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19.07 (DRAFT Release Notes)


The 19.07 OpenStack Charm release includes updates for the following charms. Additional charm support status information is published in the main charm guide which ultimately supersedes release note contents.

Always use the latest stable charm revision before proceeding with topological changes, application migrations, workload upgrades, series upgrades, or bug reports.

Supported Charms

  • aodh
  • barbican
  • barbican-vault
  • ceilometer
  • ceilometer-agent
  • ceph-mon
  • ceph-osd
  • ceph-proxy
  • ceph-radosgw
  • ceph-rbd-mirror
  • cinder
  • cinder-ceph
  • designate
  • designate-bind
  • glance
  • gnocchi
  • hacluster
  • heat
  • keystone
  • keystone-ldap
  • lxd
  • neutron-api
  • neutron-openvswitch
  • neutron-gateway
  • neutron-dynamic-routing
  • nova-cloud-controller
  • nova-compute
  • octavia
  • octavia-diskimage-retrofit
  • openstack-dashboard
  • percona-cluster
  • rabbitmq-server
  • swift-proxy
  • swift-storage
  • vault

Preview Charms

  • barbican-softhsm
  • ceph-fs
  • cinder-backup
  • keystone-saml-mellon
  • manila
  • manila-generic
  • masakari
  • masakari-monitors
  • pacemaker-remote
  • tempest

Removed Charms

The following charms have been removed as part of this charm release:

  • nova-lxd (retired)

New Charm Features

With each new feature, there is a corresponding example bundle in the form of a test bundle, and/or a charm deployment guide section which details the use of the feature. For example test bundles, see the src/tests/bundles/ directory within the relevant charm repository.

Percona Cluster Cold Start

The percona-cluster charm now contains new logic and actions to assist with operational tasks surrounding a database shutdown scenario. However, human interaction is still required.

In the event of an unexpected power outage and cold boot, the cluster will be unable to re-establish itself without manual intervention. In such situation determine the node with the highest sequence number by verifying information from the '/var/lib/percona-xtradb-cluster/grastate.dat' file or 'juju status' output, and bootstrap the node by running the following action:

juju run-action --wait percona-cluster/<unit-number> bootstrap-pxc

In order to notify the cluster of the new bootstrap UUID run the following action:

juju run-action --wait percona-cluster/<unit-number> notify-bootstrapped

The percona-cluster is now back to a clustered and healthy state.

For more information about the introduced improvements refer to the "Cold Boot" section at the charm documentation <>.

For more information about Percona recovery refer to the upstream documentation <>.


TODO: Writeme.

Octavia Image Lifecycle Management

This release introduces the octavia-diskimage-retrofit charm which provides a tool for retrofitting cloud images for use as Octavia Amphora. One of the problems with Octavia was that it needs a method for generating base images to be deployed as load balancing entities. The octavia-diskimage-retrofit charm solves this problem by providing an action which, upon end user request, downloads the most recent Ubuntu Server or Minimal Cloud image from Glance, applies OpenStack Diskimage-builder elements from OpenStack Octavia and turns it into an image suitable for use by Octavia.

The charm can be deployed as a subordinate application as follows:

juju deploy glance-simplestreams-sync --config source=ppa:simplestreams-dev/trunk juju deploy octavia-diskimage-retrofit --config amp-image-tag=octavia-amphora

juju add-relation glance-simplestreams-sync keystone juju add-relation glance-simplestreams-sync rabbitmq-server juju add-relation octavia-diskimage-retrofit glance-simplestreams-sync juju add-relation octavia-diskimage-retrofit keystone

Once deployed the retrofitting process can be triggered as follows:

juju run-action octavia-diskimage-retrofit/leader retrofit-image

For more information about the octavia-diskimage-retrofit charm refer to the charm home page <>.

For the project home page visit

For a detailed deployment guide visit OpenStack Documentation <>.

Nova Live Migration: Streamline SSH Host Key Handling

The Nova compute service uses direct (machine-to-machine) SSH connections to perform instance migrations. Each compute host must therefore be in possession of every other compute host's SSH host key via the knownhosts file.

This release of the nova-cloud-controller charm has improved the host key discovery and distribution algorithm, the net effect being that the addition of a nova-compute unit will be faster than before and the nova-cloud-controller upgrade-charm hook will be significantly improved for large deployments.

TODO: Remove the following text once the README of nova-cloud-controller is updated.

The rest of this section covers an EXPERIMENTAL option involving the caching of SSH host lookups (knownhosts) on each nova-compute unit.

There is a new Boolean configuration option - cache-known-hosts - that allows any given host lookup to be performed just once.


A cloud can be deployed with the cache-known-hosts key set to false, and be set to true post-deployment. At that point the hosts will have been cached. The key only controls whether the cache is used or not.

