Cleaned up all the minor rubocop issues, the ones left relate to complex logic and what I think is a bug in rubocop for nested vs compact modules/class definitions. Change-Id: I6097cd1032a5b2305d9a6ca8cb2e2b19f6a57a1e
21 lines
936 B
21 lines
936 B
name 'openstack-image'
maintainer 'openstack-chef'
maintainer_email 'opscode-chef-openstack@googlegroups.com'
license 'Apache 2.0'
description 'Installs and configures the Glance Image Registry and Delivery Service'
long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md'))
version '11.0.0'
recipe 'openstack-image::api', 'Installs packages required for a glance api server'
recipe 'openstack-image::client', 'Install packages required for glance client'
recipe 'openstack-image::registry', 'Installs packages required for a glance registry server'
recipe 'openstack-image::identity_registration', 'Registers Glance endpoints and service with Keystone'
recipe 'openstack-image::image_upload', 'Upload image using glance image-create command'
%w(ubuntu fedora redhat centos suse).each do |os|
supports os
depends 'openstack-common', '>= 11.0.0'
depends 'openstack-identity', '>= 11.0.0'
depends 'ceph', '~> 0.8.0'