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Load balancing
OpenStack Octavia can be deployed to provide Load balancing services as part of
an OpenStack cloud. This service supersedes the LBaaS v2 services provided
directly through Neutron in earlier releases; when Octavia is deployed a proxy
service is configured to proxy LBaaS v2 API calls directly to Octavia.
.. note::
Octavia is supported by Charmed OpenStack starting with OpenStack Rocky.
Octavia uses cloud resources to provision instances to provide LBaaS services
unlike the LBaaS v2 support in the OpenStack Charms which placed haproxy
instances on neutron-gateway units.
.. warning::
There is no automatic migration path for Neutron LBaaS haproxy-on-host
configurations (as deployed under the existing support) to Octavia Amphora
configurations. New load balancers must be created in Octavia before the
octavia charm is related to the existing neutron-api charm. Floating IPs
can then be moved prior to deletion of existing LBaaS based balancers.
.. note::
Throughout the deployment, ensure that the value for ``openstack-origin``
matches the currently deployed OpenStack release.
Octavia uses OpenStack Barbican to store certificates for TLS termination on
load balancers. Barbican, in turn, uses Vault to securely store that data.
.. note::
For Vault deployment instructions see the `vault charm`_. For certificate
management information read the `Managing TLS certificates`_ section of this
To deploy Barbican:
.. code-block:: none
juju deploy barbican --config openstack-origin=cloud:bionic-rocky
juju deploy barbican-vault
juju add-relation barbican mysql
juju add-relation barbican rabbitmq-server
juju add-relation barbican keystone
juju add-relation barbican barbican-vault
juju add-relation barbican-vault vault
Octavia can then be deployed. Use the appropriate section depending on your
cloud's networking framework:
Neutron ML2+OVS
.. code-block:: none
juju deploy octavia --config openstack-origin=cloud:bionic-rocky
juju add-relation octavia rabbitmq-server
juju add-relation octavia mysql
juju add-relation octavia keystone
juju add-relation octavia neutron-openvswitch
juju add-relation octavia neutron-api
juju deploy octavia-dashboard
juju add-relation octavia-dashboard openstack-dashboard
Neutron ML2+OVN
.. code-block:: none
juju deploy octavia --config openstack-origin=cloud:bionic-ussuri
juju add-relation octavia rabbitmq-server
juju add-relation octavia mysql
juju add-relation octavia keystone
juju add-relation octavia ovn-chassis
juju add-relation octavia neutron-api
juju deploy octavia-dashboard
juju add-relation octavia-dashboard openstack-dashboard
.. note::
Octavia uses a Neutron network for communication between Octavia control
plane services and Octavia Amphorae; units will deploy into a 'blocked'
state until the configuration steps are executed.
Generate certificates
Octavia uses client certificates for authentication and security of
communication between Amphorae (load balancers) and the Octavia control plane;
for the initial version of the Octavia charm, these must be generated by the
operator and provided to the Octavia charm as configuration.
The script below generates example certificates and keys with a 365 day expiry
.. code-block:: none
mkdir -p demoCA/newcerts
touch demoCA/index.txt
touch demoCA/index.txt.attr
openssl genrsa -passout pass:foobar -des3 -out issuing_ca_key.pem 2048
openssl req -x509 -passin pass:foobar -new -nodes -key issuing_ca_key.pem \
-config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \
-subj "/C=US/ST=Somestate/O=Org/" \
-days 365 \
-out issuing_ca.pem
openssl genrsa -passout pass:foobar -des3 -out controller_ca_key.pem 2048
openssl req -x509 -passin pass:foobar -new -nodes \
-key controller_ca_key.pem \
-config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \
-subj "/C=US/ST=Somestate/O=Org/" \
-days 365 \
-out controller_ca.pem
openssl req \
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout controller_key.pem \
-subj "/C=US/ST=Somestate/O=Org/" \
-out controller.csr
openssl ca -passin pass:foobar -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \
-cert controller_ca.pem -keyfile controller_ca_key.pem \
-create_serial -batch \
-in controller.csr -days 365 -out controller_cert.pem
cat controller_cert.pem controller_key.pem > controller_cert_bundle.pem
The generated certificates and keys must then be provided to the octavia charm:
.. code-block:: none
juju config octavia \
lb-mgmt-issuing-cacert="$(base64 controller_ca.pem)" \
lb-mgmt-issuing-ca-private-key="$(base64 controller_ca_key.pem)" \
lb-mgmt-issuing-ca-key-passphrase=foobar \
lb-mgmt-controller-cacert="$(base64 controller_ca.pem)" \
lb-mgmt-controller-cert="$(base64 controller_cert_bundle.pem)"
.. note::
Future versions of the charm may automatically generate the internal
Certification Authority required to operate Octavia.
