
964 B


Tempest is a set of integration tests to be run against a live OpenStack cluster. Tempest has batteries of tests for OpenStack API validation, Scenarios, and other specific tests useful in validating an OpenStack deployment.

The Tempest Charm can be deployed into a new or existing Juju model containing an OpenStack deployment to execute sets or subsets of Tempest tests.


NOTICE: At this time, the Tempest charm is in development and is in a proof-of-concept alpha state.

Development and related discussion occurs on the freenode #openstack-charms irc channel.

TLDR: Deploy the built charm and relate it to keystone and openstack-dashboard. See config.yaml as annotated.

More docs to come as this matures.

Executing the run-tempest action:

juju run-action tempest/0 run-tempest

Contact Information

See the OpenStack Charm Guide or discuss on Freenode IRC: #openstack-charms