Change-Id: I2048e999a7db7a4b5cc30ce07282c26320560295
16 KiB
Set a time to live for rating rules on modules Hashmap and Pyscript.
This specification proposes an extension in the rating rules to add a life time to the rules and add audit.
Problem Description
In a dynamic cloud environment where computing resources are constantly replaced to improve the cloud platform, we see the computing resources prices being modified with the cloud environment upgrades; meaning, old resources become cheaper, and users can choose the newest available resources which usually are more expensive.
For that purpose, the price of computing resources is continually changing, which means that they can change every year, or even more often according to the cloud upgrades.
Nowadays in CloudKitty when we create rating rules (for both hash mapping and Pyscripts), the rules are applied immediately after they were created, and they keep working until they are deleted; the update of rating rules is also possible, and we can do it whenever we want.
To keep the prices of the resources updated, operators need to change the cost of each rating rule created, which causes some headaches when some are missed/forgotten to be updated when they should. This generated the need to execute data reprocessing. Besides that, as the rating rules updates take effect right when they are updated, operators have to work at a specific moment in time, which is not something very practical. For instance, if the price changes at the very beginning of the year, which would force somebody to update the rules at midnight of January of the new year, and so on.
Proposed Change
To facilitate operators' work and make the Cloudkitty rating rules creation process more dynamic and flexible, we propose to add a start and end date in the hashmap and Pyscript rating rules modules.
Furthermore, as we are working with billing data, which will be used to charge the cloud environment users, we also propose to create an auditing mechanism for the rating rules; to achieve that, we will stop deleting the rating rules from the database; instead of it, we will mark them as deleted and at the same time, we will start denying the rule updating process in some specific situations. The goal of these changes is to make the system more secure, auditable, and predictable. Moreover, we will add three new columns, one to store the user that created the rule, one with the user that removed it, and the last one with the user that updated it.
The update is only going to be allowed if the rules have never been used to rate a metric by CloudKitty. If it has already been used, we will not allow updating it. The rationale is that we cannot change a rule while it is being used, so we maintain it consistent. Operators will always be able to delete a rating rule to be able to remove it from processing and reprocessing. If rating rules have None as the end date, we then allow an update (for rules that have not been used yet), which is the only update that can be set for rating rules that are in use.
For rating rules that have not been used yet, we allow operators to update anything they wish, including price, start, and end dates.
Another process that we will allow operators to do is to create rating rules that start in a past time. As long as they send an extra parameter saying that they understand that the data point that is in the past will not have this rule to be applied if a reprocessing is not executed.
Database changes
Here are presented the proposed changes in Cloudkitty database schema.
Add new columns in the tables hashmap_mappings and `pyscripts_scripts`:
- created_at: timestamp defining when the rule is created;
- start: timestamp defining when the rule starts to be applied by CloudKitty;
- end: timestamp defining when the rule ends/finishes/is not used anymore by CloudKitty. If NULL is used, it means endless; in other words, it is always applied;
- name: the rating rule name which identifies the rule;
- description: a rating rule description;
- deleted: deletion timestamp;
- created_by: keystone user's id who created the rule;
- updated_by: last keystone user's id who changed the rule;
- deleted_by: keystone user's id who deleted the rule.
Type | Null | Default |
| Field | +---------------------+--------------+------+---------------------+
timestamp | NO | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| created_at | start | timestamp | NO | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| end | timestamp | YES | |
| varchar(32) | NO | |
| name | varchar(256) | YES | |
| description | timestamp | YES | |
| deleted | varchar(32) | NO | |
| created_by | varchar(32) | YES | |
| updated_by | varchar(32) | YES | |
| deleted_by | +---------------------+--------------+------+---------------------+
Here are presented the proposed changes in Cloudkitty REST API.
path: /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings
method: GET
- Filter by rating rule time to live window;
- Filter by user who created/updated/deleted the rules;
- Filter by description;
- Show or not, via a flag, the deleted rating rules (marked as deleted with the deletion date);
- Show or not, via a flag, the active rating rules (start and end dates period containing the current date);
path: /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings
method: POST
Four new values were added when creating rules:
start: the timestamp the rule will take effect; if none is provided, the current timestamp will be used; if a date without time is provided, the midnight time (00:00:00) will be used; if the timezone is not provided, we use the timezone of the system. Its value must be < than the provided end date and cannot be in the past;
end: the timestamp the rule will have no more effect; if none is provided, it will be none, meaning that it is an endless rule (rule without an end date); if a date without time is provided, the next midnight day minus 1 minute (23:59:00) will be used; if the timezone is not provided, we use the timezone of the system. Its value must be > than the provided start and cannot be in the past;
name: the rule name, it is a required value, must be a string. The name must be unique for all not deleted rules (not marked as deleted);
description: the rule description, is a optional parameter, and must be a string;
force: optional value to allow users to create rules with a start and end in the past, for reprocessing purposes;
A new value will be processed in background when creating rules:
created_by: We will set this value with the Keystone's authentication token used in the request, we will get the user id from the token and set it in this field;
path: /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings
method: PUT
We will allow to update only the rule's end date, nothing else, and only if the current end date is not defined (none). The new end value must be something in the future.
