
422 lines
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Configure OpenStack
In the :doc:`previous section <install-openstack>`, we installed OpenStack. We
are now going to configure OpenStack with the intent of making it consumable by
regular users. Configuration will be performed by both the admin user and the
non-admin user.
Domains, projects, users, and roles are a vital part of OpenStack operations.
For the non-admin case, we'll create a single domain with a single project and
single user.
The tasks on this page should be performed on the host where the Juju client is
Install the OpenStack clients
You'll need the OpenStack clients in order to manage your cloud from the
command line. Install them now:
.. code-block:: none
sudo snap install openstackclients
Create the admin user environment
To gain control of the cloud the Keystone administrator password and the root
CA certificate are needed. This information can be most easily obtained by
using files created and maintained for this purpose. They can be found in the
`openstack-bundles`_ repository.
Download the repository and source the ``openrc`` file:
.. code-block:: none
git clone ~/openstack-bundles
source ~/openstack-bundles/stable/openstack-base/openrc
.. note::
For informational purposes, sourcing the file will result in the execution
of these two commands (to obtain the CA certificate and password):
.. code-block:: none
juju run -m openstack --unit vault/leader 'leader-get root-ca'
juju run -m openstack --unit keystone/leader 'leader-get admin_passwd'
The admin user environment should also now be set up. Verify this:
.. code-block:: none
env | grep OS_
Sample output:
.. code-block:: console
Perform actions as the admin user
The actions in this section should be performed as user 'admin'.
Confirm the user environment
One way that you can confirm that the admin environment is set correctly is by
querying for cloud endpoints:
.. code-block:: none
openstack endpoint list --interface admin
The output will look similar to this:
.. code-block:: console
| ID | Region | Service Name | Service Type | Enabled | Interface | URL |
| 3c48cac8e70e47698d38d1611fc6e224 | RegionOne | keystone | identity | True | admin | |
| 5ba390395df64adf89f45f32d27969ae | RegionOne | cinderv3 | volumev3 | True | admin |$(tenant_id)s |
| 761629b7f09547cc8b84de5b207b3726 | RegionOne | glance | image | True | admin | |
| b58ea16e6e2e4919ba5ace59e376c361 | RegionOne | nova | compute | True | admin | |
| cca67377a66d4900820141284c93c52d | RegionOne | placement | placement | True | admin | |
| ff4947f47e5f480fb8ba90dbde673c6f | RegionOne | neutron | network | True | admin | |
If the endpoints aren't displayed, it's likely your environment variables
aren't set correctly.
.. note::
The helper files will set the Keystone endpoint variable ``OS_AUTH_URL`` to
use HTTPS if TLS is detected anywhere in the cloud. This will always be the
case due to the OVN requirement for TLS. If Keystone is not TLS-enabled (for
some reason) you will need to manually reset the above variable to use HTTP.
Create an image and flavor
Import a boot image into Glance to create server instances with. Here we import
a Jammy amd64 image:
.. code-block:: none
mkdir ~/cloud-images
wget \
-O ~/cloud-images/jammy-amd64.img
Now import the image and call it 'jammy-amd64':
.. code-block:: none
openstack image create --public --container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 --file ~/cloud-images/jammy-amd64.img \
Create at least one flavor to define a hardware profile for new instances. Here
we create one called 'm1.small':
.. code-block:: none
openstack flavor create --ram 2048 --disk 20 --ephemeral 20 m1.small
Make sure that your MAAS nodes can accommodate the flavor's resources.
.. _public_networking:
Set up public networking
Create an external public (shared) network, here called 'ext_net'. We use the
'flat' network provider type and its provider 'physnet1' that were set up
during the :ref:`Neutron networking <neutron_networking>` step on the previous
.. code-block:: none
openstack network create --external --share \
--provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network physnet1 \
Create the subnet, here called 'ext_subnet', for the above network. The values
used are based on the local environment. For instance, recall that our MAAS
subnet is '':
.. code-block:: none
openstack subnet create --network ext_net --no-dhcp \
--gateway --subnet-range \
--allocation-pool start=,end= \
.. important::
The addresses in the public subnet allocation pool are managed within
OpenStack but they also reside on the subnet managed by MAAS. It is
important to tell MAAS to never use this address range. This is done via a
`Reserved IP range`_ in MAAS.
