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# Testing the Cookbook #
This cookbook uses [bundler]( and [berkshelf]( to isolate dependencies.
To setup the dependencies:
$ bundle install --path=.bundle # install gem dependencies
$ bundle exec berks vendor .cookbooks # install cookbook dependencies and create the folder .cookbooks
To run the tests:
$ export COOKBOOK='openstack-block-storage'
$ bundle exec foodcritic -f any -t ~FC003 -t ~FC023 .cookbooks/$COOKBOOK
$ bundle exec rubocop .cookbooks/$COOKBOOK
$ bundle exec rspec --format documentation .cookbooks/$COOKBOOK/spec
## Rubocop ##
[Rubocop]( is a static Ruby code analyzer, based on the community [Ruby style guide]( We are attempting to adhere to this where applicable, slowly cleaning up the cookbooks until we can turn on Rubocop for gating the commits.
## Foodcritic ##
[Foodcritic]( is a lint tool for Chef cookbooks. We ignore the following rules:
* [FC003]( These cookbooks are not intended for Chef Solo.
* [FC023]( Prefer conditional attributes.
## Chefspec
[ChefSpec]( is a unit testing framework for testing Chef cookbooks. ChefSpec makes it easy to write examples and get fast feedback on cookbook changes without the need for virtual machines or cloud servers.