Merge "Generate PDF documentation"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2019-09-12 19:52:06 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 8d0a830165
2 changed files with 26 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -102,14 +102,27 @@ htmlhelp_basename = '%sdoc' % project
html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
# Disable usage of xindy
latex_use_xindy = False
latex_domain_indices = False
latex_elements = {
'makeindex': '',
'printindex': '',
'preamble': r'\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}',
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass
# [howto/manual]).
# NOTE: Specify toctree_only=True for a better document structure of
# the generated PDF file.
latex_documents = [
'%s.tex' % project,
u'%s Documentation' % project,
u'OpenStack Foundation', 'manual'),
'doc-%s.tex' % project,
u'Congress Documentation',
u'OpenStack Foundation', 'manual', True),
# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.

View File

@ -83,6 +83,16 @@ deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands = rm -rf doc/build doc/source/api
sphinx-build -W -b html doc/source doc/build/html
basepython = python3
envdir = {toxworkdir}/docs
deps = {[testenv:docs]deps}
whitelist_externals =
commands =
sphinx-build -W -b latex doc/source doc/build/pdf
make -C doc/build/pdf
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt