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Policy Personas and Permissions

Beginning with the Xena release, the Block Storage service API v3 takes advantage of the default authentication and authorization apparatus supplied by the Keystone project to give operators a rich set of default policies to control how users interact with the Block Storage service API.

This document describes Cinder's part in an effort across OpenStack services to provide a consistent and useful default RBAC configuration. (This effort is referred to as "secure RBAC" for short.)


The secure RBAC effort not only spans OpenStack services, it is also taking place over several OpenStack development cycles. Thus it's important to make sure that you are looking at the version of this document that is applicable to the OpenStack release you have deployed.

This document applies to the Yoga release.

Additionally, keep in mind that different projects are implementing secure RBAC on different schedules. This document applies only to Cinder. To get an idea of the full scope of this effort, consult the Consistent and Secure Default RBAC community goal document.

Vocabulary Note

We need to clarify some terms we'll be using below.


This is a grouping of users into a unit that can own cloud resources. (This is what used to be called a "tenant", but you should never call it that.) Users, projects, and their associations are created in Keystone.


This is an OpenStack component that users interact with through an API it provides. For example, "Cinder" is the OpenStack code name for the service that provides the Block Storage API version 3. Cinder is also known as the OpenStack Block Storage service.

The point of making this distinction is that there's another use of the term 'project' that is relevant to the discussion, but that we're not going to use. Each OpenStack service is produced and maintained by a "project team". We will not be using the term 'project' in that sense in this document. We'll always use the term 'service'. (If you are new to OpenStack, this won't be a problem. But if you're discussing this content with someone who's been around OpenStack for a while, you'll want to be clear about this so that you're not talking past each other.)

The Cinder Personas

This is easiest to explain if we introduce the three "personas" Cinder recognizes in the Xena and Yoga releases. In the list below, a "system" refers to the deployed system (that is, Cinder and all its services), and a "project" refers to a container or namespace for resources.

  • In order to consume resources, a user must be assigned to a project by being given a role (for example, 'member') in that project. That's done in Keystone; it's not a Cinder concern.

    See Default Roles in the Keystone documentation for more information.

The Cinder Personas in Xena and Yoga
who what
project-reader Has access to the API for read-only requests that affect only project-specific resources (that is, cannot create, update, or delete resources within a project)
project-member A normal user in a project.


Has the highest level of authorization on the system and can perform any action in Cinder. In most deployments, only the operator, deployer, or other highly trusted person will be assigned this persona. This is a Cinder super-user who can do everything, both with respect to the Cinder system and all individual projects.

Note that if you assign the 'admin' role to a user, that user can affect the entire Cinder system, not just the project that person is a member of. Please keep this in mind as you assign roles to users in the Identity service.


The Keystone project provides the ability to describe additional personas, but Cinder does not recognize them in Yoga. In particular:

  • Cinder does not recognize the domain scope at all. So even if you successfully request a "domain-scoped" token from the Identity service, you won't be able to use it with Cinder. Instead, request a "project-scoped" token for the particular project in your domain that you want to act upon.

  • Cinder does not recognize a "system-member" persona, that is, a user with the member role on a system. Likewise, cinder does not recognize a "system-reader" persona, that is, a user with the reader role on a system.

    Further, while the Cinder "system-admin" persona is implemented in Yoga, it is not implemented by using scope.

More information about roles and scope is available in the Keystone Administrator Guides.


Privacy Expectations

Cinder's model of resources (volumes, backups, snapshots, etc.) is that they are owned by the project. Thus, they are shared by all users who have a role assignment on that project, no matter what persona that user has been assigned.

For example, if Alice and Bob are in Project P, and Alice has persona project-member while Bob has persona project-reader, if Alice creates volume V in Project P, Bob can see volume V in the volume-list response, and Bob can read all the volume metadata on volume V that Alice can read--even volume metadata that Alice may have added to the volume. The key point here is that even though Alice created volume V, it's not her volume. The volume is "owned" by Project P and is available to all users who have authorization on that project via role assignments in keystone. What a user can do with volume V depends on whether that user has an admin, member, or reader role in project P.

With respect to Project P, the personas with system scope (system-admin and system-reader) have access to the project in the sense that a cinder system-admin can do anything in Project P that the project-admin can do plus some additional powers. A cinder system-reader has read-only access to everything in Project P that the system-admin can access.