Create the non-admin user environment
Create a new domain, project, and user. Here we'll use 'domain1', 'project1',
and 'user1' respectively. You will be prompted to provide the new user's
.. code-block:: none
openstack domain create domain1
openstack project create --domain domain1 project1
openstack user create --domain domain1 --project project1 --password-prompt user1
Sample output from the last command:
.. code-block:: console
User Password:********
Repeat User Password:********
| Field | Value |
| default_project_id | a67881c23bc840928b89054f35a6210e |
| domain_id | 228443ef0e054a89a36d75261b6531e9 |
| enabled | True |
| id | 37a3ab572ea14e659f1d885d44147b8a |
| name | user1 |
| options | {} |
| password_expires_at | None |
We'll use the user's ID to assign her the 'Member' role:
.. code-block:: none
openstack role add --user 37a3ab572ea14e659f1d885d44147b8a \
--project project1 Member
Create an OpenStack user authentication file for user 'user1'. All we're
missing is the Keystone URL, which we can get from the current user 'admin'
.. code-block:: none
The output for the last command for this example is
The contents of the file, say ``project1-rc``, will therefore look like this
(assuming the user password is 'ubuntu'):
.. code-block:: ini
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=domain1
export OS_USERNAME=user1
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=project1
export OS_PASSWORD=ubuntu
Source the file to become the non-admin user:
.. code-block:: none
source project1-rc
The output for the last command should be **user1**.
Perform actions as the non-admin user
The actions in this section should be performed as user 'user1'.
Set the user environment
Perform a cloud query to ensure the user environment is functioning correctly:
.. code-block:: none
openstack image list
| ID | Name | Status |
| 82517c74-1226-4dab-8a6b-59b4fe07f681 | jammy-amd64 | active |
The image that was previously imported by the admin user should be returned.
Set up private networking
In order to get a fixed IP address to access any created instances we need a
project-specific network with a private subnet. We'll also need a router to
link this network to the public network created earlier.
The non-admin user now creates a private internal network called 'user1_net'
and an accompanying subnet called 'user1_subnet' (here the DNS server is the
MAAS server at, but adjust to local conditions):
.. code-block:: none
openstack network create --internal user1_net
openstack subnet create --network user1_net --dns-nameserver \
--subnet-range 192.168.0/24 \
--allocation-pool start=,end= \
Now a router called 'user1_router' is created, added to the subnet, and told to
use the public external network as its gateway network:
.. code-block:: none
openstack router create user1_router
openstack router add subnet user1_router user1_subnet
openstack router set user1_router --external-gateway ext_net
Configure SSH and security groups
An SSH keypair needs to be imported into the cloud in order to access your
Generate one first if you do not yet have one. This command creates a
passphraseless keypair (remove the ``-N`` option to avoid that):
.. code-block:: none
mkdir ~/cloud-keys
ssh-keygen -q -N '' -f ~/cloud-keys/user1-key
To import a keypair:
.. code-block:: none
openstack keypair create --public-key ~/cloud-keys/ user1
Security groups will need to be configured to allow the passing of SSH traffic.
You can alter the default group rules or create a new group with its own rules.
We do the latter by creating a group called 'Allow_SSH':
.. code-block:: none
openstack security group create --description 'Allow SSH' Allow_SSH
openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 Allow_SSH
Create and access an instance
Create a Jammy amd64 instance called 'jammy-1':
.. code-block:: none
openstack server create --image jammy-amd64 --flavor m1.small \
--key-name user1 --network user1_net --security-group Allow_SSH \
Request and assign a floating IP address to the new instance:
.. code-block:: none
FLOATING_IP=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address ext_net)
openstack server add floating ip jammy-1 $FLOATING_IP
Ask for a listing of all instances within the context of the current project
.. code-block:: none
openstack server list
Sample output:
.. code-block:: console
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| 627a33c8-3c55-4878-bce3-3c12fc04e4b9 | jammy-1 | ACTIVE | user1_net=, | jammy-amd64 | m1.small |
The first address listed is in the private network and the second one is in the
public network:
You can monitor the booting of the instance with this command:
.. code-block:: none
openstack console log show jammy-1
The instance is ready when the output contains:
.. code-block:: console
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS jammy-1 ttyS0
jammy-1 login:
Connect to the instance in this way:
.. code-block:: none
ssh -i ~/cloud-keys/user1-key ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP
Next steps
You now have a functional OpenStack cloud managed by MAAS-backed Juju.
.. important::
Now that the cloud is deployed, the following management practices related
to charm versions and machine series are recommended:
* The entire suite of charms used to manage the cloud should be upgraded to
the latest stable charm revision before any major change is made to the
cloud (e.g. migrating to new charms, upgrading cloud services, upgrading
machine series). See :doc:`cg:admin/upgrades/charms` in the Charm Guide
for details.
* The Juju machines that comprise the cloud should all be running the same
series (e.g. 'focal' or 'jammy', but not a mix of the two). See
:doc:`cg:admin/upgrades/series` in the Charm Guide for details.
As next steps, consider browsing these documentation sources:
* :doc:`cg:index`: the primary source of information for OpenStack charms
* `OpenStack Administrator Guides`_: upstream OpenStack administrative help
.. _openstack-bundles:
.. _Reserved IP range:
.. _OpenStack Administrator Guides: