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Abstraction policy definitions in Horizon

Congress aims to provide an extensible open-source framework for governance and regulatory compliance across any cloud services. Users can define policies in congress by pure Datalog. But Datalog, working with data-tables, is a very difficult and complex description for policies. Users may have some problems to understand and deploy policies with Datalog. So this specification provides an abstraction for policies, and shows it in an abstraction form in Horizon, which will facilitate users to express their policies.

Problem description

Datalog is not intuitive to use, even difficult for users to express their policies who are not familiar with it. And it may cause some misinterpretation when translating real intent to Datalog because of the complex logic.

Proposed change

Congress makes the whole cloud compliant by defining violation state and action for violation.

Policies in Congress can be expressed by BNF as below.

Congress Policy ::= violation-condition, “do” action for violation

So, policy abstraction is to abstract violation state and corresponding action to make the policy more intuitive and easy to use.

By analyzing typical scenarios, violation mainly can be divided into two parts. One is the constraint of objects attributes, and another is the constraint of relationship between several objects attributes.

All the objects and constraints are not just a simple set of data source tables, but they can be divided into some categories according to their functions and relations. So users just need to choose objects they care about without worrying about which tables they are in.

The violation-condition can be expressed by BNF as below.

violation-condition ::=object attribute constraint (value | object-attribute)
object-attribute::=object “.” attribute

For any violation state, congress will take some actions, such as monitoring, proactive and reactive. Of course, there may be more than one action defined to a violation. Though monitoring violation is the fundamental function of congress, changing cloud state to make the cloud compliant is also an important function. So, policy abstraction will provide some optional reactive actions for different objects to resolve violations.

The action for violation state can be expressed by BNF as below.

action ::= (“monitoring”| “proactive”| “reactive action”) data

So policies in Congress can be abstracted into "name", "objects", "violation-condition", "action" and "data".

Among these, element “name” defines a marker of a policy, which is used to be a unique identification for a policy.

Element “objects” defines all objects which are concerned by this policy. They are not just simple display of data source tables, but a organized set which contains the relationship between different tables and objects, such as, "servers", "networks", "hosts", "subnets", etc. For example, table "statistics" will not appear as a object, but it will be a attribute of other objects, such as, "servers", "networks". Another example is users could choose "servers" and "networks" without caring about what put them together ("ports", actually).

Element “violation-condition” defines the state of objects' attributes which can produce violation, and the constraint will include comparison, arithmetic and some predefined relationship/functions, such as, "same_group".

Element “action” defines the action needs to take for this policy, and actions will include "proactive", "monitoring" and some specific actions, such as, "create", "pause". All these actions depend on the ability of underlying components.

Element “data” defines the information gotten or needed when executing the action, for example, when monitoring a servers violation, users can define "data" as servers' name to be a return parameters.

That is, Congress UI will provide many elements of policies as drop-down lists, and the combination of these elements will form various policies. All these elements are from the summary of typical scenarios and the ability of underlying components. Users need to choose which one can match their needs.

If there are some extensions of underlying component, attributes of any component, or packaging functions, users could add objects, attributes and define functions in advanced UI which show all detailed tables and attributes in the underlying components. All extensions defined in advanced UI will be available in abstraction UI,so users could customize their own policies by combining these two UIs.

When user submits what he choose, UI will translate the information in UI into Datalog.




There is one example to express typical policy by abstraction form in Horizon.

Example: every network connected to a VM must either be public or owned by someone in the same group as the VM.

For this example, users care about "servers" and "networks", so users will choose these two objects from a drop-down list. After users decide the objects,users could make use of these attributes to define violation state. In this example, violation-condition is that servers tenant's group is not same with networks tenant's group. So users could choose these two attributes and set their relation is "not equal". All the choices will be show as drop-down lists, too.

And users need to choose the action and data to define which actions should be applied to this violation. For example, users choose "monitoring", attributes of servers and networks will appear in "data".

In this policy, users can create a policy as below.






policy_1 servers networks not equal(networks.share, public) not equal(, monitoring

If user have defined a packaging function for same_group, it will be added into violation-condition, so user could choose this function and set which two attributes are the parameters of this function.

If use take use of this way, above policy will be showed as below.






policy_1 servers networks not equal(networks.share, public) not same_group(servers.tenant, networks.tenant) monitoring

Policy Actions

The action can be monitoring, proactive or some execute actions which can make the cloud compliant.

Data Source


Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact

All parameters inputted by users need satisfy predefined standard, for example, if values inputted in "violation-condition" in reasonable range (e.g. 0-100% for CPU utilization).

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

End users can be able to write policies in Horizon and use some drop-down lists and some simple inputs to create a policy. Then Horizon will translate the information in UI into Datalog, which will be processed in Congress.

Performance impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Yali Zhang

Other contributors:

Jim Xu; Yinben Xia

Work items

  • Abstraction form to write policies rules and actions for policies.
  • Build mapping relationship between abstraction form and Datalog, so users can write a policy in UI other than Datalog.
  • Pass information from Horizon to Congress to finish the policy creation.




Need to be tested with a variety of scenarios.

Documentation impact

Add instructions for policy abstraction in UI.