The above describe the default policy configuration for Cinder. It is possible to modify policies to obtain different behavior, but that is beyond the scope of this document.

Implementation Schedule

For reasons that will become clear in this section, the secure RBAC effort is being implemented in Cinder in two phases. In Xena and Yoga, there are three personas.

The 3 Xena/Yoga Personas
who Keystone technical info
project-reader reader role on a project, resulting in project-scope
project-member member role on a project, resulting in project-scope
system-admin admin role on a project, but recognized by Cinder as having permission to act on the cinder system

Note that you cannot create a project-admin persona on your own simply by assigning the admin role to a user. Such assignment results in that user becoming a system-admin.

In the Zed release, we plan to implement more Cinder personas that the default policy configuration will recognize. During the development of this OpenStack wide effort, however, some complexities were discovered that have affected exactly what this set of personas and their capabilities will be. Please consult the Zed version of this document (or the 'latest' version, if at the time you are reading this, Zed is still under development) for more information.

Cinder Permissions Matrix

Now that you know who the personas are, here's what they can do with respect to the policies that are recognized by Cinder.

Attachments (Microversion 3.27)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Create attachment POST /attachments volume:attachment_create no yes yes
Update attachment PUT /attachments/{attachment_id} volume:attachment_update no yes yes
Delete attachment DELETE /attachments/{attachment_id} volume:attachment_delete no yes yes
Mark a volume attachment process as completed (in-use)
Microversion 3.44
POST /attachments/{attachment_id}/action (os-complete)
volume:attachment_complete no yes yes
Allow multiattach of bootable volumes
This is a secondary check on
POST /attachments
which is governed by another policy
volume:multiattach_bootable_volume no yes yes
User Messages (Microversion 3.3)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List messages GET /messages message:get_all yes yes yes
Show message GET /messages/{message_id} message:get yes yes yes
Delete message DELETE /messages/{message_id} message:delete no yes yes
Clusters (Microversion 3.7)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List clusters
GET /clusters
GET /clusters/detail
clusters:get_all no no yes
Show cluster GET /clusters/{cluster_id} clusters:get no no yes
Update cluster PUT /clusters/{cluster_id} clusters:update no no yes
Workers (Microversion 3.24)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Clean up workers POST /workers/cleanup workers:cleanup no no yes
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List snapshots
GET /snapshots
GET /snapshots/detail
volume:get_all_snapshots yes yes yes
List or show snapshots with extended attributes
GET /snapshots/{snapshot_id}
GET /snapshots/detail
volume_extension:extended_snapshot_attributes yes yes yes
Create snapshot POST /snapshots volume:create_snapshot no yes yes
Show snapshot GET /snapshots/{snapshot_id} volume:get_snapshot yes yes yes
Update snapshot PUT /snapshots/{snapshot_id} volume:update_snapshot no yes yes
Delete snapshot DELETE /snapshots/{snapshot_id} volume:delete_snapshot no yes yes
Reset status of a snapshot. POST /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (os-reset_status) volume_extension:snapshot_admin_actions:reset_status no no yes
Update status (and optionally progress) of snapshot POST /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (os-update_snapshot_status) snapshot_extension:snapshot_actions:update_snapshot_status no yes yes
Force delete a snapshot POST /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (os-force_delete) volume_extension:snapshot_admin_actions:force_delete no no yes
List (in detail) of snapshots which are available to manage
GET /manageable_snapshots
GET /manageable_snapshots/detail
snapshot_extension:list_manageable no no yes
Manage an existing snapshot POST /manageable_snapshots snapshot_extension:snapshot_manage no no yes
Unmanage a snapshot POST /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (os-unmanage) snapshot_extension:snapshot_unmanage no no yes
Snapshot Metadata
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Show snapshot's metadata or one specified metadata with a given key
GET /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata
GET /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata/{key}
volume:get_snapshot_metadata yes yes yes
Update snapshot's metadata or one specified metadata with a given key
PUT /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata
PUT /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata/{key}
volume:update_snapshot_metadata no yes yes
Delete snapshot's specified metadata with a given key DELETE /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata/{key} volume:delete_snapshot_metadata no yes yes
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List backups
GET /backups
GET /backups/detail
backup:get_all yes yes yes
Include project attributes in the list backups, show backup responses
Microversion 3.18
Adds os-backup-project-attr:project_id to the following responses:
GET /backups/detail
GET /backups/{backup_id}
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
backup:backup_project_attribute no no yes
Create backup POST /backups backup:create no yes yes
