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CloudKitty Concepts
This page provides the definitions for the concepts used in CloudKitty. It is recommended that you get familiar with them.
It is the process of assigning a value to the consumption of computing resources. CloudKitty uses the concepts of services, which are rated. Therefore, one can configure services to be collected/monitored, and then through its processes, we can assign monetary values to the service consumption.
The value assigned can be used to represent a monetary value in any currency. However, CloudKitty has no native module to execute conversions and apply any currency rate. The process to map/link a value to a real monetary charge is up to operators when configuring CloudKitty.
Modules define the rating processes that are enabled. To get to know more about the rating modules, one should check rating modules .
Services define the metrics that are collected in a storage backend,
and that are then rated by CloudKitty. Services need to be defined via
API to be processed later by the rating modules, and configured in the
collectors to be captured. Services are configured to be collected in
the metrics.yml
file. More information about service
creation can be found at the service configuration
Groups define sets of services that can be manipulated together. Groups are directly linked to rating rules, and not to services or fields. Therefore, if we want to group a set of rules to list them together or delete them, we can create a group and add them to the group, but in the end the resources are going to be charged based on the services, fields and rating rules.
Fields define the attributes that are retrieved together with the service collection that can be used to activate a rating rule.
It is an alternative method of writing rating rule. When writing a PyScript, one will be able to handle the complete processing of the rating. Therefore, there is no need to create services, fields, and groups in CloudKitty. The PyScript logic should take care of all that.
Rating rules
Rating rules are the expressions used to create a charge (assign a value to a computing resource consumption). Rating rules can be created with PyScripts or with the use of fields, services and groups with hashmap rating rules.
If we have a hashmap mapping configuration for a service and another hashmap map configuration for a field that belongs to the same service, the user is going to be charged twice, one for service and another for the field that activated a rating rule that is linked to the service.
Rating type
Rating type is the expression used to determine a service definition
in the collection backend. For instance, one can use the following
syntax in the metrics.yml
file. The entry
is the
definition for rating types. In the example shown here, there are two
rating types being defined, one called instance-usage-hours
and the other called instance-operating-system-license
. The
rating types are configured in CloudKitty API as services. If they are
not configured, they will not be rated by rating rules defined with
hashmap. Therefore, they would be collected, and persisted with value
(price) as zero.
- unit: instance
alt_name: instance-usage-hours
description: "compute"
- id
- display_name
- flavor_id
- flavor_name
- user_id
- project_id
- revision_start
- availability_zone
- image_ref
- flavor_vcpus
- flavor_ram
- operating_system_name
- operating_system_distro
- operating_system_type
- operating_system_version
- mssql_version
aggregation_method: max
resource_type: instance
use_all_resource_revisions: false
- unit: license-hours
alt_name: "instance-operating-system-license"
description: "license"
- id
- display_name
- flavor_id
- flavor_name
- user_id
- project_id
- revision_start
- availability_zone
- operating_system_distro
- operating_system_name
- image_ref
- flavor_vcpus
- flavor_ram
- operating_system_type
- operating_system_version
aggregation_method: max
resource_type: instance
use_all_resource_revisions: false