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Install Juju


In the previous section <install-maas>, we set up the base environment in the form of a MAAS cluster. We are now going to implement Juju as a management solution for that environment. The main goal will be the creation of a Juju controller, the administrative node for a Juju-managed cloud.

Install Juju

To install Juju:

sudo snap install juju --classic

Add MAAS to Juju

Add the MAAS cluster so Juju will be able to manage it as a cloud. We'll do this via a cloud definition file, such as maas-cloud.yaml:

    type: maas
    auth-types: [oauth1]

We've called the cloud 'mymaas' and its endpoint is based on the IP address of the MAAS system.

The cloud is added in this way:

juju add-cloud --client -f maas-cloud.yaml mymaas

View the updated list of clouds known to the current Juju client with the juju clouds --client command.

Add the MAAS credentials

Add the MAAS credentials so Juju can interact with the newly added cloud. We'll again use a file to import our information, such as maas-creds.yaml:

      auth-type: oauth1
      maas-oauth: LGJ8svffZZ5kSdeA8E:9kVM7jJpHGG6J9apk3:KE65tLnjpPuqVHZ6vb97T8VWfVB9tM3j

We've included the name of the cloud 'mymaas' and a new user 'anyuser'. The long key is the MAAS API key for the MAAS 'admin' user. This key was placed in file ~/admin-api-key on the MAAS system during the Install MAAS <install_maas> step on the previous page. It can also be obtained from the 'admin' user's profile in the web UI.

The credentials are added in this way:

juju add-credential --client -f maas-creds.yaml mymaas

View the updated list of credentials known to the current Juju client with the juju credentials --client --show-secrets --format yaml command.

Create the Juju controller

We can now create the controller for the 'mymaas' cloud, and have called it 'maas-controller':

juju bootstrap --constraints tags=juju mymaas maas-controller

The --constraints option allows us to effectively select a node in the MAAS cluster. Recall that we attached a tag of 'juju' to the lower-resourced MAAS node during the Tag nodes <tag_nodes> step on the previous page.

The MAAS web UI will show the node being deployed. The whole process will take about five minutes.

View the updated list of controllers known to the current Juju client with the juju controllers command.

Create the model

The OpenStack deployment will be placed in its own Juju model for organisational purposes. It will be called 'openstack'. Create the model, and switch to it, with this one command:

juju add-model openstack

The output of the juju status command summarises the Juju aspect of the environment. It should now look very similar to this:

Model      Controller       Cloud/Region    Version  SLA          Timestamp
openstack  maas-controller  mymaas/default  2.7.0    unsupported  04:28:49Z

Model "admin/openstack" is empty

Next steps

The next step is to use Juju to deploy OpenStack. This will involve deploying the OpenStack applications and adding relations between them. Go to Install OpenStack <install-openstack> now.