Show backup GET /backups/{backup_id} backup:get yes yes yes
Update backup
Microversion 3.9
PUT /backups/{backup_id}
backup:update no yes yes
Delete backup DELETE /backups/{backup_id} backup:delete no yes yes
Restore backup POST /backups/{backup_id}/restore backup:restore no yes yes
Import backup POST /backups/{backup_id}/import_record backup:backup-import no no yes
Export backup POST /backups/{backup_id}/export_record backup:export-import no no yes
Reset status of a backup POST /backups/{backup_id}/action (os-reset_status) volume_extension:backup_admin_actions:reset_status no no yes
Force delete a backup POST /backups/{backup_id}/action (os-force_delete) volume_extension:backup_admin_actions:force_delete no no yes
Groups (Microversion 3.13)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List groups
GET /groups
GET /groups/detail
group:get_all yes yes yes
Create group, create group from src
POST /groups
Microversion 3.14:
POST /groups/action (create-from-src)
group:create no yes yes
Show group GET /groups/{group_id} group:get yes yes yes
Update group PUT /groups/{group_id} group:update no yes yes
Include project attributes in the list groups, show group responses
Microversion 3.58
Adds project_id to the following responses:
GET /groups/detail
GET /groups/{group_id}
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
group:group_project_attribute no no yes
Group Types (Microversion 3.11)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Create, update or delete a group type
(NOTE: Yoga policies split POST, PUT, DELETE)
POST /group_types/
PUT /group_types/{group_type_id}
DELETE /group_types/{group_type_id}
group:group_types_manage no no yes
Create a group type POST /group_types/ group:group_types:create no no yes
Update a group type PUT /group_types/{group_type_id} group:group_types:update no no yes
Delete a group type DELETE /group_types/{group_type_id} group:group_types:delete no no yes
Show group type with type specs attributes
Adds group_specs to the following responses:
GET /group_types
GET /group_types/default
GET /group_types/{group_type_id}
These calls are not governed by a policy.
group:access_group_types_specs no no yes
Create, show, update and delete group type spec
(NOTE: Yoga policies split GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
GET /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs
GET /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id}
POST /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs
PUT /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id}
DELETE /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id}
group:group_types_specs no no yes
Create group type spec POST /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs group:group_types_specs:create no no yes
List group type specs GET /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs group:group_types_specs:get_all no no yes
Show detail for a group type spec GET /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id} group:group_types_specs:get no no yes
Update group type spec PUT /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id} group:group_types_specs:update no no yes
Delete group type spec DELETE /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id} group:group_types_specs:delete no no yes
Group Snapshots (Microversion 3.14)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List group snapshots
GET /group_snapshots
GET /group_snapshots/detail
group:get_all_group_snapshots yes yes yes
Create group snapshot POST /group_snapshots group:create_group_snapshot no yes yes
Show group snapshot GET /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id} group:get_group_snapshot yes yes yes
Delete group snapshot DELETE /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id} group:delete_group_snapshot no yes yes
Update group snapshot
PUT /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id}
Note: even though the policy is defined, this call is not implemented in the Block Storage API.
group:update_group_snapshot no yes yes
Reset status of group snapshot
Microversion 3.19
POST /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id}/action (reset_status)
group:reset_group_snapshot_status no no yes
Include project attributes in the list group snapshots, show group snapshot responses
Microversion 3.58
Adds project_id to the following responses:
GET /group_snapshots/detail
GET /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id}
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
group:group_snapshot_project_attribute no no yes
Group Actions
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Delete group POST /groups/{group_id}/action (delete) group:delete no yes yes
Reset status of group
Microversion 3.20
POST /groups/{group_id}/action (reset_status)
group:reset_status no no yes
Enable replication
Microversion 3.38
POST /groups/{group_id}/action (enable_replication)
group:enable_replication no yes yes
Disable replication
Microversion 3.38
POST /groups/{group_id}/action (disable_replication)
group:disable_replication no yes yes
Fail over replication
Microversion 3.38
POST /groups/{group_id}/action (failover_replication)
group:failover_replication no yes yes
List failover replication
Microversion 3.38
POST /groups/{group_id}/action (list_replication_targets)
group:list_replication_targets no yes yes
QOS specs
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List qos specs or list all associations
GET /qos-specs
GET /qos-specs/{qos_id}/associations
volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:get_all no no yes
