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Add disable/enable device API

Nowadays, Cyborg discover the device on compute node by each driver. All devices matching the spec of driver are discovered and reported to the Placement service as an accelerator resources. This spec proposes a set of new APIs which allow admin users to disable/enable a device.

Problem description

Cyborg maintains a configuration files to configure the enabled drivers. Once the driver is enabled, the driver will discover all devices whose vendor ID, device ID match the driver's requirement. If admin user do not want all devices to be used by virtual machine, there is no way to disable a device currently.

Use Cases

  • Alice is an admin user, she wants some FPGAs to be reserved for its own use and not allow them to be allocated to a VM at the time. For example, she wants to program the FPGA device and use it as the OVS agent running on the host.

Proposed change

  • Since the API layer is modified, a new microversion should be introduced.
  • It also need a new field in Device object and data model to indicate the status of a device. If one device is disabled, the status should be set to "maintaining", and if the device is enabled, the status should be set to "enabled". The default value should be "enabled".
  • Cyborg need call Placement API to update the "reserved" field for the device.



Data model impact

A new column device_status should be added in Device's data model.

REST API impact

A microversion need to be introduced since the Device API changed.

List Device API

  • Return a device list URL: /devices METHOD: GET Return: 200
            "uuid": "359c0990-0258-44fd-8b05-fc510ac3d022",
            "type": "FPGA",
            "vendor": "0xABCD",
            "model": "miss model info",
            "std_board_info": "{'device_id': '0xabcd', 'class': 'Fake class'}",
            "vendor_board_info": "fake_vendor_info",
            "hostname": "computenode",
            "device_status": "Enabled"
            "created_at": "2020-03-13T02:26:31+00:00",
            "updated_at": null,
                    "href": "http://localhost/accelerator/v2/devices/359c0990-0258-44fd-8b05-fc510ac3d022",
                    "rel": "self"

Get Device API

  • Get a device by uuid and return the details URL: /devices/{uuid} METHOD: GET Return: 200
    "uuid": "29e23349-12ee-4978-963c-11484a4ae601",
    "parent_id": null,
    "root_id": null,
    "name": "computenode_FakeDevice",
    "num_accelerators": 16,
    "device_id": 1,
    "attributes_list": "[{'traits1': 'CUSTOM_FAKE_DEVICE'}, {'rc': 'FPGA'}]",
    "rp_uuid": "853f07a6-19de-3dd6-b9f6-6c782daa3f7b",
    "driver_name": "fake",
    "device_status": "Enabled"
    "bitstream_id": null,
    "created_at": "2020-03-13T02:27:35+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-03-13T02:27:36+00:00",
          "href": "http://localhost/accelerator/v2/deployables/29e23349-12ee-4978-963c-11484a4ae601",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "http://localhost/accelerator/deployables/29e23349-12ee-4978-963c-11484a4ae601",
          "rel": "bookmark"

Disable Device API

  • Disable a device URL: /devices/disable/{device_uuid} METHOD: POST Return: 200 Error Code: 404(the device is not found),403(the role is not admin)

Enable Device API

  • Enable a device URL: /devices/enable/{device_uuid} METHOD: POST Return: 200 Error Code: 404(the device is not found),403(the role is not admin)

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

The deployer need update Cyborg to the microversion which supports disable/enable API. Otherwise the disable/enable API will be rejected.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Xinran Wang(

Work Items

  • Add new column device_status for device table.
  • Add disable/enable API in DeviceController.
  • Update the RP reserved field according to the operation. For disable oparation, the reserved field need be set by the same value as the total field, and for enable operation, the reserved field will be set to zero.
  • Update GET/LIST device API with device_status field added in returned value.
  • Add disable/enable operation in cyborgclient.
  • Add unit tests.




Need add unit test, and tempest test if needed.

Documentation Impact

Need add related docs.




Optional section intended to be used each time the spec is updated to describe new design, API or any database schema updated. Useful to let reader understand what's happened along the time.

Release Name Description
Xena Introduced