Sean McGinnis 5016627f04 Remove unit testing
Spec repos do not have code to unit test. The gate job definition for
the py27 and py35 jobs skip if there doc only changes, which is all we
will ever have in the specs repo. Therefore the one "test" we had will
never be run.

We were using this unit test as a check for formatting issues with the
rst files. This was done before doc8 was available. Now that we can use
doc8, we should just switch to running that as part of the pep8 jobs.

Also fixes all the errors caught by doc8 that were not caught by our
unit test check.

Change-Id: Ida20764edde3a07c89703d82b41958c96548b239
2017-11-17 00:21:26 +00:00

8.2 KiB

Support ECKD volumes on Linux on System z

FICON (Fibre Connection) is a Fibre-Channel FC-4 layer protocol. It is used on mainframes to attach ECKD volumes via Fibre-Channel. Several changes are needed in order to allow Cinder to manage FICON-based block storage on Linux on System z.

Besides, support is to be added to the existing Cinder drivers for storage subsystems supporting ECKD (for example, IBM DS8000).

Required support in Nova is described by a separate blueprint which is listed as a dependency below.

Problem description

FICON and FCP are Fibre-Channel FC-4 layer protocols. FICON uses a different scheme to address volumes, compared to FCP.

  • ECKD volumes are addressed by a Control Unit and Unit Address, rather than WWPN and LUN.
  • System z uses a different format for device file paths (ccw-based, rather than pci-based), similar to the file paths used for FCP on System z
  • ECKD volumes need to be set online and formatted before they can be used

Use Cases

Allow an end-user to create and manage Cinder block devices based upon FICON attached storage subsystems supporting the ECKD protocol. For example: create, delete, image deploy, snapshot, ..

We will extend a Cinder driver for IBMs DS8000. Other vendors, such as EMC, Hitachi, or HP support ECKD, too. They are potential candidates.

Proposed change

Change code in os-brick to address these issues, dependent on a new protocol type of 'fibre_channel_eckd', provided by the driver For details, see section Work Items.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact

Platforms that support FICON/ECKD will need to implement this for their drivers.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

arecknag maiera

Work Items

In os-brick/initiator/

  • provide a new connector FibreChannelECKDConnector
  • connect_volume needs to enable interrupts for the volume and set the volume online. This is done by calling the new configure_eckd_device() function)
  • disconnect_volume needs to set the volume offline. This is done by calling the new deconfigure_eckd_device() function

In os-brick/initiator/

  • Utility functions to set the volume online, validate it is formatted appropriately, and format it if required

    def _is_online(self, device):
        Return True if device is online, else return False
        :param device: device id
        if os.access('/sys/bus/ccw/devices/%s/online' % device, os.R_OK):
            online_file = None
                online_file = open('/sys/bus/ccw/devices/%s/online' % device)
                value = online_file.readline()
                if value and value.strip() == '1':
                    return True
                if online_file:
        return False
    def _is_formatted(self, device):
        Return True if device is online, else return False
        :param device: device id
        if os.access('/sys/bus/ccw/devices/%s/status' % device, os.R_OK):
            formatted = None
            (out, _err) = self._execute('cat',
                                '/sys/bus/ccw/devices/%s/status' % device,
            if out and out.strip() == 'unformatted':
                return False
        return True
    def format_eckd_volume(self, path):
        formats ECKD volume
        :param device: device path
        name = os.path.realpath(path)
        if name.startswith("/dev/"):
            format_cmd = 'dasdfmt -y -b 4096 -d ldl ' + name
            (out, _err) = self._execute(format_cmd, run_as_root=True,
            return True
            return False

In os-brick/initiator/

  • new class LinuxFibreChannelECKD
def configure_eckd_device(self, device_number):
    """Add the eckd volume to the Linux configuration. """

    full_device_identifier = "0.0.%04x" % device_number
    eckd_device_command = ('cio_ignore', '-r',
        '%(dev_id)s' % {"dev_id": full_device_identifier})
    LOG.debug("issue cio_ignore for s390: %s", eckd_device_command)

    out, info = None, None
        out, info = self._execute('cio_ignore', '-r',
                '%(dev_id)s' % {"dev_id": full_device_identifier},
    except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
        LOG.warning(_LW("cio_ignore call for s390 failed exit"
                        " %(code)s, stderr %(stderr)s"),
                    {'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr})

    eckd_device_command = ('chccwdev', '-e',
            '%(dev_id)s' % {"dev_id": full_device_identifier})
    LOG.debug("add ECKD command for s390: %s", eckd_device_command)
    out, info = None, None
        out, info = self._execute('chccwdev', '-e',
                '%(dev_id)s' % {"dev_id": full_device_identifier},
    except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
        LOG.warning(_LW("add ECKD call for s390 failed exit"
                        " %(code)s, stderr %(stderr)s"),
                    {'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr})

def deconfigure_eckd_device(self, device_number):
    """Remove the eckd volume from the Linux configuration. """

    LOG.debug("Deconfigure ECKD volume: device_number=%(device_num)s ",
              {'device_num': device_number})

    full_device_identifier = "0.0.%04x" % device_number
    eckd_device_command = ('chccwdev', '-d',
            '%(dev_id)s' % {"dev_id": full_device_identifier})
    LOG.debug("remove ECKD command for s390: %s", eckd_device_command)
    out, info = None, None
        out, info = self._execute('chccwdev', '-d',
                '%(dev_id)s' % {"dev_id": full_device_identifier},
    except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
        LOG.warning(_LW("remove ECKD call for s390 failed exit"
                        " %(code)s, stderr %(stderr)s"),
                    {'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr})

Adaptations to volume.filters to allow the new commands to be sent

Cinder drivers need to report the Control Unit address, and Unit Address of the ECKD volume and set the driver_volume_type to 'fibre_channel_eckd'

Any drivers wishing to support FICON will need to have CI reporting results from running against a FICON attached host.


Nova blueprint to add support for ECKD for Linux on System z. The blueprint can be found here:


Unit test:

  • Unit tests will be added and performed on System z, as well as Intel-based machines.

CI environment:

  • We will provide a 3rd party CI environment for DS8000.

Documentation Impact

  • We will update documentation as required.