Show qos specs GET /qos-specs/{qos_id} volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:get no no yes
Create qos specs POST /qos-specs volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:create no no yes
Update qos specs: update key/values in the qos-spec or update the volume-types associated with the qos-spec
PUT /qos-specs/{qos_id}
GET /qos-specs/{qos_id}/associate?vol_type_id={volume_id}
GET /qos-specs/{qos_id}/disassociate?vol_type_id={volume_id}
GET /qos-specs/{qos_id}/disassociate_all
(yes, these GETs are really updates)
volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:update no no yes
Delete a qos-spec, or remove a list of keys from the qos-spec
DELETE /qos-specs/{qos_id}
PUT /qos-specs/{qos_id}/delete_keys
volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:delete no no yes
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Show or update project quota class
(NOTE: Yoga policies split GET and PUT)
GET /os-quota-class-sets/{project_id}
PUT /os-quota-class-sets/{project_id}
volume_extension:quota_classes no no yes
Show project quota class GET /os-quota-class-sets/{project_id} volume_extension:quota_classes:get no no yes
Update project quota class PUT /os-quota-class-sets/{project_id} volume_extension:quota_classes:update no no yes
Show project quota (including usage and default)
GET /os-quota-sets/{project_id}
GET /os-quota-sets/{project_id}/default
GET /os-quota-sets/{project_id}?usage=True
volume_extension:quotas:show yes yes yes
Update project quota PUT /os-quota-sets/{project_id} volume_extension:quotas:update no no yes
Delete project quota DELETE /os-quota-sets/{project_id} volume_extension:quotas:delete no no yes
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Show backend capabilities GET /capabilities/{host_name} volume_extension:capabilities no no yes
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List all services GET /os-services volume_extension:services:index no no yes
Update service
PUT /os-services/enable
PUT /os-services/disable
PUT /os-services/disable-log-reason
PUT /os-services/freeze
PUT /os-services/thaw
PUT /os-services/failover_host
PUT /os-services/failover (microversion 3.26)
PUT /os-services/set-log
PUT /os-services/get-log
volume_extension:services:update no no yes
Freeze a backend host. Secondary check; must also satisfy volume_extension:services:update to make this call. PUT /os-services/freeze volume:freeze_host no no yes
Thaw a backend host. Secondary check; must also satisfy volume_extension:services:update to make this call. PUT /os-services/thaw volume:thaw_host no no yes
Failover a backend host. Secondary check; must also satisfy volume_extension:services:update to make this call.
PUT /os-services/failover_host
PUT /os-services/failover (microversion 3.26)
volume:failover_host no no yes
List all backend pools GET /scheduler-stats/get_pools scheduler_extension:scheduler_stats:get_pools no no yes
List, update or show hosts for a project
(NOTE: will be deprecated in Zed and new policies introduced
for GETs and PUT)
GET /os-hosts
PUT /os-hosts/{host_name}
GET /os-hosts/{host_id}
volume_extension:hosts no no yes
Show limits with used limit attributes GET /limits limits_extension:used_limits yes yes yes
List (in detail) of volumes which are available to manage
GET /manageable_volumes
GET /manageable_volumes/detail
volume_extension:list_manageable no no yes
Manage existing volumes POST /manageable_volumes volume_extension:volume_manage no no yes
Unmanage a volume POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-unmanage) volume_extension:volume_unmanage no no yes
Volume Types
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Create, update and delete volume type
(Yoga policies for create/update/delete)
POST /types
PUT /types/{type_id}
DELETE /types
volume_extension:types_manage no no yes
Create a volume type POST /types volume_extension:type_create no no yes
Update a volume type PUT /types/{type_id} volume_extension:type_update no no yes
Delete a volume type DELETE /types/{type_id} volume_extension:type_delete no no yes
Show a specific volume type GET /types/{type_id} volume_extension:type_get yes yes yes
List volume types GET /types volume_extension:type_get_all yes yes yes
Base policy for all volume type encryption type operations
(NOTE: can't use this anymore, because it gives GET and POST same permissions)
Convenience default policy for the situation where you don't want to configure all the volume_type_encryption policies separately volume_extension:volume_type_encryption
Create volume type encryption POST /types/{type_id}/encryption volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:create no no yes
Show a volume type's encryption type, show an encryption specs item
GET /types/{type_id}/encryption
GET /types/{type_id}/encryption/{key}
volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:get no no yes
Update volume type encryption PUT /types/{type_id}/encryption/{encryption_id} volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:update no no yes
Delete volume type encryption DELETE /types/{type_id}/encryption/{encryption_id} volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:delete no no yes
List or show volume type with extra specs attribute
Adds extra_specs to the following responses:
GET /types/{type_id}
GET /types
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:access_types_extra_specs yes yes yes
List or show volume type with access type qos specs id attribute
Adds qos_specs_id to the following responses:
GET /types/{type_id}
GET /types
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:access_types_qos_specs_id no no yes