Resource configuration
The charm will automatically create and maintain the resources required for
operation of the Octavia service by running the `configure-resources` action
on the lead octavia unit:
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait octavia/0 configure-resources
This action must be run before Octavia is fully operational.
Access to the Octavia load-balancer API is guarded by policies and end users
must have specific roles to gain access to the service. The charm will request
Keystone to pre-create these roles for you on deployment but you must assign the
roles to your end users as you see fit. Take a look at
`Octavia Policies`_.
The charm also allows the operator to pre-configure these resources to support
full custom configuration of the management network for Octavia. If you want
to manage these resources yourself you must set the `create-mgmt-network`
configuration option to false.
Network resources for use by Octavia must be tagged using Neutron resource tags
(typically by passing a '--tag' CLI parameter when creating resources - see the
OpenStack CLI for more details) using the following schema:
=========================== ====================== =========================================================
Resource Type Tag Description
=========================== ====================== =========================================================
Neutron Network charm-octavia Management network
Neutron Subnet charm-octavia Management network subnet
Neutron Router charm-octavia (Optional) Router for IPv6 RA or north/south mgmt traffic
Amphora Security Group charm-octavia Security group for Amphora ports
Controller Security Group charm-octavia-health Security group for Controller ports
=========================== ====================== =========================================================
Execution of the `configure-resources` action will detect the pre-configured
network resources in Neutron using tags and configure the Octavia service as
The UUID of the Nova flavor to use for Amphorae can be set using the
`custom-amp-flavor-id` configuration option.
Amphora image
Octavia uses Amphorae (cloud instances running HAProxy) to provide LBaaS
services; an appropriate image must be uploaded to Glance with the tag
You can use the ``octavia-diskimage-retrofit`` tool to transform a stock Ubuntu
cloud image into a Octavia HAProxy Amphora image.
This tool is available as a snap and for convenience there is also a charm
available that can transform Ubuntu images already available in your Glance
image store.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: none
juju deploy glance-simplestreams-sync \
--config source=ppa:simplestreams-dev/trunk
juju deploy octavia-diskimage-retrofit \
--config amp-image-tag=octavia-amphora
juju add-relation glance-simplestreams-sync keystone
juju add-relation glance-simplestreams-sync rabbitmq-server
juju add-relation octavia-diskimage-retrofit glance-simplestreams-sync
juju add-relation octavia-diskimage-retrofit keystone
After the deployment has settled and ``glance-simplestreams-sync`` has
completed its initial image sync, you may ask a ``octavia-diskimage-retrofit``
unit to initiate the Amphora image retrofitting process.
This is accomplished by running an action on one of the units.
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait octavia-diskimage-retrofit/leader retrofit-image
Octavia will use this image for all Amphora instances.
.. warning::
It's important to keep the Amphora image up-to-date to ensure that LBaaS
services remain secure; this process is not covered in this document.
See the Octavia `operators maintenance`_ guide for more details.
To deploy a basic HTTP load balancer using a floating IP for access:
.. code-block:: none
lb_vip_port_id=$(openstack loadbalancer create -f value -c vip_port_id --name lb1 --vip-subnet-id private_subnet)
# Re-run the following until lb1 shows ACTIVE and ONLINE status':
openstack loadbalancer show lb1
openstack loadbalancer listener create --name listener1 --protocol HTTP --protocol-port 80 lb1
openstack loadbalancer pool create --name pool1 --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN --listener listener1 --protocol HTTP
openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor create --delay 5 --max-retries 4 --timeout 10 --type HTTP --url-path /healthcheck pool1
openstack loadbalancer member create --subnet-id private_subnet --address --protocol-port 80 pool1
openstack loadbalancer member create --subnet-id private_subnet --address --protocol-port 80 pool1
floating_ip=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address ext_net)
openstack floating ip set --port $lb_vip_port_id $floating_ip
The example above assumes:
* The user and project executing the example has a subnet configured with the
name 'private_subnet' with the CIDR
* An external network definition for floating IPs has been configured by the
cloud operator with the name 'ext_net'
* Two instances running HTTP services attached to 'private_subnet' on IP
addresses 192.168.21.{100,101} exposing a heat check on '/healthcheck'
The example is also most applicable in cloud deployments that use overlay
networking for project networks and floating IPs for network ingress to project
For more information on creating and configuring load balancing services in
Octavia please refer to the `Octavia cookbook`_.
.. _Managing TLS certificates: app-certificate-management.html
.. _Octavia Policies:
.. _Octavia cookbook:
.. _operators maintenance:
.. _vault charm: