Andreas Jaeger a9c4ac0a69 Cleanup py27 support and docs
Make a few cleanups:
- Remove obsolete sections from setup.cfg
- Remove install_command from tox.ini, merge constraints
  into dependencies
- Enable warnings for doc build, fix all warnings
- Switch to sphinx-build
- Enable warnings for doc build, fix all warnings
- Remove git handling from, openstackdocstheme does this now

Change-Id: If7918689c7101da044a38cbb66c6d9d09f8cc53f
2020-04-09 21:36:29 +02:00

7.0 KiB

Add DataFrame/DataPoint objects

CloudKitty has an inner data format called "DataFrame". It is used almost everywhere: The API returns dataframes, the storage driver expects to store dataframes, collected data is retrieved as a dataframe... But dataframes are always passed around as dicts, making their manipulation tedious. This is a proposal to add a DataFrame and DataPoint class definition, which would allow easier conversion/manipulation of dataframes.!/story/2005890

Problem Description

The "dataframe" format is specified in multiple places, but there is no true implementation of it: dicts respecting the format specifications are passed around instead. This can be error-prone: the integrity of these objects is not guaranteed (a function might modify them, even without intending to), and some specific details may vary from one part of the codebase to another (for example a float may be used instead of a decimal.Decimal).

Furthermore, the dataframe format is not exactly the same in the v1 and v2 storage interfaces. v1 has a single desc key containing every metadata attribute of a data point, whereas v2 provides two keys, metadata and groupby, depending on the type of the attribute. This leads to conversions between v1 and v2 format in several places in the code. Example taken from the CloudKittyFormatTransformer:

def format_item(self, groupby, metadata, unit, qty=1.0):
    data = {}
    data['groupby'] = groupby
    data['metadata'] = metadata
    # For backward compatibility.
    data['desc'] = data['groupby'].copy()
    data['vol'] = {'unit': unit, 'qty': qty}

    return data

Proposed Change

The proposed solution is to introduce two new classes: DataPoint and DataFrame.


DataPoint replaces a single data point represented by a dict with the following format:

    "vol": {
        "unit": "GiB",
        "qty": 1.2,
    "rating": {
        "price": 0.04,
    "groupby": {
        "group_one": "one",
        "group_two": "two",
    "metadata": {
        "attr_one": "one",
        "attr_two": "two",

The following attributes will be accessible in a DataPoint object:

  • qty: decimal.Decimal
  • price: decimal.Decimal
  • groupby: werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableMultiDict
  • metadata: werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableMultiDict
  • desc: werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableMultiDict


desc will be a combination of metadata and groupby

In order to ensure data consistency, the DataPoint object will inherit collections.namedtuple. The groupby and metadata attributes will be stored as werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableDict.

In addition to its base attributes, the DataPoint class will have a desc attribute (implemented as a property), which will return an ImmutableDict (a merge of metadata and groupby).

DataPoint instances will expose the following methods:

  • set_price: Set the price of the DataPoint. Returns a new instance.
  • as_dict: Returns an (optionally mutable) dict representation of the object. For convenience with API backward compatibility, it will be possible to obtain the result in legacy format (desc will replace metadata and groupby).
  • json: Returns a json representation of the object. For convenience with API backward compatibility, it will be possible to obtain the result in legacy format (desc will replace metadata and groupby).
  • from_dict: Creates a DataPoint from its dict representation.


DataFrame replaces a dataframe represented by a dict with the following format:

    "period": {
        "begin": datetime.datetime,
        "end": datetime.datetime,
    "usage": {
        "metric_one": [], # list of datapoints

A DataFrame is a wrapper around a collection of DataPoint objects. DataFrame instances will have two read-only attributes: start and end (stored as datetime.datetime objects).

DataFrame instances will expose the following methods:

  • as_dict: Returns an (optionally mutable) dict representation of the object. For convenience with API backward compatibility, it will be possible to obtain the result in legacy format.
  • json: Returns a json representation of the object. For convenience with API backward compatibility, it will be possible to obtain the result in legacy format.
  • from_dict: Creates a DataFrame from its dict representation.
  • add_points: Adds a list of DataPoint objects to a dataframe for a given metric.
  • iterpoints: Generator function iterating over all points in the DataFrame. Yields (metric_name, DataPoint) tuples.


Given that the from_dict method of both classes will mainly be used at the API level, voluptuous schemas matching the classes will be added and a schema validation will be executed on the argument from_dict is called with.


The code-base could be left as is, letting developers deal with the tedious dataframe manipulations.

Data model impact

Data structures manipulated internally get hardened.

REST API impact

None. However, this would ease a future endpoint allowing to push dataframes to cloudkitty.

Security impact


Notifications Impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

Instantiating DataPoints might be slightly slower than instantiating dicts. However, namedtuple is a high-performance container, and several dict formatting steps that are currently executed will be skipped if we use a namedtuple subclass, so there may be no overhead at all.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

Manipulating objects with a clear and strict interface should make developing with dataframes easier and way less error-prone.

No extra dependencies are required.



Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Create validation utils that will allow to check the datapoint/dataframe format.
  • Submit the new classes along with tests.




This will be tested with unit tests. A 100% test coverage is expected.

Documentation Impact


