ShangXiao 5454b450e9 Fix typos in files
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2019-11-27 08:50:15 +00:00

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Add an Elasticsearch v2 storage driver!/story/2006332

Problem Description

For now, there is only one v2 storage driver: InfluxDB. However there should always be several proposed choices for each of CloudKitty's modules.

The following strengths make Elasticsearch a great candidate:

  • It's a widespread solution. On most deployments, it is likely that an Elasticsearch cluster is available (for example for log centralization).
  • HA and clustering. Elasticsearch features HA and clustering by default, whereas it is only available in the paid version of InfluxDB.
  • It's performant. And Elasticsearch allows some tuning by admins.
  • Data visualization Data from the InfluxDB storage driver can be visualized with Grafana, the Elastic stack provides Kibana.

Proposed Change

A v2 storage driver for Elasticsearch, available through the entrypoint.

Here's a summary of the routes and aggregation methods that will be used for each of the v2 storage driver interface's methods:

  • init: PUT /<index> See "Data model impact" for mapping details.
  • push: POST /<index>/<mapping>/_bulk
  • retrieve: GET /<index>/_search A standard search query with filters.
  • total: GET /<index>/_search The composite aggregation will be used: Several terms aggregations in the must clause of a bool query will allow to group data on specific attributes. A sum aggregation will then be applied to the buckets to obtain the qty and price for each of them.
  • delete: POST /<index>/_delete_by_query Same principle as the retrieve method, but for deletion.


The "composite" query is stable since Elasticsearch version 6.5. In order to be compatible with 6.x and 7.x, cloudkitty will use the include_type_name parameter for mapping creation. This parameter was added in Elasticsearch 6.8. This parameter will be removed in Elasticsearch 8. Thus, CloudKitty will require Elasticsearch >= 6.5 and < to 8.


About pagination: Given that offset + size can't exceed 15000 in the search API, the retrieve function will use scrolling. The search_after feature will not be used, as it is stateless, which means that consecutive requests may return unexpected results depending on the index updates happening at the same time. The duration for which scroll contexts should be kept open will be configurable through a config file option marked as advanced.

The total function will use the after parameter of the composite aggregation


The CloudKitty storage driver will only require the OSS version of Elasticsearch to work. However, some X-Pack features of the Basic version, like authentication, will be supported (but not mandatory) in the future.



Data model impact

The data model used in Elasticsearch will be as follows:

Each DataPoint will be a single document. An existing empty index is required (this will allow tuning from admins). In order to improve overall performance, a mapping with the following attributes will be created.

  • start: (date) The start of the period the datapoint applies to.
  • end: (date) The end of the period the datapoint applies to.
  • type: (keyword) The type of the datapoint.
  • unit: (keyword) The unit of the datapoint.
  • qty: (double) The qty of the datapoint.
  • price: (double) The price of the datapoint.
  • groupby: (object) Dict of the datapoint's groupby attributes.
  • metadata: (object) Dict of the datapoint's metadata attributes.


In order to allow flexible groupby/metadata, the associated objects will be flexible.


Given that we will only do exact value searches, every string attribute will be converted to a keyword. This will be achieved using dynamic templates.


By default, the _source field will be enabled. An option to disable it in order to improve storage size may be added, but this should be done with care. See the link to the Elasticsearch documentation in the references for details.

In the end, the mapping will be defined as follows:

  "mappings": {
    "_doc": {
      // cast all strings to keywords
      "dynamic_templates": [
          "strings_as_keywords": {
            "match_mapping_type": "string",
            "mapping": {
              "type": "keyword"
      // we won't add any attribute to the base object, so dynamic must be false
      "dynamic": false,
      "properties": {
        "start": {"type": "date"},
        "end": {"type": "date"},
        "type": {"type": "keyword"},
        "unit": {"type": "keyword"},
        "qty": {"type": "double"},
        "price": {"type": "double"},
        // groupby and metadata will accept new attributes
        "groupby": {"dynamic": true, "type": "object"},
        // even though metadata should not be indexed, disabling it can't be
        // undone, and disabled objects are only available through the "_source"
        // field, which may also be disabled
        "metadata": {"dynamic": true, "type": "object"}


Given that a term to filter on may be part of groupby or metadata, each filter will add two term queries to the should part of the bool query (one for the groupby section and one for the metadata section). Thus, the minimum_should_match parameter of the bool query will be set to half of the number of terms in the should query.

REST API impact


Security impact

In the first iteration, there will be no support for x-pack authentication. It will be up to the admins to secure the connections between the Elasticsearch cluster and CloudKitty. Authentication will be introduced in future releases.

Notifications Impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

On most benchmarks (and from what could be determined from POCs), data insertion into Elasticsearch is slower than insertion into InfluxDB. However, Elasticsearch is faster for aggregations. However, once CloudKitty has caught up with the current timestamp, not many insertions are required. Moreover, Elasticsearch's support for clustering and for tuning should allow for a better overall performance in the end.

Other deployer impact

The new backend will require more configuration from the admins:

  • Index aliases and lifecycles
  • Shards and replicas

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Implement an Elasticsearch storage driver
  • Add support for the driver to the Devstack plugin.
  • Add a Tempest job where the Elasticsearch storage driver is used.


Elasticsearch >= 6.5.


In addition to unit tests, this will be tested with Tempest.

Documentation Impact

The configuration options provided of this driver will be detailed in the documentation. There will also be a section dedicated to the configuration of the Elasticsearch index.
