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Dell EMC PowerStore driver

This section explains how to configure and connect the block storage nodes to an PowerStore storage cluster.

Supported operations

  • Create, delete, attach and detach volumes.
  • Create, delete volume snapshots.
  • Create a volume from a snapshot.
  • Copy an image to a volume.
  • Copy a volume to an image.
  • Clone a volume.
  • Extend a volume.
  • Get volume statistics.
  • Attach a volume to multiple servers simultaneously (multiattach).
  • Revert a volume to a snapshot.

Driver configuration

Add the following content into /etc/cinder/cinder.conf:

enabled_backends = powerstore

# PowerStore REST IP
san_ip = <San IP>
# PowerStore REST username and password
san_login = <San username>
san_password = <San Password>
# Storage protocol
storage_protocol = <Storage protocol> # FC or iSCSI
# Volume driver name
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.powerstore.driver.PowerStoreDriver
# Backend name
volume_backend_name = <Backend name>
# PowerStore appliances
powerstore_appliances = <Appliances names> # Ex. Appliance-1,Appliance-2
# PowerStore allowed ports
powerstore_ports = <Allowed ports> # Ex. 58:cc:f0:98:49:22:07:02,58:cc:f0:98:49:23:07:02

Driver options

The driver supports the following configuration options:


SSL support

To enable the SSL certificate verification, modify the following options in the cinder.conf file:

driver_ssl_cert_verify = True
driver_ssl_cert_path = <path to the CA>

By default, the SSL certificate validation is disabled.

If the driver_ssl_cert_path option is omitted, the system default CA will be used.

Thin provisioning and compression

The driver creates thin provisioned compressed volumes by default. Thick provisioning is not supported.