If the above key is set, a new Juju action clear-unit-knownhost-cache is provided to clear the cache. This can be applied to a unit, service, or an entire nova-cloud-controller application. This would be needed if DNS resolution had changed in an existing cloud or during a cloud deployment. Not clearing the cache in such cases would result in an inconsistent set of knownhosts files.

This action will cause DNS resolution to be performed (for unit/service/application), thus potentially triggering a relation-set on the nova-cloud-controller unit(s) and subsequent changed hook on the related nova-compute units.

The action is used as follows, based on unit, service, or application, respectively:

juju run-action nova-cloud-controller/0 clear-unit-knownhost-cache target=nova-compute/2 juju run-action nova-cloud-controller/0 clear-unit-knownhost-cache target=nova-compute juju run-action nova-cloud-controller/0 clear-unit-knownhost-cache

In a high-availability setup, the action must be run on all nova-cloud-controller units.

For more information about the cache-known-hosts option refer to the charm documentation <>.

Preview Charm Features

Vault-Keystone Cross-Model Relations

The vault and keystone charms now support use of the identity-service and vault-kv interface types when using cross model relations.

For more information on the vault-kv interface visit the project home page <>.

Upgrading charms

Always use the latest stable charm revision before proceeding with topological changes, charm application migrations, workload upgrades, series upgrades, or bug reports.

Please ensure that the keystone charm is upgraded first.

To upgrade an existing deployment to the latest charm version simply use the 'upgrade-charm' command, for example:

juju upgrade-charm keystone

Charm upgrades and OpenStack upgrades are two distinctly different things. Charm upgrades ensure that the deployment is using the latest charm revision, containing the latest charm fixes and charm features available for a given deployment.

Charm upgrades do not cause OpenStack versions to upgrade, however OpenStack upgrades do require the latest Charm version as pre-requisite.

Upgrading OpenStack

Before upgrading OpenStack, all OpenStack Charms should be running the latest stable charm revision.


Upgrading an OpenStack cloud is not without risk; upgrades should be tested in pre-production testing environments prior to production deployment upgrades.

See the charm deployment guide for more details.

Series Upgrade Issues

Bug: #1839021: hacluster charm "Resource; res_ks_haproxy not running"

For an HA deployment, when performing a Trusty to Xenial upgrade, it's possible, if the keystone unit takes a long time to reboot and restart its service, that keystone's hacluster crm monitor may exhaust its retries and show a blocked state with the status message Resource: res_ks_haproxy not running.

In this case, running the following against the affected hacluster unit should resolve the issue once the associated keystone unit has completed its upgrade:

juju run --unit <unit> sudo crm resource refresh

where <unit> is (say) keystone/0.

Deprecation Notices

Nova LXD Charm

Inline with the retirement of the nova compute driver for lxd <>, the nova-lxd charm has been deprecated with this release. Git repos and branches, as well as charm store historical revisions remain in place for community efforts and existing users. The OpenStack Charms team will no longer focus on backports or bug fixes to the nova lxd driver or the corresponding charm.

The purpose of the nova lxd charm was to provide nova api access to lxd hypervisors, in place or alongside kvm hypervisors.

This has no bearing on the lxd project itself, which has its own healthy ecosystem with an aggressive feature roadmap, and is under active development.

For more information about LXD visit the project home page <>.

Removed Features

Percona-Cluster Charm Trusty Series Removed

The Percona-Cluster Charm has had the Trusty series removed. This, and future releases of the Percona-Cluster Charm will no longer function on Trusty. The git branches and charm store revisions remain in place for those who need to remain on Trusty for this database charm.

The main driver for this decision was the lack of a Python 3.4 mysqldb module on 14.04. With the widespread upstream and distro Python3-only efforts well underway, the Percona-Cluster charm now supports (and requires) a Python3-only runtime.

Known Issues

Octavia Load Balancer in conjunction with DVR

There are currently a few outstanding upstream issues with connecting a Octavia loadbalancer to the outside world through a Floating IP when used in conjunction with Neutron DVR. As such, use of Octavia with DVR is not currently recommended.

Although there are some fixes provided in the referenced material, the current implementation still show issues and appears to limit how we can model a DVR deployment.

An approach to work around this is to create a separate non-distributed network for hosting the load balancer VIP and connecting it to a FIP.

The payload- and loadbalancer- instances can stay in a distributed network, only the VIP must be in a non-distributed network. although the actual hosting of said router can be on a compute host acting as a "centralized" snat router in a DVR deployment.)

For more information refer to the following pages:

Bugs Fixed

TODO: Update the number of bugs fixed.

This release includes 48 bug fixes. For the full list of bugs resolved for the 19.07 charms release please refer to

Next Release Info

Please see for current information.