OpenStack is dropping the py2.7 support in ussuri cycle. charm repos need few updates on either py2 drop or updating ussuri python template, tox.ini etc. Complete discussion & schedule can be found in - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-October/010142.html - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/drop-python2-support Ussuri Communtiy-wide goal: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/drop-py27.html Change-Id: Ic70ddd43786d056c35917caad6518a193d3586dd
keystone-admin interface
Use this interface to use keystone credentials in your charm layers.
By relating you charm layer (keystone-admin:identity-admin) with keystone service, keystone's API endpoint as well as username, password and region name will be shared.
How to use in your layers
The event handler for identity-admin.connected
is called when a relation
is established between your charm layer and keystone.
In case there are no unset shared data (ie: service_password), a new event
handler will be set: identity-admin.available
This object provides a method,
returing a dict of:
{u'service_password': u'XXXXXXXX',
u'service_port': u'5000',
u'service_hostname': u'10.XX.XX.XXX',
u'service_username': u'admin',
u'service_tenant_name': u'Admin',
u'service_region': u'RegionOne'}
interface: keystone-admin
includes: ['layer:basic', 'interface:keystone-admin']
charm layer example,
def setup_openstack_plugin(kst_data):
creds = kst_data.credentials()
if data_changed('identity-admin.config', creds):
settings = {'keystone_vip': creds['service_hostname'],
'keystone_port': creds['service_port'],
'username': creds['service_username'],
'password': creds['service_password'],
'tenant_name': creds['service_tenant_name'],
Example deployment
$ juju deploy your-awesome-charm
$ juju deploy keystone --config keystone-creds.yaml
$ juju deploy mysql
$ juju add-relation keystone mysql
$ juju add-relation your-awesome-charm keystone
where keystone-creds.yaml
has the necessary configuration settings for your
awesome charm to connect to keystone.