It will be also allowed to update rules where the start date is still in the future, for that case, the attributes allowed to be updated will be the:
- start: if the provided one is in the future and < than end;
- end: if the provided one is in the future and > than start;
- cost;
- description;
A new value will be processed in background when updating rules:
updated_by: We will set this value with the Keystone's authentication token used in the request, we will get the user id from the token and set it in this field;
path: /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings
method: DELETE
We will not delete a rule anymore, instead, this endpoint will mark a rule as deleted, using the current date the request was called.
A new value will be processed in background when deleting rules:
deleted_by: We will set this value with the Keystone's authentication token used in the request, we will get the user id from the token and set it in this field;
path: /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts
method: GET
- Filter by rating rule time to live window;
- Filter by user who created/updated/deleted the rules;
- Filter by description;
- Show or not, via a flag, the deleted rating rules (marked as deleted with the deletion date);
- Show or not, via a flag, the active rating rules (start and end dates period containing the current date);
path: /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts
method: POST
Four new values were added to request when creating rules:
start: the timestamp the rule will take effect; if none is provided, the current timestamp will be used; if a date without time is provided, the midnight time (00:00:00) will be used; if the timezone is not provided, we use the timezone of the system. Its value must be < than the provided end date and cannot be in the past;
end: the timestamp the rule will have no more effect; if none is provided, it will be none, meaning that it is an endless rule (rule without an end date); if a date without time is provided, the next midnight day minus 1 minute (23:59:00) will be used; if the timezone is not provided, we use the timezone of the system. Its value must be > than the provided start and cannot be in the past;
name: the rule name, it is a required value, must be a string. The name must be unique for all not deleted rules (not marked as deleted);
description: the rule description, is a optional parameter, and must be a string;
force: optional value to allow users to create rules with a start and end in the past, for reprocessing purposes;
A new value will be processed in background when creating rules:
created_by: We will set this value with the Keystone's authentication token used in the request, we will get the user id from the token and set it in this field;
path: /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts
method: PUT
We will allow to update only the rule's end date, nothing else, and only if the current end date is not defined (none). The new end value must be something in the future.
It will be also allowed to update rules where the start date is still in the future, for that case, the attributes allowed to be updated will be the:
- start: if the provided one is in the future and < than end;
- end: if the provided one is in the future and > than start;
- cost;
- description;
A new value will be processed in background when updating rules:
updated_by: We will set this value with the Keystone's authentication token used in the request, we will get the user id from the token and set it in this field;
path: /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts
method: DELETE
We will not delete a rule anymore, instead, this endpoint will mark a rule as deleted, using the current date the request was called.
A new value will be processed in background when deleting rules:
deleted_by: We will set this value with the Keystone's authentication token used in the request, we will get the user id from the token and set it in this field;
Here are presented the proposed changes in the processing and reprocessing workflows in Cloudkitty orchestrator.
We will have three more filters (besides the tenant_id) when checking which rules must be used to process the data frame cost:
- check if the rule's start timestamp is <= than the current timestamp; and
- check if the rule's end timestamp is > than the current timestamp; and
- check if there is no timestamp set in the deleted field of the rule;
Besides the changes introduced in this proposal, which we will filter the rules processed, the rest of the processing workflow will stay the same.
We will have three more filters (besides the tenant_id) when checking which rules must be used to process the data frames cost:
- check if the rule's start timestamp is <= than the processed data frame timestamp; and
- check if the rule's end timestamp is > than the processed data frame timestamp; and
- check if there is no timestamp set in the deleted field of the rule;
Besides the changes introduced in this proposal, which we will filter the rules processed, the rest of the reprocessing workflow will stay the same.
Final thoughts
With this extension, if one needs to update any rule that has already been in use (the start value is in the past), we will need to delete it and create a new one with the updated values; alternatively, one can set the end date, and then create a new one. By using this approach we can track all changes a rule has, which facilitated auditing the system.
If all rules get expired, then we will start rating all the resources with 0 (zero) value. However, that would be expected, as there is no valid rating rules anymore. To avoid that, one can always use rules without and end date.
Create some cron triggers to update the rating rules cost in the server;
Data model impact
New columns will be added in the tables hashmap_mappings and pyscripts_scripts;
REST API impact
New fields will be added in the /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings and /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts endpoints
Security impact
Notifications Impact
Other end user impact
Performance Impact
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
- Primary assignee:
- Pedro Henrique Pereira Martins <>
Work Items
- Extend the database model;
- Create the data migration process to fill the initial start dates;
- Adapt the REST APIs to accept the new fields;
3.1) Adapt Hashmap mappings REST API; 3.2) Adapt Pyscript REST API;
- Create the validation mechanism to the new fields;
- Change the deletion REST API to not delete the rules anymore;
- Adapt the processing workflow to the new rules/validations;
- Adapt the reprocessing workflow to the new rules/validations;
- Change Cloudkitty CLI to accept new fields.
Unit tested
Documentation Impact