Show whether a volume type is public in the type response
Adds os-volume-type-access:is_public to the following responses:
GET /types
GET /types/{type_id}
POST /types
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:volume_type_access no yes yes
List private volume type access detail, that is, list the projects that have access to this type
(was formerly controlled by volume_extension:volume_type_access)
GET /types/{type_id}/os-volume-type-access volume_extension:volume_type_access:get_all_for_type no no yes
Add volume type access for project POST /types/{type_id}/action (addProjectAccess) volume_extension:volume_type_access:addProjectAccess no no yes
Remove volume type access for project POST /types/{type_id}/action (removeProjectAccess) volume_extension:volume_type_access:removeProjectAccess no no yes
Volume Actions
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Extend a volume POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-extend) volume:extend no yes yes
Extend an attached volume
Microversion 3.42
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-extend)
volume:extend_attached_volume no yes yes
Revert a volume to a snapshot
Microversion 3.40
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (revert)
volume:revert_to_snapshot no yes yes
Reset status of a volume POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reset_status) volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:reset_status no no yes
Retype a volume POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-retype) volume:retype no yes yes
Update a volume's readonly flag POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-update_readonly_flag) volume:update_readonly_flag no yes yes
Force delete a volume POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-force_delete) volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:force_delete no no yes
Upload a volume to image with public visibility POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-volume_upload_image) volume_extension:volume_actions:upload_public no no yes
Upload a volume to image POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-volume_upload_image) volume_extension:volume_actions:upload_image no yes yes
Force detach a volume. POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-force_detach) volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:force_detach no no yes
Migrate a volume to a specified host POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-migrate_volume) volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:migrate_volume no no yes
Complete a volume migration POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-migrate_volume_completion) volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:migrate_volume_completion no no yes
Initialize volume attachment POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-initialize_connection) volume_extension:volume_actions:initialize_connection no yes yes
Terminate volume attachment POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-terminate_connection) volume_extension:volume_actions:terminate_connection no yes yes
Roll back volume status to 'in-use' POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-roll_detaching) volume_extension:volume_actions:roll_detaching no yes yes
Mark volume as reserved POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reserve) volume_extension:volume_actions:reserve no yes yes
Unmark volume as reserved POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-unreserve) volume_extension:volume_actions:unreserve no yes yes
Begin detach volumes POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-begin_detaching) volume_extension:volume_actions:begin_detaching no yes yes
Add attachment metadata POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-attach) volume_extension:volume_actions:attach no yes yes
Clear attachment metadata POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-detach) volume_extension:volume_actions:detach no yes yes
Reimage a volume in available or error status POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reimage) volume:reimage no yes yes
Reimage a volume in reserved status POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reimage) volume:reimage_reserved no yes yes
Volume Transfers
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List volume transfer
GET /os-volume-transfer
GET /os-volume-transfer/detail
GET /volume-transfers
GET /volume-transfers/detail
volume:get_all_transfers yes yes yes
Create a volume transfer
POST /os-volume-transfer
POST /volume-transfers
volume:create_transfer no yes yes
Show one specified volume transfer
GET /os-volume-transfer/{transfer_id}
GET /volume-transfers/{transfer_id}
volume:get_transfer yes yes yes
Accept a volume transfer
POST /os-volume-transfer/{transfer_id}/accept
POST /volume-transfers/{transfer_id}/accept
volume:accept_transfer no yes yes
Delete volume transfer
DELETE /os-volume-transfer/{transfer_id}
DELETE /volume-transfers/{transfer_id}
volume:delete_transfer no yes yes
Volume Metadata
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Show volume's metadata or one specified metadata with a given key.
GET /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata
GET /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{key}
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-show_image_metadata)
volume:get_volume_metadata yes yes yes
Create volume metadata POST /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata volume:create_volume_metadata no yes yes
Update volume's metadata or one specified metadata with a given key
