a cell conductor for cell1.

nova-cell-controller charm

A new nova-cell-controller charm has been created. This charm just runs the nova-conductor service and proxies some charm information, such as ssh keys, between the cell compute nodes and the super-conductor. An instance of nova-cell-controller is required per additional cell.

Using application names to distinguish between cells

Each cell requires the following charms:

  • nova-cell-controller
  • rabbitmq-server
  • percona-cluster
  • nova-compute

To allow each application to be configured differently between cells and to be able to distinguish which instance of an application goes with which cell it is useful to add the cell name to the service name when deploying the components.

juju deploy nova-compute nova-compute-cell4

Rabbit for Neutron

One of the motivations for using cells is to help with scaling to a large number of compute nodes. While not a cells feature (nor a new feature) it is worth pointing out that the charms support breaking Neutron message traffic out onto a separate broker.

juju add-relation neutron-api:amqp rabbitmq-server-neutron:amqp
juju add-relation neutron-gateway:amqp rabbitmq-server-neutron:amqp
juju add-relation neutron-openvswitch:amqp rabbitmq-server-neutron:amqp
juju add-relation ceilometer:amqp-listener rabbitmq-server-neutron:amqp

Adding A New Cell to an Existing Deployment

In an existing deployment cell1 already exists as do the services to support it. To add 'cell2' to this deployment the new cell applications need to be deployed and related to the existing applications.

Add the four cell applications:

juju deploy cs:percona-cluster mysql-cell2
juju deploy cs:rabbitmq-server rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2
juju deploy cs:nova-compute nova-compute-cell2
juju deploy cs:nova-cell-controller --config cell-name='cell2' nova-cell-controller-cell2

Relate the new cell applications to each other:

juju add-relation nova-compute-cell2:amqp rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
juju add-relation nova-cell-controller-cell2:amqp rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
juju add-relation nova-cell-controller-cell2:shared-db mysql-cell2:shared-db
juju add-relation nova-cell-controller-cell2:cloud-compute nova-compute-cell2:cloud-compute

Relate the super conductor to the new cell:

juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:nova-cell-api nova-cell-controller-cell2:nova-cell-compute
juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:amqp-cell rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:shared-db-cell mysql-cell2:shared-db

Relate the new cell to network, image and identity services:

juju add-relation nova-compute-cell2:neutron-plugin neutron-openvswitch:neutron-plugin
juju add-relation nova-compute-cell2:image-service glance:image-service
juju add-relation nova-compute-cell2:cloud-credentials keystone:identity-credentials

Relate the new cell to telemetry services.


The ceilometer charm has an amqp and an amqp-listerner interface. ceilometer will listen and post messages to the broker related to the amqp interface. It will only listen to messages posted to the broker(s) related to the amqp-listener. Therefore services that consume messages from ceilometer, such as aodh, should be related to the broker associated with ceilometers amqp interface.

juju add-relation ceilometer:amqp-listener rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
juju add-relation ceilometer-agent:nova-ceilometer nova-compute-cell2:nova-ceilometer

New Deployments

For all cell deployments ensure the following:

  • Application naming scheme such that the cell an application belongs to is clear.
  • Naming the central message broker such that its purpose is clear eg rabbitmq-server-general

If cells are being used primarily to help with a large scale out of compute resources then in addition:

  • Do not relate compute nodes to the nova-cloud-controller
  • Have a separate message broker for Neutron.

Below is an example of an overlay which can be used when doing a fresh deploy to add a second cell:

    charm: cs:percona-cluster
    series: bionic
    num_units: 1
      max-connections: 1000
    charm: cs:nova-cell-controller
    series: bionic
    num_units: 1
      cell-name: "cell2"
    charm: cs:nova-compute
    series: bionic
    num_units: 1
    constraints: mem=4G
      config-flags: default_ephemeral_format=ext4
      enable-live-migration: true
      enable-resize: true
      migration-auth-type: ssh
    charm: cs:rabbitmq-server
    num_units: 1
  - - nova-compute-cell2:neutron-plugin
    - neutron-openvswitch:neutron-plugin
  - - nova-cloud-controller:amqp-cell
    - rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
  - - ceilometer:amqp-listener
    - rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2
  - - ceilometer-agent
    - nova-compute-cell2
  - - nova-cloud-controller:nova-cell-api
    - nova-cell-controller-cell2:nova-cell-compute
  - - nova-cloud-controller:shared-db-cell
    - mysql-cell2:shared-db
  - - nova-cloud-controller:amqp-cell
    - rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
  - - nova-compute-cell2:amqp
    - rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
  - - nova-cell-controller-cell2:cloud-compute
    - nova-compute-cell2:cloud-compute
  - - nova-compute-cell2:image-service
    - glance:image-service
  - - nova-cell-controller-cell2:amqp
    - rabbitmq-server-nova-cell2:amqp
  - - nova-cell-controller-cell2:shared-db
    - mysql-cell2:shared-db
  - - nova-compute-cell2:cloud-credentials
    - keystone:identity-credentials

Targeting instances at a cell

Instances can be targeted at a specific cell by manually maintaining host aggregates and corresponding flavors which target those host aggregates. For example, assume cell2 has one compute host juju-250b86-prod-19. Create a host aggregate for cell2 and add the compute host into it.

openstack aggregate create --property cell=cell2 ag_cell2
openstack aggregate add host ag_cell2 juju-250b86-prod-19

Now create a flavor that targets that cell.

openstack flavor create --id 5 --ram 2048 --disk 10 --ephemeral 0 --vcpus 1 --public --property cell=cell2 m1.cell2.small

Finally, enable the AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter

FILTERS=$(juju config nova-cloud-controller scheduler-default-filters)
juju config nova-cloud-controller scheduler-default-filters="${FILTERS},AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter"

Now instances that use the m1.cell2.small filter will land on cell2 compute hosts.


These host aggregates need to be manually updated when compute nodes are added to the cell.