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Account Setup
.. _foundation account:
Setup Your OpenStack Foundation Account
An OpenStack Foundation account allows you to:
* Vote in elections.
* Run for elected positions in the OpenStack project.
* Submit presentations to OpenStack conferences.
Sign Up
.. note::
Make sure to use the same email address you'll want to use for code
contributions since it's important later that these match up.
#. Go to the `OpenStack Foundation sign up page
#. Under individual members, click the **Foundation Member** button.
.. image:: /_assets/account-setup/2.png
#. Read through the presented individual member terms of service and our
`Community Code of Conduct
#. Fill in your name, e-mail address, and gender. Use the same e-mail address
at every step of the registration procedure. This address will also be used
as your login. Your gender information is available via public API.
#. Add your affiliation information and statement of interest. This will be
visible only to foundation members.
#. Fill in your home address. This will be only visible to foundation members.
#. Fill in your password and check the box next to 'I'm not a robot'.
#. Submit your application.
Setup Your Task Tracker Account
.. note::
The OpenStack community is currently in the process of moving from the bug
tracking software Launchpad to StoryBoard. Further in the project specific
on-boarding documentation, give special attention if the project is using
Launchpad or StoryBoard.
A Task Tracker account allows you to:
* Report bugs
* Create stories for new features (Process varies per project)
* Track progress on bugs and new features
What is StoryBoard?
`StoryBoard <>`_ is bug tracking software the
OpenStack community is `developing
<>`_, and in the progress of
`migrating towards
Some `projects are already using it
Sign Up
#. Go to the ` <>`_.
#. On the top right corner, click the **login** button.
#. If you already have an Ubuntu One Account, you can just login.
#. If you don't have a Ubuntu One Account, click the **I am a new Ubuntu One
#. Fill in your email address, name, password, and accepting the terms of
.. image:: /_assets/account-setup/1.png
What is Launchpad?
`Launchpad <>`_ is the legacy way the OpenStack
community does bug tracking since we started `moving towards StoryBoard
Sign Up
You're already signed up. Launchpad uses your Ubuntu One account for
authentication like StoryBoard.