PUT /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata
PUT /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{key}
volume:update_volume_metadata no yes yes
Delete volume's specified metadata with a given key DELETE /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{key} volume:delete_volume_metadata no yes yes
Volume's image metadata related operation, create, delete, show and list
(NOTE: Yoga policies split GET and POST)
Microversion 3.4
GET /volumes/detail
GET /volumes/{volume_id}
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-set_image_metadata)
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-unset_image_metadata)
(NOTE: POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-show_image_metadata) is governed by volume:get_volume_metadata
volume_extension:volume_image_metadata no yes yes
Include volume's image metadata in volume detail responses
Microversion 3.4
GET /volumes/detail
GET /volumes/{volume_id}
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:show yes yes yes
Set image metadata for a volume
Microversion 3.4
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-set_image_metadata)
volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:set no yes yes
Remove specific image metadata from a volume
Microversion 3.4
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-unset_image_metadata)
volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:remove no yes yes
Update volume admin metadata.
This permission is required to complete the following operations:
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-update_readonly_flag)
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-attach)
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume:update_volume_admin_metadata no no yes
Volume Type Extra-Specs
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
List type extra specs GET /types/{type_id}/extra_specs volume_extension:types_extra_specs:index yes yes yes
Create type extra specs POST /types/{type_id}/extra_specs volume_extension:types_extra_specs:create no no yes
Show one specified type extra specs GET /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key} volume_extension:types_extra_specs:show yes yes yes
Update type extra specs PUT /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key} volume_extension:types_extra_specs:update no no yes
Delete type extra specs DELETE /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key} volume_extension:types_extra_specs:delete no no yes
Include extra_specs fields that may reveal sensitive information about the deployment that should not be exposed to end users in various volume-type responses that show extra_specs.
GET /types
GET /types/{type_id}
GET /types/{type_id}/extra_specs
GET /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key}
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:types_extra_specs:read_sensitive no no yes
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Create volume POST /volumes volume:create no yes yes
Create volume from image POST /volumes volume:create_from_image no yes yes
Show volume GET /volumes/{volume_id} volume:get yes yes yes
List volumes or get summary of volumes
GET /volumes
GET /volumes/detail
GET /volumes/summary
volume:get_all yes yes yes
Update volume or update a volume's bootable status
PUT /volumes
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-set_bootable)
volume:update no yes yes
Delete volume DELETE /volumes/{volume_id} volume:delete no yes yes
Force Delete a volume (Microversion 3.23) DELETE /volumes/{volume_id}?force=true volume:force_delete no no yes
List or show volume with host attribute
Adds os-vol-host-attr:host to the following responses:
GET /volumes/{volume_id}
GET /volumes/detail
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:volume_host_attribute no no yes
List or show volume with "tenant attribute" (actually, the project ID)
Adds os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id to the following responses:
GET /volumes/{volume_id}
GET /volumes/detail
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:volume_tenant_attribute yes yes yes
List or show volume with migration status attribute
Adds os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat to the following responses:
GET /volumes/{volume_id}
GET /volumes/detail
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume_extension:volume_mig_status_attribute no no yes
Show volume's encryption metadata
GET /volumes/{volume_id}/encryption
GET /volumes/{volume_id}/encryption/{encryption_key}
volume_extension:volume_encryption_metadata yes yes yes
Create multiattach capable volume
Indirectly affects the success of these API calls:
POST /volumes
POST /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-retype)
The ability to make these API calls is governed by other policies.
volume:multiattach no yes yes
Default Volume Types (Microversion 3.62)
functionality API call policy name project-reader project-member system-admin
Set or update default volume type for a project PUT /default-types volume_extension:default_set_or_update no no yes
Get default type for a project
GET /default-types/{project-id}
(Note: a project-* persona can always determine their effective default-type by making the GET /v3/{project_id}/types/default call, which is governed by the volume_extension:type_get policy.)
volume_extension:default_get no no yes
Get all default types GET /default-types/ volume_extension:default_get_all no no yes
Unset default type for a project DELETE /default-types/{project-id} volume_extension:default_unset no no yes